Monday, December 30, 2019

Treaty of Versailles and its Impact on Nazi Ideology - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1120 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/08/16 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Treaty of Versailles Essay Did you like this example? World War One was the most gruesome war of its time until World War Two. It set the stage for what a modern war would be like in the early 1900s, not only this but, it also set the stage for how all future wars would be fought in the 20th century. Through this though, we learned how not to treat the losers of a war since some historians believe that ultimately the Treaty of Versailles caused the rise of Nazi ideology and Fascism in the 20th century. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Treaty of Versailles and its Impact on Nazi Ideology" essay for you Create order In this essay, I intend to explain to you how The Treaty of Versailles ultimately caused World War Two because of the clauses that limited the German economy and land space which allowed for the rise of the Nazi party. Now as for the Treatys immediate impact on the Germans the primary issue was border changes. Many people were displaced and became different countries citizens all the sudden because of these changes. One of the bigger border changes is that loss of Alsace-Lorraine which is a resource-rich land area near the German-France border. (77) This change is area angered the Germans as they felt that the had rightly earned the territory after the Franco-Prussian war and many German people had moved over to this new territory. Therefore this change displaced many German citizens and made them French Citizens overnight. This displacement upset the displaced people as the French government was not keen on letting those ex-germans full French citizenship. Not only did Germany lose Alsace-Lorraine but they also lost the Rhine lands to France. The Rhineland prevented France from being an immediate threat to Germany and vice-versa. This change in land borders caused a change in power that made it so that Germany wasnt a dominant power in central Europe anymore. In addition to these land losses the Germans also lost control of the Saar Bassin which France had wanted. France specifically getting this written in by adding As compensation for the destruction of the coal-mines in the north of France and as part payment towards the total reparation due from Germany for the damage resulting from the war(Treaty of Versailles 23). This allowed France to take a major economic power from Germany as well as this was one of the main coal mines used by the Germans. Additionally, another major impact on Germany due to the Treaty was the fact that they werent able to join the League of Nations. The League of Nations would have allowed the Germans more negotiating power after the treaty was signed and may have let them loosen other restrictions placed on them, however, because they were not let into the League of Nations they had no chance of being able to negotiate for fewer restrictions. As well as not being able to join the League of Nations Germany was also required to pay back a sum of around 33 Billion dollars in reparations (Williams 483). This sum of money ultimately was the crux of Germanys fate. As the document originally did not specify what the amount had to be. Rather the treaty only said that the Germans were required to pay back all damage done to the civilian population of the Allies and to their property by the aggression of Germany by land, by sea, and from the air(Treaty of Versailles 92). When this was handed down to Germany by the Allies, Germany was consigned to having an unreasonable amount of debt put onto their agenda that they would never have been able to pay back. It should also be noted that the reason the amount of debt was so high is that as Keynes would put it Few sentences in History have given so much work to the sophists and the lawyers (Keynes 115). The reason Keynes words this in the way he does is that the nature of Article 232 is that every country who has been impacted by the Germans got to determine what they were owed by the Germans instead of an impartial third party. Therefore those who wanted to see the Germans and Germany itself crushed underfoot for good were the ones determining who got to decide how much the felt they were owed. One such instance that is referenced Keynes book is that France wanted to include in their share of reparations compensation for anything stolen by the enemy governments(117). Now the issue arises of how much could really be solely set on Germany and not their allies. As Germany was not an independent army in the belligerence of the war it wouldnt be fair for them to Assume all the debt. Austria-Hungry, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire all had, at least in some small part, their fair share in the destruction of the Allies territory. Most would agree that Austria-Hungry and Bulgaria did not have much left nor did the Ottoman Empire however it would be unfair to put all the blame on Germany. Never the less all the blame was put onto her and therefore she was forced to pay back all the preparations that were asked for on her own. This blame ultimately drove the German economy into the ground as the repayment plan was aggressively written. The Germans were initially expected to pay 20,000,000,000 Marks gold bearer bonds, payable not later than May 1, 1921(Treaty of Versailles 103). Twenty billion marks roughly convert to about five billion USD. The issue is that this was only 15% of what was asked of Germany and the rest was due with 5% interest on the bonds that were to be set out. This was handed to a country with a mediocre economy, to begin with and not only that but their military spending was cut down to 6 battleships of the Deutschland or Lothringen type, 6 light cruisers, 12 destroyers, and 12 torpedo boats(Treaty of Versailles 82). For those who studied how the United States came out of the Great Depression, you will understand that limiting military spending ultimately is what will, and did, cause the downfall of the German Economy. Due to them not being able to continue producing materials for the c ause of a war the German economy would come to a halt as the entire economy had been geared towards the war effort. Without the war industrial production fell and Germany also would not be able to export any war goods. Along with a drop in the number of vehicles that were allowed the number of troops that Germany was allowed to have at any given time was reduced. It was set to around 100,000 by the Treaty in Article 160. This, in theory, would allow the Germans to pay back their reparations(Mantoux 123). However due to the fact that money rotates through a system the depletion of the German army

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Analysis Of Toni Morrison s Song Of Solomon - 1271 Words

Emely Gonzalez Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison AP Literature - Period 3 Topic #3 Gonzalez- Page 1 3. Excluding Milkman, discuss the various attitudes on race from the perspectives of three other male characters in the novel. Americans have become accustomed to the repercussions of racism. It has diffused into areas that seemed unreachable; it has become institutionalized. Our predecessors lived the severity, and while we are residing in the realm of institutionalized racism, our grandchildren will also dwell within the waves of bigotry. The end of racism seems infeasible because we have existed in an America of hate for too long. Most people accept that they will encounter episodes of discrimination because of the color†¦show more content†¦In other words, seeing an African American become blinded by the sight of wealth is a disgrace. Was Macon doing this strictly for business or because of race? When it came to business affiliations, Macon was bound and determined. On the other hand, he belittled his own race, primarily towards those who were poor. His superiority was i ntended to separate him from the repercussions of racism. In a sense, Macon Dead admired the way people perceived him; it fueled his esteem. On Sundays, he would cruise his Packard down Not Doctor’s Street, a poor neighborhood, flashing his affluence in the face of poverty. He rarely engaged in diverting activities, in which a car permits possible. â€Å"The Packard had no real lived life at all. So, they called it Macon Dead’s Hearse† (Morrison 33). The dullness of the Packard corresponds to the dead spirit of Macon; it symbolizes his callous nature. Some people practice discriminate acts or think racist thoughts to prove a point. It may not be the moral approach, but the motive is clear. Guitar Bains, Milkman’s (the protagonist) best friend, possesses a deep resentment towards white people. This animosity developed from the prior actions of racist whites, depriving out of the age of slavery. Guitar aspires to link with The Seven Days, an African American assemblage aiming to kill white murderers who have taken the lives of other African Americans. â€Å"It’s necessary; it’sShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Song Of Solomon977 Words   |  4 PagesThe Asymmetrical Dead When Milkman, the central figure of Toni Morrison’s novel Song of Solomon, fantasizes about finding his fortune, he thinks only of spending money, gambling, and endless women to lie with and leave. Even with the prospects of freedom, power and fame, for what else can vast wealth truly purchase, he is unable to conceive of a future for himself. He imagines only an endlessly comfortable, banal present. It’s hard to fault him for this shortcoming. No one in Milkman’s world hasRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Song Of Solomon1374 Words   |  6 Pagesalso play a major role in a person’s character development. Influences also can affect temperament, personality, disposition, motivation, and initial perspectives and reactions. This sagaciousness was thoroughly expressed in the novel Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison. This novel delved extensively into the coming of age of main character Macon â€Å"Milkman† Dead. The nickname milkman was derived from an uncomfortable and rather odd situation. As being breastfed by his mother Ruth, way past the age ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Song Of Solomon1412 Words   |  6 PagesIn Toni Morrison’s award-winning novel â€Å"Song of Solomon,† she fills the novel with deep symbolism. Macon Dead III, nicknamed â€Å"Milkman,† is a symbolic character throughout the novel. Not only is he as a character symbolic, but his name is as well. Milkman’s aunt, Pilate, has a significant and symbolic role in the novel. To her father, she represents the child who killed her own mother and took away his wife. In the Bible, PontiusRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Song Of Solomon 1213 Words   |  5 PagesVictoria Sirianni Ms. Thompson AP ELA 4 21 July 2015 Song of Solomon Producing the plot with a vivid image and motive allowed Toni Morrison to incorporate numerous literary works to enhance the allusions in the story. These specific allusions gave readers a more accurate understanding of certain aspects of the book. As well as this, readers are capable of searching beyond just the surface of what the words say. The common useRead MoreEssay on Themes in Song Of Solomon2113 Words   |  9 PagesToni Morrison is one of the most talented and successful African-American authors of our time. Famous for works such as The Bluest Eye, Sula, and Beloved, Morrison has cultivated large audiences of all ethnicities and social classes with her creative style of writing. It is not Morrison’s talent of creating new stories that attracts her fans. In contrast, it is her talent of revising and modernizing traditional Biblical and mythological stories that have been present in literature for centuries.Read MoreBiblical Names In Toni Morrisons Song Of Solom on1574 Words   |  7 Pagesnames in the world, and they are all biblical names. Names from the Bible are also found in many works of literature, like Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon, a coming of age story about a young man during the mid twentieth century. The reader is introduced to multiple characters with biblical names, which correspond to the characters’ personalities. In the book Song of Solomon, the characters take on the role of their biblical names. Reba, Milkman’s mother, can most closely be associated with RebeccaRead MoreAnalysis Of The Bluest Eye1555 Words   |  7 Pagesbe a victim of sexual assault but also, the punishment of the offender. Toni Morrison, The author of The Bluest Eye, a victim of segregation, deals with sexual assault and segregation in her book. Chole Anthony Wofford, who goes by the name of Toni Morrison when writing her books, was born in Lorain, Ohio on February 18, 1931. Her father had several jobs to support their family, while her mother worked as a domestic worker. Toni lived in an integrated neighborhood. However, she did not become awareRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of Recitatif1135 Words   |  5 PagesLiterary Analysis Paper: â€Å"Recitatif† by Toni Morrison Many authors write fictional novels about historical events. A common topic written about is the racial integration between African Americans and whites during the 1950’s. Although the short story â€Å"Recitatif† explicate many different themes, the central topic of Morrison’s writing is about racism. Throughout the story, the author expresses examples of hatred between black and white races at the shelter, the different encounters they have, andRead More A Comparison of Christian Symbols in Song of Solomon, Sula, and Beloved2397 Words   |  10 PagesAlthough religion does not exist as a central theme in Toni Morrison’s work, it does set premise for a richly intertwined web of symbolism. Morrison’s novels focus on the lives of characters acting in the present day or recent past. For African Americans, events of the past are a crucial facet of culture as they seek to remember their history, the most influential of these events reaching far back in to the years of slavery. Historians argue that for incoming slaves, Christianity offered a religiousRead MoreBlack Naturalism and Toni Morrison: the Journey Away from Self-Love in the Bluest Eye8144 Words   |  33 Pagespostmodernism with its emphasis on race, class and gender, but the theory of naturalism as well: the idea that one s social and physical environments can drastically affect one s nature and potential for surviving and succeeding in this world. In this article, I will explore Toni Morrison s The Bluest Eye from a naturalistic perspective; however, while doing so I will propose that because Morrison s novels are distinctly black and examine distinctly black issues, we must expand or deconstruct the traditional

Friday, December 13, 2019

The New Negro by Alain Locke Free Essays

The essay The New Negro by Alain Locke’s defines what Locke believes to be the â€Å"Old Negro and the â€Å"New Negro. This paper will compare and contrasts Marcus Garvey The Future as I See it and Langston Hughes various poems on why Locke would have characterized them as either Old Negroes, New Negroes, or both. I believe Locke, Garvey , Hughes were determined to see Blacks succeed. We will write a custom essay sample on The New Negro by Alain Locke or any similar topic only for you Order Now Each writer expresses their idea in their own unique way, but they all wanted freedom, equality, and respect. For example, Locke would characterize Garvey as the Old and New Negro. For instance, Garvey writes that it’s time for each person to decide on how they will discover freedom. Garvey writes â€Å"The hour has now struck for the individual Negro as well as the entire race to decide the course that will be pursued in the interest of our own liberty†. (p. 1000) Garvey was writing his views on the future as he saw it. He wanted blacks to know now it’s your time to decide which path you want to take and you have the freedom to do so. Also, Locke writes â€Å"The Negro today is inevitably moving forward under the control largely of his own objectives†. (p. 89) Blacks are achieving their goals because ‘ is something they desired on their own. Also, Garvey informs the Negro that their will be people who will try to discourage you from reaching the freedom you so desperately want. Garvey writes, â€Å" Some trying to capitalize the new spirit that has come to the Negro to make profit out of it to their own selfish benefit; some are trying to set back the Negro from seeing the hope of own liberty†¦ â€Å"(p. 1001). In spite of, what the white men might think or feel on how far Negros will get in life, we must not listen and believe what they feel. Garvey writes â€Å"white men may laugh at the idea of Negroes talking about government; but let me tell you there is going to be a government†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p. 1002) Garvey writes to the New Negroes that we can’t let anyone plant a seed in our minds and our spirit that we can not achieve the same goals that the white man wants. This is a new day for us and we are going to embrace this new beginning and let no one stop us for achieving our goals. In addition, Garvey writes to the New Negroes about the vision he sees for them. He reminds them that God created them and because of this you are special and do not allow anyone to tell you differently. Garvey writes, â€Å"Remember that you are men, that God created you Lords of this creation. Nonetheless, Garvey’s vision for Negroes was that we can do anything that we set our minds to regardless of the circumstances that we could face. Garvey writes, â€Å" Let no man pull you down, let no man destroy your ambition, because man is but your companion, your equal; man is your brother; he is not your lord; he is not your sovereign master†. p. 1003) Garvey’s vision to the Negroes was that man is not the one you live for, God is the one who will be their with you to the end and he will never leave you. Also, Locke would characterize Hughes poems as New and Old Negroes. First, in Hughes’s poem Mother to Son; a mother is telling her son that her journey through life has not been easy, but she will not give up. Hughes writes â€Å" Life f or me ain’t been no crystal stair. † (p. 1292) This mother is telling her son her life has not been easy but she is still standing. The mother wanted her son to know no matter how hard times may become don’t you give up. Hughes writes â€Å"So boy, don’t you turn back. † Locke and Hughes both were sending the same message; they both were determined to see blacks succeed. Next, Hughes poem I Too relates to a young black man who believes that he is beautiful and one day everybody will notice this. â€Å"They send me to eat in the kitchen When company comes, But I laugh, And eat well, And grow strong. † (p. 295) The young man will go quietly and he will dream about the day when he will be able to sit at the table with everybody and they will notice he is a beautiful person. Hughes writes â€Å"Tomorrow, I’ll be at the table When company comes. Nobody†ll dare Say to me, â€Å"Eat in the kitchen,† Also, in the Theme for English B by Hughes I believe Locke would have characterized this to the New Negro. It was about a young color-man who was only colored student in his E nglish class. His instructor asked the class go home and write something that is true and it will let you know who you really are. The young color boy wanted his instructor to know that even though they both might not want to be part of each other world, they both could learn from each other. I believe Locke, Garvey, and Hughes all shared similar values and views about the New Negro and Old Negro. All of them told their stories in different ways, but they all told their in own unique way. Finally, all three authors wanted to express how they believed that we can reach our goals regardless of any obstacles that may stand in our way. Sharise Williams Literature-125 Professor Crowe. How to cite The New Negro by Alain Locke, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Coffee Vendor in the IT

Question: Consider the test scenarios for a coffee vending machine and identify the business and IT goals from this scenario and model the scenario into three stages using Visio. Answer: The IT and business goals in installing a coffee vendor in the IT office Coffee is the beverage which not only makes the people active but also freshens up their mood (Hung, 2012). Nowadays almost every organization has a coffee vending machine to keep their employees charged up for the work. Following reasons are enlisted as why an organization requires a coffee vending machine to. During the hectic schedule of an employee, working 8 hours a day might bring down his productivity level in 3 to 4 hours therefore he need some break to freshen up his mind (Kang et al, 2012), the best way is through the a cup of coffee which will not only freshen up his mind but also helps him to think on some new ideas. Taking a coffee break provide the opportunity to the employees to interact with each other (Jaramillo Amft, 2013). Therefore if there is employees interaction in the office it will spread a positive environment in the work place. There are various employees who feel sleepy and lazy during the afternoon time of the office a cup of coffee can reduce the sleep deprives stress and energizes them to do the work. Thus there are various benefits of having coffee machine in the company Model of the scenario Figure 1: The coffee vending machine created by the author Analysis of the model The designed model firstly has the coin entrance in which the coin which has the option of the 25/50 /100 cents or a dollar which is connected to the coin return, if the person want his money to be returned then the condition will be true and he will get back his money (Mesas Morales, 2014). The money return will further is connected to check whether note is counterfeit or not and the respective action will take if the person does not want his money to be returned and the money is also not a counterfeit then the option goes to his respective choice whether he like 25/50/100 cents coffee. If the amount entered is higher than the chosen option than the extra money will be returned back to the user through the coin return and the coffee will be served to the user. The machine will also calculate the amount collected in the machine and requested in the question it has Dispense button Coin return button, Dispenser, Coin return dispenser ,Coin slot ,Bill slot , Message display and the Cok e banner. References Hung, L. M. (2012). A study of consuming behaviors of budget coffee.Business and Management Research,1(1), 48. Jaramillo, P., Amft, O. (2013, March). Improving energy efficiency through activity-aware control of office appliances using proximity sensing-a real-life study. InPervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PERCOM Workshops), 2013 IEEE International Conference on(pp. 664-669). IEEE. Kang, J., Tang, L., Lee, J. Y., Bosselman, R. H. (2012). Understanding customer behavior in name-brand Korean coffee shops: The role of self-congruity and functional congruity.International Journal of Hospitality Management,31(3), 809-818. Mesas, M., Morales, F. J. (2014). Reliable estimation of dietary exposure to furan from coffee: An automatic vending machine as a case study.Food research international,61, 257-263.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

About Ferdinand Magellan essays

About Ferdinand Magellan essays Ferdinand Magellen was a great explorer from the 1500's. He was born in Portugal in 1480 and when he was young, he learned cartography (map-making), astronomy and navigation in Lisbon.He served with the Portugese fleet in the far east. He had a disagreement with the portugese King as to whether the Phillipine Islands belonged to Portugal or Spain. In 1517, he left Portugal and offered his services to the Spannish King and Queen. It was the doubt as to which country owned the Spice islands according to the treaty of Tordesillas. This was the main reason for Magellens voyage in 1519. He left Spain that year with five ships and a crew of 265 men. His own ship, "The Trinidad" (the flagship), "The Santiego", "The Victoria" "The Concepcion" and "The San Antonia." In 1520, they reached Argentina and magellen decided to spend some time there. He then learned that his crew were planning to put him to death in treason, so he acted quickly and hung the ringleader. In October 1520, he reached Cape Horn and sailed into the straits which now bear his name. In March 1521, they reached the Phillipines and stopped at Mactan island. The King of Mactan asked for Magellens help to fight in a local tribal war. Magellen was struck in the face with a spear and died. The ships navigator, Sabastion Del Cano loaded "The Victoria" with spices and sailed back to Spain in September 1522. Even though Magellen did not return home, he must be given the credit for this great voyage. ...

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Analytical Essay Sample on “The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka

Analytical Essay Sample on â€Å"The Metamorphosis† by Franz Kafka In the Franz Kafka’s â€Å"The Metamorphosis† Gregor the main character goes through a series of mental changes, that symbolize how alienated he becomes from the humans of the modern world. Through the metamorphosis Gregor becomes more aware of what he wants and what he needs instead of what he needs to do for other.The metamorphosis also symbolizes the mental change Gregor goes through, as by not acting as much as a human than what he did before. Gregor’s radical change of mind is boosted by the events that take place about all the lies that he was told about his family’s financial problems. Thus causing a loss of caring for his family and a feeling of individuality. Which all start to alienate him from his family and the rest of human society.Through the metamorphosis Gregor becomes more aware of what he needs and not what others need him to do. Throughout most of the story Gregor lives a life of serving and not receiving anything for his troubles. A lif e of servitude caused by his family who becomes in debt because of bad economic decisions. Gregor is asked to help but he feels that it is his responsibility to pay the debt his family has and his father decide to take advantage of this. Gregor hated his job, â€Å"Oh God, he thought, what a grueling job I’ve picked. Day in day out on the road. The torture of traveling worrying about changing trains and eating miserable food (1157)†. But because of the responsibility he felt towards his family he would endure it. He realized how he was treated â€Å" he was a tool of his boss without brain or a backbone (1161) † and yet said nothing and just would take it as if he where actually an insect working for the queen with out saying anything. He could see and knew that he could leave his job and that his family and his boss poorly treated him. While working he would see other salesmen and see how easy their jobs where compared to his. Slowly but surely Gregor becomes aware on how he not cared for or not taken into consideration what he needs more than others.Gregors metamorphosis symbolizes how he becomes less human day after day, ignoring his needs to becoming a person who simply does not care anymore. In the beginning of the story Gregor wakes in the morning complaining to himself that he needs more sleep. â€Å" This getting up so early thought makes anyone a complete idiot (1157)†. Through this quote Gregor demonstrates how uneasy he is with his daily routine.As well as how he wants it all to change but yet does nothing about it. He compares himself with other salesmen who a just starting to have their breakfast, when he is returning to do a check in. Gregor sees how well of he could be but ignores his feeling to appease with his family. Gregor begins to speak to himself about leaving and doing what he wants but just ignores the feeling and the desire to do off with the job that he hates so much.  "Well I havent given up hope completely, once I’ve gotten the money to pay of f my parents debt to him, that will probably take another five or six years. (1157)†. Through this quote Gregor talks about leaving the job and doing off with his mean boss. He knows that his job is doing him bad and needs to get another, but feels the need to help his family more than help himself. Towards the end of the novella Gregor begins to ignore his needs and go on with life till he sort of has a mental breakdown, in which he believes that he is a bug. And he begins to act like one. Gregor goes through the change of caring about things to not caring what he needs. This changes him drastically. Gregor metamorphosis symbolizes another change in which he becomes more distant from his family through discovering all the lies that his family had told him about not having any money. The reason he worked so hard and it was all for a lie, when his family did have money all saved up, just that t hey wanted more. He becomes les human like and decides to keep to himself because he is probably really hurt. The change the change that he goes threw in the metamorphosis change is mainly shown when he becomes less human and dependent on his family instead of his family being dependent of him. In the beginning he is the one that is supporting the family and works hard everyday to provide, but towards he end he goes threw a mental imbalance that make him incapable of working forcing that family to start caring and working for themselves. Gregor is less human like because he becomes unable to help himself making him depart farther and farther away from the human society. â€Å"The rotten apple in his back and the inflamed area around it, which where completely covered with fluffy dust, already hardly bothered him† (1188). Through this quote we see that the longer he begins to think that he is a bug the less he is caring about his well being. It no longer bothers him that he is dirty and that it begins to seem normal to him. This shows how farther away he is drifting from the human society, because like a normal human he would not like to be dirty if he knew that he could do something about it. He no longer sees what he needs or wants, as well as what is good for him. He just exists in his own mind as a bug that is just there.Gregors distancing from his family made him a bit less human since he did not want to interact with them.In conclusion from the beginning of the book towards the ends Gregors metamorphosis has been a symbol of how Gregor has become distant from the human society and how he has become less human himself. Like in the begging of the book he was a person concerned with the welfare of others and worked hard to help them. But towards the end he became a bit retarded by believing that he was a bug and started to accept his surrounding and start acting like one. He became less concerned with his well being and that of those around him, but j ust did not care any more, just wanted to do nothing. He was not concerned with what he could do to help himself but just be there. The more Gregor went through his metamorphosis the less human like he became. Thus separating him from the rest of the human society and, causing him no to want to interact with his family as well as anyone else that he came in contact with, which caused his ultimate demise.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tracey Emin Something Wrong Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Tracey Emin Something Wrong - Essay Example 6). However, emergence of modernism in the Western social and intellectual discourse has contributed to a great extent in immense popularization of this art form and currently it is considered as â€Å"the most universal of all the arts† (Newark, 2002, p. 6). Freedom of expression and reflection of spontaneous human emotions are important traits of modernist consciousness. One of the important reasons for wide acceptance of graphic design is that it encompasses both these aspects and an artistic mind receives a great deal of liberty to express his/her reflection about the society or events happening around through symbolic yet explicit use of imageries. William Addison Dwiggins, considered as the father of modern graphic design, has clearly pronounced his observation regarding application of this art form as, â€Å"The printing designer’s whole duty is to make a clear presentation of the message – to get the important statements forward and the minor parts place d so that they will not be overlooked† (Dwiggins; Newark, 2002, p. 10). Such observation clearly suggests that graphic design not only emphasizes over certain important aspects that the artist whishes to focus; rather it elaborates an entirety of observation of the human existence in the modern situation, where every single emotional expression receives equally important treatment from the respective artist. The cosmopolitan social existence of the modern era is a very vital factor, which has provided an extra boost to wide acceptance of graphic design. In addition to this factor, evolution of feminism and Women’s Art Movement during the 70s helped in providing a new dimension to the entire scenario of artistry (Pollock and Sauron, 2007, p. 215). Though constitutionally the Western nations were emphasizing over the aspect of freedom of speech and expression but compared to men, their female counterparts were

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Victims of Organizational Crimes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Victims of Organizational Crimes - Essay Example Organizational crime; on the other hand, can have more of an impact than violent crimes. (Weisburd, 2001)The victim of a violent crime can recuperate, where as the victim of organizational crime can have immeasurable impact that can destroy one's home, family, and even life. The genuine problem behind organizational crime is not defining organizational crime, but developing the suitable means to correct this type of crime. The recognition of organizational crime was meant to provide substantive assistance to the understanding of crime, criminality, criminal justice system and the victim. Even more recent perspectives which recognize that organizational crime offenders will change and develop as a response to life course events and experiences begin with an assumption that there is something unique to the development of offenders that explains their participation in organizational crimes. While recognizing that paths to crime may begin at different stages of an offender's life, scholars taking this approach identify in every stage specific influences that increase (or decrease) the propensity of offenders to participate in crime and other deviant behaviors in the future. The causes of crime remain rooted in the factors that distinguished organizational crime offenders from others. Organizational crimes offenders are better educated than either conventional criminals or the general public. Organizational crimes offenders are more likely to be male and white than conventional offenders. Organizational crimes offenders are generally older than either conventional criminals or the general public. Organizational crimes offenders are much better off financially than conventional criminals, but not as well off as the general public. Organizational crimes offenders are more likely to have a prior arrest than the general public, but less likely than conventional criminals. The academic study of organizational crimes like bullying at work place does little to reveal the deep psychological distress that is experienced by the targets of offenders. Debates about personality characteristics of victims and bullies, the role of organizational factors and the legislative context are vital yet inadvertently they obscure the dreadful anguish that many victims live with year after year. It may be selflessness to mention that anyone can become a victim of bullying by being in the wrong place at the wrong time, simply by working or living within an environment that fosters harassment and in the vicinity of people who gain positive reinforcement from aggressive activity. Yet, frequently the clinical narratives of those who experience prolonged bullying at work place and suffer the severest of insults to their self-constructs provide an historical dimension to their suffering which extends the span and complexity of antecedents considerably. These victims are those who experience harassment at different times and in different contexts over a period of years. It may be that their current complaints are firmly rooted in their workplace as it is at the present or of their

Monday, November 18, 2019

Law of contract Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Law of contract - Case Study Example In this scenario,there are two questions which arise.First,is the price of 100 listed in the newspaper advertisement binding on Wedding Heaven in the event that they sell the dress.Secondly,does the delay of John cause him in law to have accepted the contract offer of the lower amount of 150In order to give effective analysis to this question it is important to look at relevant Irish case law on this issue in order to determine whether or not such actions constitute a binding contract enforceable in law. There are a number of leading cases in both the Irish jurisdiction and other common law jurisdictions, notably England, which need to be assessed in order to consider this question.This essay shall first analyse the formative components which are necessary for the formation of a contract. Secondly, after assessing the relevant law, these principles will be applied to the current scenario above. Finally, and in conclusion, this paper shall decide whether or not a claim exists in contr act law in the scenario again either Wedding Heaven, or John the DJ. We now turn to the basic contract law principles which currently exist in Ireland.First, we must look at the relevant contract law principles on order to ascertain the current state of the law in Ireland. There are a number of requirements necessary for the formation of a valid contract. This includes offer and acceptance, an intention to create legal relations; and finally consideration. It is the first two elements which this paper shall concentrate on. Offer It is important at the outset to distinguish between and offer and a mere invitation to treat. An offer is when the seller sets out in certain terms what they propose to sell to the potential buyer. In essence, it is the final set of terms which, if accepted by the buyer, would create a valid contract. However, an invitation to treat is not a formal offer, but rather an indication of intent to enter negotiations. It is not possible to accept a mere invitation to treat in order to create a binding contract. Therefore it is important to ascertain the exact intent of any representation as to whether it is a formal offer or simply a declaration of intent. Such declarations may be considered as offers under statute1 or common law2. In general, advertisements are considered to be an invitation to treat. In the English case of C.A. Norgren Co. v Tech-nomarketing,3 Walton J refused a committal order against one of the defendants for allegedly breaching an undertaking given to the High Court that the defendants would not "make, offer for sale, sell or distribute" items that were subject to copyright.4 The defendants distributed a price list and brochure, including an item covered by the undertaking. Walton J. upheld the contention of the defendant that, generally, the distribution of advertising material constituted an invitation to treat and was therefore not an offer. In order to gauge the intention of the seller, this can either be express by way of direct words, or implied by his actions. It has previously been held in case law that a personal quotation of the price of goods was merely an invitation to treat.5 Further, it has also been held that a display of goods for sale with the price labels attached is in all probability only an invitation to treat, whether the products are in a shop window, on a store shelf or indeed in a self-service store6. One of the leading cases is that of Fisher v Bell7 where a shopkeeper displayed in a knife with a price ticket in his shop window. He was charged with offering a flick knife for sale in contravention of the Restriction of Offensive Weapons Act 1959 s1. It was however held that the shopkeeper was not guilty because displaying the knife in the shop window amounted merely to an invitation to treat. Accordingly, the shopkeeper had not offered the knife for sale within the 1959 Act. Further, In the leading English case of Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain

Friday, November 15, 2019

Effect of Fiscal Policies and Economics on Elections

Effect of Fiscal Policies and Economics on Elections With parliament officially dissolved and British politics moving into a strange period of last-ditch campaigning, gruelling television debates and outrageous publicity stunts (Nick Clegg driving his big yellow bus across the UK and George Osborne making a pizza). It is officially the general election period. Until the House of Commons reforms after May 7th, no member of the public has a representative in parliament. The role of an MP no longer exists. Whilst there are many issues voters take into considerations when deciding to vote, this essay will identify and comments on three economic issues most likely to influence the outcome of the upcoming general election. Furthermore, it will focus on the three main political parties: The Conservatives, Labour and the Liberal Democrats. One of the biggest deciders of general elections is the government’s fiscal policies. Fiscal policy involves the government adjusting the levels of taxation and government expenditure in order to influence the level of economic activity. The purpose of such economic tool is to encourage economic growth in a period of a recession, keep inflation low. Fiscal policy has a huge effect on the difference between what the government spends and what is generated. Is it spending more than it is receiving or receiving more than it is spending? In recent years, the government have spent a lot more than it receives. Last year the UKs current budget deficit was 5.5% of GDP, the largest annual deficit since the modern records began in 19481. The Conservatives have sworn to eliminate the deficit by 2018 and secure a budget surplus by 2019-20. They aim to achieve this goal by not increasing tax whilst continuing on their spending cuts. They will increase the point as which you start to pay income tax (income threshold) from  £10,500 to  £12,500, the higher tax rate, 40% would commence at  £50,000 instead of 41,900 and vowed that there will be no increases in VAT. Labour aims to reinstate the controversial 50p top rate of income tax for earnings over  £150,000 whilst reintroducing the 10p rate by scrapping the married couples’ Tax allowance in the bid to cut income tax for 24 million people. Like the conservatives, they have no plans to increase VAT or National Insurance contributions. It appears as if the Conservatives want to remind voters of Labour’s record of high borrowing in office, cautioning Mr Miliband’s spending plans would mean increased borrowing harming the economy. Meanwhile, this is refuted heavily by Labour who believes that the Conservative plans will signify a return to 1930s levels of public services, causing social harm. We may have to look to external events. Could the latest act of the Eurozone crisis – deflation, quantitative easing, and chaos in Greece – work in the Conservatives favour here? The second key economic issue is the unemployment rate. A person is categorised as unemployed if not only out of work, but also actively looking for work. There are two main measures of unemployment. One is based on a survey carried out by the office for National Statistics which shows the average number of people unemployed over a three-month period. This survey is conducted every month however a comparison takes place between separate three-month periods. The second measure is the use of claimant count supplied by the department for Work and Pensions showing the number of people receiving the Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) in a particular month. The figure obtained by first measure is higher than the claimant count as many job seekers do not or cannot claim JSA and a change in benefits rules may move people onto JSA from other benefits. When the international financial crisis hit, the unemployment rate was marginally over 5%2 However it increased to 2.5 million or 8% towards the end of 2009 peaking at almost 2.7 million at the end of 2011, the highest level for 17 years. Unemployment has since fallen to 1.86 million3. According to the ONS, the employment rate now stands at 73.3%, the highest rate recorded by the ONS since they began taking records in 1971. However, many of whom are in part-time work or in the rising zero-hour contract creating instability in people’s income leaving them worse off especially young people. The Conservatives have strongly vowed to introduce a ban on the zero hour contracts stopping people from taking jobs elsewhere as well as creating three million apprenticeships through benefit cuts such as withdrawing JSA from young people after sixth months unless they take part in community project. Meanwhile, labour vows to ban zero contracts as well as guaranteeing a job for the under 25s unemployed for over a year. Similarly with the conservatives, Labour aims to create many apprenticeships for young people. The Lib Dems have also chosen to focus on young The unemployment rate is definitely an economic indicator that voters follow very closely. Although current figures imply that the number of employed people has increased, however living in a city with one the world’s highest cost of living such as London on a part time contract paying minimum wage may look positive to the prime minister. However to the individual in question, this is a problem as you cannot sustain a stable life with such income particularly if you are based in London. Consequently, Labour’s policy of scrapping zero contracts is more likely to be favourable than the Conservations lacklustre effort to deal with this exploitative contract. The final key issue is the NHS. A BBC/Populus poll in January 2015 valued the NHS as the utmost significant issue among voter with many worrying about the decline of the health service. This highlights the government’s failure in providing the health service. The National Health Service has become an international trademark. However, in recent years its efficiency has plummeted drastically. The NHS in England has missed its four-hour AE wait target for the past three months (91.8% of patients were seen in four hours between January and March, below their target of 95%) This performance is their lowest level of performance for a decade3.In winter 2014; there were reports of treatment outside Croydon University Hospital due to overcrowding. The government’s involvement is this market is perhaps causing inefficiency and leading to the misallocation of scarce resources. How can this government failure be tackled? Which party is going to be able to rescue a national treasure ? The Liberal Democrats have pledged to spend an extra  £1bn for the NHS every year heavily focusing on mental health as it will be rewarded half. This is to be funded by making higher earners pay more tax on their share amongst other things. The Conservatives have been trying to avoid the subject as much as possible nonetheless they have also opted to increase its spending by putting an extra  £2bn across the UK with promises to ensure that everyone shall be able to see a GP seven days a week by 2020. Meanwhile Labour who introduced the institution in 1948 have a better relationship with the NHS will commit an extra  £2.5bn a year, with the money coming from three potential sources- the new mansion tax, recuperating money by clamping down on tax avoidance from big corporations and introducing a new tax on tobacco companies. All three main parties have chosen to increase their spending on the institution as a means of correcting this failure. However, is increased spending along going to increase efficiency. Providing more money could in fact cause whether inefficiency as the institution become complacent as they are aware that extra spending is a given. Nonetheless, the Conservative’s effort to avoid this issue is counter-productive as it is giving Labour an edge. However, Labour’s future spending plans are based on projected revenues. In other words, money which may possibly exist at some point in the future thus creating uncertainty. In conclusion, although all three economic issues are very significant, fiscal policy is the most impact and will be the decider. The question all voters will be asking themselves is â€Å"Who do they trust with the government’s money†? Do they trust a government that plans to restore the current budget deficit through further spending cuts? Do we trust a government that aims to achieve the same goal through increased spending? This is becoming as always a subjective judgement. Nonetheless, this general election is going to be the closest we have ever seen. I predict another coalition.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Bioethics and Artificial Insemination :: Pregnancy Technology Science Essays

Bioethics and Artificial Insemination With every new technology that is born, there must be many questions as to whether this technology is beneficial or harmful as well as analyze who is affects. This especially holds true in dealing with the technology of artificial insemination. With the cultural mainstreaming of artificial insemination, there have been many articles written discussing the ethics of such decisions. Most of these articles are written by feminist authors with the purpose of discussing the impact of this new technology on women and how it affects their roles as mothers in society. Daniel Callahan, however, chooses to convey his argument about the bioethics of artificial insemination through a male perspective in his 1992 article â€Å"Bioethics and Fatherhood.† He argues that since the beginning of artificial insemination, there has been a trend to overlook the male and his anonymous donation of sperm. His writing style is fairly easy to read and very straightforward in an attempt to convey his point to the general population. His opinion is obvious through his very one-sided argument as well as occasional sarcastic remarks. For this, he does not base many of his points on factual evidence but more abstract, logically deduced theory. His argument is that this man, the sperm donor, is biologically responsible for the newly born child and its life thereafter. He bases his argument around the responsibility of the individual, the technology that allows men to be overlooked, and the rights movement that has lessened the responsibility of the man in fatherho od. Callahan begins his argument with the discussion of what it means to be a father biologically and morally. He relates these two terms by saying, â€Å"Human beings bear a moral responsibility for those voluntary acts that have an impact on the lives of others; they are morally accountable for those acts† (Callahan, 99). Callahan feels that voluntary sexual activity, and by extension voluntary sperm donation, falls under this category. This logic holds true to the entire argument and strengthens his case against the minimization of the father’s role in parenthood. It is based on the very concrete fact that if the man did not give his sperm, the child would not exist. This is a very simple, but very strong argument. Callahan then furthers his case on the morality of sperm donation by saying that even if the child grows up in foster care, if that foster father were to be unfit, the biological father would have a moral obligation for the child. Bioethics and Artificial Insemination :: Pregnancy Technology Science Essays Bioethics and Artificial Insemination With every new technology that is born, there must be many questions as to whether this technology is beneficial or harmful as well as analyze who is affects. This especially holds true in dealing with the technology of artificial insemination. With the cultural mainstreaming of artificial insemination, there have been many articles written discussing the ethics of such decisions. Most of these articles are written by feminist authors with the purpose of discussing the impact of this new technology on women and how it affects their roles as mothers in society. Daniel Callahan, however, chooses to convey his argument about the bioethics of artificial insemination through a male perspective in his 1992 article â€Å"Bioethics and Fatherhood.† He argues that since the beginning of artificial insemination, there has been a trend to overlook the male and his anonymous donation of sperm. His writing style is fairly easy to read and very straightforward in an attempt to convey his point to the general population. His opinion is obvious through his very one-sided argument as well as occasional sarcastic remarks. For this, he does not base many of his points on factual evidence but more abstract, logically deduced theory. His argument is that this man, the sperm donor, is biologically responsible for the newly born child and its life thereafter. He bases his argument around the responsibility of the individual, the technology that allows men to be overlooked, and the rights movement that has lessened the responsibility of the man in fatherho od. Callahan begins his argument with the discussion of what it means to be a father biologically and morally. He relates these two terms by saying, â€Å"Human beings bear a moral responsibility for those voluntary acts that have an impact on the lives of others; they are morally accountable for those acts† (Callahan, 99). Callahan feels that voluntary sexual activity, and by extension voluntary sperm donation, falls under this category. This logic holds true to the entire argument and strengthens his case against the minimization of the father’s role in parenthood. It is based on the very concrete fact that if the man did not give his sperm, the child would not exist. This is a very simple, but very strong argument. Callahan then furthers his case on the morality of sperm donation by saying that even if the child grows up in foster care, if that foster father were to be unfit, the biological father would have a moral obligation for the child.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Impact of Promotional Methods

From the scenarios, Erica and Chris have determined their weaknesses after performing a SWOT analysis. However, they have yet to identify opportunities for their business. Determine two potential opportunities specific to their restaurant’s business environment, and discuss how the partners can take advantage of these opportunities. Discuss a situation where you were influenced by an infomercial, attractive packaging, and a discount flyer to purchase a product, and explain why you think the promotional method made such an impact on you.I believe one of their potential opportunities is proximity to their ideal client base. They could pass out menus for catering, dining or even take out menus to cater to some of the businesses as well if they do cater maybe even a limited type delivery service to some of the companies as well this would not only separate them from their competition considering they would be the only restaurant to offer all of the services. I believe the second i s marketing there food what better way than take ala cart to these local businesses and having people try some samples while passing out menus and creating lunch specials for these business people.I believe this separates you from any other business in the area. I believe this with all fresh ingredients can do nothing but help your business and make a good name for yourself especially being new you have to go out and get your customers just not expect them to come go get them . I think these are all very good ideas for their restaurant very good ways to bring people in the front door if think they are all very good ideas. Good job!Me myself I really can’t think of something I have actually bought but have thought about some products. Usually its tools something new and unique plus a lifetime guarantee doesn’t hurt tools they wear out and break doesn’t matter the brand and I have realized if it’s too good to be true it probably it is. I usually don’ t fall for those as seen on TV things seem way to fake for me or I wait to see if I know someone else that gets it to see how it works.Advantages of accrual basis accounting1. Incorporates expenses and revenue at the same time 2. More accurate financial statements 3. Recognizes expenses and revenues when performed rather when paidDisadvantages of accrual basis accounting1. Special rules apply to this form 2. Transactions recorded at the time it happensAdvantages of cash basis accounting1. Only records revenue and expenses when they are paid either way. 2. It’s a very in expensive system to use 3. More simple system to useDisadvantages of cash basis accounting1. Misleading financial statements. 2. Fails to record services performed but not paid yet 3. Does not match expenses with revenues.I believe that each of these could be good for your business just depending on the business. Like to use the cash-basis you would need a business that does not have a lot of receivables and p ayables. If you have more receivables and payables I would suggest that you pay a little more money for the accrual basis you’re more likely to have a bigger business anyways. The revenue recognition principle recognizes revenue in the accounting period in which the performance obligation is satisfied. The expense recognition principle match expenses with revenues in the period when the company makes efforts to generate those revenues. If they waited until the end of the year to make all these entries it would be crazy look at tax time how people are. Now look at a company that has hundreds or even thousands of transactions a day all over the country it would be crazy.

Friday, November 8, 2019

psychological processes applie essays

psychological processes applie essays Early on this semester, we were introduced to certain principles of psychology in order for us to have a better grasp of the subject matter. These principles are supposedly what matters to psychology and life. At first, I wasnt really convinced that these principles were so relevant to life itself though its significance to psychology was pretty clear to me. Perhaps this was due to my failure to acquire a book right away, or maybe I just didnt or couldnt see its relevance to my life. Now, I realize that it was a little of both. As I carefully read through the pages of my newly borrowed book, going over each paragraph on these principles, images of myself, my childhood, and other memories and experiences came about. It was fun recalling those images, and at the same time enlightening. They say that basically, your biological make-up or composition greatly determines your behavior. Though I believe that I do not have any brain abnormalities or complexities like the ones stated in the book, the basic point that your features affect your behavior, brings about many things for me. One of the things that almost instantly popped out of my mind was my poor eyesight. Because of certain limitations in my vision, I have somehow learned to be more alert and observant especially in the classroom during lectures and in the streets when I drive a car. In addition to this, it also came into my mind that it wasnt just my eyesight perse that made me more vigilant in a sense. A big chunk of it is also due to the way things are around me. Sitting at the back of a class of around forty students, for example, forced me to pay more attention to the lectures. The same thing with driving, the traffic situation we have has made, not just me, but almost all drivers as well, more f ocused and quick-to-think in the streets. I find myself in dozens of other similar situations, and I realize that this is because o...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Rwandas Ethnic Crisis

, on the type of work favoured by the members of the group. Thus the Hutus tended to be farmers, the Tutsis were stockbreeders and the Twa were hunters or potters. But given the complex ancestral history, t... Free Essays on Rwanda's Ethnic Crisis Free Essays on Rwanda's Ethnic Crisis Pamphile Sebahara (1998) in his article "The creation of ethnic division in Rwanda" writes: The genocide of the Tutsis and the massacres, which claimed almost a million lives in Rwanda between April and July 1994, are the result of a variety of interdependent factors. Reading the literature on the subject, we are left with one basic question: how can we comprehend the mass slaughter of men, women and children, primarily as a result of their belonging to a particular ethnic group? Observers believe that the genocide and its consequences, which still reverberate today, are to be understood in the context of the ethnic conflict (between Hutu, and Tutsi), which has been a feature of Rwanda's history since the late 1950s (pp 86-87). Republic of Rwanda has been the victim of Ethnic violence since its independence in 1962. Two predominant ethnic groups namely the Hutu and the Tutsi have clashed with each other resulting in large-scale massacres and flight of millions of people to neighboring Zaire. Geographical Location: Rwanda is located in East Central Africa. It shares common borders with Uganda on North, Zaire on West, Burundi on South and Tanzania on East. Republic of Rwanda covers an area of 10169 square miles and has a population of 6,863,359. The people of Rwanda mainly belong to two groups namely the Hutu and the Tutsi that represent 90% and 9% of the country's population respectively. Kigali is the capital of Rwanda. Historical Background and Civil War: On the issue of ethnic division, Sebahara (1998) opines: Before colonisation, towards the end of the 19th century, most of what is now Rwanda was a monarchy ruled by a king of the Nyiginya dynasty. Social stratification was based on socio-economic criteria; in other words, on the type of work favoured by the members of the group. Thus the Hutus tended to be farmers, the Tutsis were stockbreeders and the Twa were hunters or potters. But given the complex ancestral history, t...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Promotional Budget-Magic knife Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Promotional Budget-Magic knife - Essay Example The heat produced, therefore, has the capability of melting butter in seconds during when it is spread on the bread slices. This makes it easy and simple for butter application process to occur. The knife can also cut ice cream cakes, cupcakes and many others, very simply and in a very easy and efficient way. It makes the cutting process simple and very easy to occur. Being a new product in the market, I will be faced with the challenge of ensuring that the product and its brand penetrate the market and gain popularity among consumers. The only way to do this will be through carrying out promotional services to ensure that the information about the knife and its capabilities and workability is spread to the targeted audiences. The major promotional services or strategies will include the use of radios, television, roadshows, online advertising, print advertising, trade shows, publications, and catalogues and brochures. The choice of the right promotional channel will depend on the prevalence of the targeted audience in that channel. Knives are used by every family households, but it becomes the responsibility of the parents, more so, mothers to purchase them. However, restaurants, butcheries, ice cream parlors, fruit parlors, and food courts also use the knives a great deal. The above chosen media for promotional services will, therefore, be appropriate as they are all accessible to the targeted groups mentioned. However, allocation of funds in the promotional budget will depend on the extent of promotional services in that particular medium as well as the effectiveness of advertising in such a medium (Bizmove, 2013). The promotional budget will be considered to be 23% of the total sales realized. However, as the sales increase due to more awareness creation by advertising, the budget will be increasing. It will, therefore, mean that, if more sales are realized, there will be more investment in

Friday, November 1, 2019

Essay Questions Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 14

Questions - Essay Example rom varied functional disciplines and development processes of a product for team tasks without necessarily removing them from positions of operations. Contrary to most organizational structures, matrix management utilizes both product and functional departments to establish a dual authority system. Matrix method segments authority into two, both of project and of functional areas. Each employee is answerable to two supervisors. The first supervisor is a functional one who oversees the workers related to a particular area of function. The second supervisor must be overseeing either a specific or a temporary project. Matrix organization structure has various advantages to the organization. Sharing of experts and equipment across projects of the organization gives room for efficient use of resources. Secondly, it allows formal coordination of projects and products across all the functional departments. In addition, sharing of information is efficient because employees meet and interact with many people, enhancing speedy decision processes. Furthermore, employees enjoy motivation and self-esteem due to autonomy and self-management opportunities that matrix organization presents to them. However, matrix organization also has a few limitations that may at times make it unpopular (Gido and Clements 448). The matrix structure method poses tough forms of organization alongside complexities of its structures. It also creates tough battles and conflicts between departments since they share resources. Consequently, the management of the organization may fail to establish accountability on its resources. In such circumstances, there is easy measurement of employees’ performance leading to increased accountability. Secondly, divisional organization leads to project departmentalization hence leading to the expansion of the company. In circumstances where divisional side is subordinate to the functional side, there is an achievement of efficient labor specialization, which

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Beer Industry in the United States Term Paper

The Beer Industry in the United States - Term Paper Example Throughout the world, brewing or the preparation of beer exists as an activity that even offers financial gains. As a point of fact, the United States of America is the leader in terms of beer production (Kirin Holdings, 2009). Not including the home brewers, United States has an estimate of 1700 breweries having the Anheuser - Busch Inc., the MillerCoors Brewing Corporation and the Pabst Brewing Company consecutively as its top three giant companies in terms of sales (Brewers Association, 2010). Nonetheless, despite the case that America comes to be number one in the production of beer around the world, it lags behind a number of countries, in particular, those in Europe, in terms of consumption making US ranked only second to China in total consumption and only 16th in the world in per capita consumption (Kirin Holdings, 2009). ... Third, it endeavors to understand what beer is in the American context. Fourth, it also seeks to define the structure of the American beer industry through looking at the top brewing companies and the craft breweries or microbreweries. Last, it aspires to take a particular look on the brewing at the domestic level. The need to explore the beer industry in American context can backed up by the reason that beer has always been part of the American culture. Beer has held its prominence to almost everyone existing in the world. Likewise, it is of interesting position that the United States is the leader of beer production. However, the beer industry in United States is not known to most of us. That is what this paper wants to shed light on. The significance of this paper is that it contributes to an understanding of what the beer industry looks like in the American context. Review of Related Literatures This part of the paper will first present a general idea of the available literatures about the beer industry in the United States. This review aims to offer a cursory outlook at how the range of presented data is sought to address the problem of this paper. In order to grasp a deeper understanding of the beer industry in the context of United States, this section is categorized into the following segments namely: a) A Brief Historical Account of Beer Industry in United States, b) The Beer Industry and the Different Types of Beers, c) The Beer Terminology in the United States, d) The Structure of the American Beer Industry, e) An Overview of Top 3 Brewing Companies in the United States, f) A Look at the Microbreweries, and g) Understanding Home Brewing. Meanwhile, it is deemed important to note that the reviewed books, articles and other materials

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Role of Multinational Corporations Essay Example for Free

The Role of Multinational Corporations Essay Abstract Literature and discourse relating to Multinational Corporations (MNCs) and human rights is ubiquitous with theoretical contestation on the merits and demerits of the potential harmonious existence of the two. Some argue that by virtue of the consequential results of their business operations, MNC’s have the potential to alleviate human suffering. For others, they are the cause of it. Advocates of both perspectives draw on a mixture of factual experiences and theoretical propositions to substantiate their positions. Empirical analysis is often used to differing degrees, and with differing levels of success, to further authenticate these dichotomised positions. Diverging standpoints, when empirically endorsed, however, ensure that no coherent theory can be extrapolated and applied to specific location and circumstance. With competing views, respectively backed up by statistical data, no overarching determination can be made as to the potential effects of the economic operations of these entities. It is suggested therefore that the trajectory of discourse should be altered so as to assess this relationship from a business perspective first, and a human rights perspective second. That is, in altering positional focus to whether or not human rights is good for business, theoretical suggestions may be legitimately substantiated in the absence of unequivocal empirical data by assessing the extent to which MNCs are in fact likely to respect human rights. Introduction In 1996 William Meyer’s work, which supported theories that MNCs have an overall beneficial impact on both first and second generation rights in developing countries, appeared in Human Rights Quarterly. Using Data from Freedom House and the Commerce Department, and while acknowledging that MNCs have at times had a detrimental effect on human rights, Meyer argued that civil and political rights, and economic, social and cultural rights, correlate positively with Direct Foreign Investment (DFI). In  contradistinction to Meyers claims, however, and using data from Amnesty International, the State Department and the World Bank, Smith et al. responded that MNC’s have in fact a negative impact on human rights. Both positions derive from a determination to substantiate theoretical claims relating to diverging positions on, not only existing relationships, but equally of the potential results of that mutual existence. Both constitute therefore, empirical evidence on previously enunciated theoretical claims relating to the relationship of business and human rights generally. The intention of this paper is to alter positional focus on theoretical positions relating to the pros and cons of business for human rights, and subsequent empirical investigations, to a position which questions. Yet as Meyer, responding to Smith et al. concedes, ‘[n]either study can be used to support a claim that MNCs are always positive, or always negative, in relation to human rights’. This is largely a result of the fact that ‘[t]he fundamental problem with Meyer’s approach [or smith et al.s] is that †¦[they]†¦ cannot distinguish between MNCs that do, in fact, promote human rights and those which, in fact, do not. ’Therefore, when scholars such as Jack Donnelly assert that ‘[i]f business involvement is justified in part because it helps human rights, we can legitimately ask for concrete evidence of that help,’what is likely to surface is not in fact unequivocal evidence relating to the realities of this co-existence, but rather the selective inclusion of data which supports one’s particular position: Empiricism is in fact an illusion. Engines of Development Thesis [] [ 1 ]. Meyer, W.H. 1996. ‘Human Rights and MNCs: Theory Versus Quantitative Analysis’, Human Rights Quarterly 18(2), 368-397. [ 2 ]. Smith, J., Bolyard, M., and Ippolito, A. 1999. ‘Human Rights and the Global Economy: A Response to Meyer’, 21 Human Rights Quarterly 207. [ 3 ]. Meyer, W.H. 1999. ‘Confirming, Infirming, and ‘Falsifying’ Theories of Human Rights: Reflections on Smith, Bolyard, and Ippolito Through the Lens of Lakatos’,Human Rights Quarterly 21(1), 220-228. [ 4 ]. Winston, M.E. ‘Multinational Corporations and Human Rights’, Address at the Mobil Corporation World Affairs Meeting (6 June 1996) cited in Meyer note 25. [ 5 ]. Donnelly, J. International Human Rights (2nd ed. 1998).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Womens Fight Against Social Convention in Sylvia Plaths Poem, Ariel E

Women's Fight Against Social Convention in Sylvia Plath's Poem, Ariel "Ariel" is the title poem from Sylvia Plath's controversial collection of poetry written during the last few months of her life in 1963. The traditional gender roles of 1960s America promoted a double-standard and wrongly imposed upon women the idea of a "Happy Housewife Heroine" who cherished "the receptivity and passivity implicit in (her) nature" and was "devoted to (her) own beauty and (her) ability to bear and nurture children" (Friedan, 59). Plath comments on the devastating effects of social convention on individuality, but she realizes that both sexes are affected by society's oppression of its members. She contemplates this theme throughout Ariel, especially in the "The Applicant," a critique of the emptiness of the stereotypical roles of men and women at the time. In Shakespeare's The Tempest, Ariel is a good spirit who is enslaved by Prospero and is constantly striving for freedom. This struggle is comparable to that of American women for recognition and respect in the 1960s. "Ariel" illustrates ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Luddites, Neo-Luddites, and Technophobes: Confused by Technology :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Luddites, Neo-Luddites, and Technophobes: Confused by Technology   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In today’s fast-paced society, there are many who wish we could just go back to the â€Å"good ‘ol days,† a magical time, possibly in the fantastic cultural memory of the 1950s, where we weren’t surrounded by computers and pagers and cell phones and all manner of surveillance and recording.   Many say that these things add hassle to our lives, and that the digital revolution is simply incompatible with our analog minds and souls.   Such people are often condescendingly called â€Å"old fogies† when they are, typically, older, confused by technology, and fearful of change of any sort.   There are, though, hearty subcultures which embrace a return to a less complicated time with intelligence and reason, generally known as â€Å"Neo-Luddites,† after the early 19th century English protesters who destroyed industrial machinery.   This, however, is a misnomer, as the many groups claiming ideological ancestry seldom refer to anything other than the popular anti-technology belief.   And, while the wealthy industrialists put down the Luddite rebellion, their ideals have survived, and probably will survive as long as technology continues to be so totally complex and separate from nature.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The original Luddites were technological guerillas who, from 1811 to 1813, and sporadically in the next three years, broke machines (most often knitting machines) throughout Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, and Leistershire, the three Midland counties in England, as well as starting riots and specifically terrorizing machine owners (Bailey 111-114, 18-19).   Machine-breaking was not a new form of rebellion, and the Luddites did little to modify it; there were many copycat breakings, but there were also many unconnected breakings, in the same time (11).   The chief distinguishing characteristic of the Luddites was their name, and that they had one:   rebelling â€Å"textile workers in the Midlands and north of England† used the invented name â€Å"Ned Ludd†Ã¢â‚¬â€-or â€Å"General Ludd† or â€Å"King Ludd†Ã¢â‚¬â€-in place of a leader, becoming known as followers of that name:   Luddites (x, 139). Sadly, the growing popularity of this name opened up a new area of problems.   The Luddites’ standard machine-breaking eventually inspired others to commit acts of violence in their name, which Luddite purists apparently detested enough to cease their breaking to prove the distinction (144).   Although in the thick of the machine-breaking fervor, though, there were many who took the chaotic opportunity to commit unrelated crimes in their name,

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Global Projects Management Essay

1 (a). Clearly, human beings have been involved in the management and organization of big projects for quite some long time. This has recently become a common feature of the modern, globalize generation. This has significantly led to the temporality of the originally permanent organizational structures lending them disposable. This has also led to the emergence of the novel forms of linkages between people, nationalities and organizations. However, these projects usually encounter problems which greatly contribute to time and cost overruns as well the decline in quality. The main question is how the cultural differences as well as the institutional differences affect this process of global projects and their outcomes. Human beings interact in a social environment which is made of formal and informal values, norms, rules, codes of conduct, laws and regulations. There are also different policies and polities together with a variety of organizations. These are usually termed as culture and institution. The main aim of these is to reduce ambiguity and uncertainty in behaviors of human beings such as decision making and interaction. In large global projects, there are many factors that affect them in one way or another. These include client related, management related, and project context factors. The cultural and institutional differences are the basis for all these factors. Therefore, it clearly seen that the cultural and institutional differences have an impact and observable implications on the global projects. This will depend on the situation where the particular project is found. For instant, in an Information and Technology industry, a project to come up with a more sophisticated technology can be affected by the presence of poor management whose basis is the cultural differences.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   b). The Bullwhip Effect refers to a phenomenon that is observable in forecast-ridden channels used in distribution. It is also known as Whiplash Effect or Forrester Effect. This is mainly in place since the demand of the customers is not always stable. Therefore, there is need for a business to forecast the demand so that it can perfectly balance its inventory and the other resources. These forecasts are usually based on statistics reason as to why they are never perfect.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For instant, if the demand is high, there will be a significant increase in orders made that will mean that the business should increase its inventory. When the demand falls, the participants will increase their orders hence the business will need to reduce their inventory.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This can also be caused by the behavioral and operational factors. The behavioral causes include the misuse of the main stock policies, the misinterpretation of the entire feedback and time delays, the panic order reactions that are caused by the demands that are not met and the perceived risk of the player’s main rationality. The operational causes are those that depend on demand processing such as the errors due to forecast and the adjustment of the inventory depending on the demand observation. The variation due to lead time, order synchronization, promotion and forward buying as well anticipation of knowledge all form part of the operational causes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The implication of this to the retail industry is that they should be aware of the demands of their customers so that they do not overstock or under stock. Therefore, this concept enables them to predict the direction of the demand to avoid making losses or not meeting the demands of the customers which will inconvenience them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   c). Accurate forecasting is necessary in any industry so that the industry is able to produce to meet the demands of the buyers. For instant, in the travel industry, the management should look at the right time when people are traveling towards a certain direction. For instant, in the morning, most people are headed for jobs in town. Therefore, there should be availability of enough vehicles that will transport all the workers to their destinations. However, in the evening, the reverse is true. The workers want to report home from work thus these  Ã‚   vehicles should also be in plenty to transport them back home. In this way, the travel industry follows the directional flow of the people hence is in a position to meet their demands. At this time, the fare prices go up since people are many hence the demand for transportation is high. During the holiday season, people travel from towns to rural areas. At this time, the vehicles offering services to these people are many and the prices are high as well since the demand for the services is high. At this time, fare from rural areas to town is low since majorities are going against the current. When the schools open, majorities are traveling back to towns so that they can report to their jobs hence the demand for transport to town at this time is high. This means that the prices must also be raised and more vehicles put in the on road to meet these demand. This is however made possible by forecasting of the demands of the people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   d). Inventory control is defined as the process that minimizes the total cost of inventory. It has three major factors that are taken into consideration. These include the cost of holding the cost, the cost of placing an order and the cost of shortage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) is defined as the model that determines the optimal quantity to be ordered in order to minimize the total variable costs that are necessary to order and hold an inventory. Under this, the assumptions taken are that the annual demands for the product or service are known and are always constant. There is no consideration that is taken with regard to the lead time, the receipt of all the orders takes place once the order is made, the quantity discounts are not worked on as part of the model and the cost of ordering is taken to be constant. The Economic Production Quantity (EPQ) is defined as the optimal quantity that is to be produced in order to improve the inventory. It is based on a trade-off between the inventory and the set up of the production costs. Here, the trade-off examination   assumes   that the demand for the items that are in the inventory is continuous and at a constant rate, productions that are made to improve the inventory are at regular intervals, the production of products is continuous as well as at a constant rate during a production rerun and the production cost is always fixed. This model is similar to the EOQ model. The difference is in the time that is required to change the inventory. In the EOQ, replenishment is instantaneous, while the EPQ model assumes gradual replenishment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A collaborative planning system has many features that are distinct to enhance its success. For instant, the automotive production industry has its objectives that bind it to the performance of its duties in order to meet these goals. This company has intense connection of all production-related functions into an integrated computerized production system. This will make the performance successful.   A collaborative planning system has a competent network that will ensure that all the workers are in a position to access the data that the need in order to perform their duties. For instant, the automotive industry is developing a web based collaborative surrounding that will facilitate the design and the production together with planning systems. A collaborative planning process also requires a collaborative working system, information sharing without discrimination and exchange of ideas among the people in the different locations. In this form of system, each production process is defined in terms of products, processes involved, resources used and their general relationship. In the automotive industry therefore, the environment is made of four modules. These include: Digital mock-up that supports the entire product digital mock-up process. Has a process planning module that is essential in the provision of time estimation and the full analysis of working procedures. It also has a layout planning module that is responsible for designing the correct layout of the production lines. It has a work place layout which is the major system for workplace design the ergonomic consideration.   A collaborative planning system has room for the employees and the entire community to hive contributions to what they want to perform. For instant, they can use questionnaires or interviews in order to get the feeling of the individuals concerning the particular question at hand should be   given a chance and the ideals of the people be taken into consideration. This system should also be a multidimensional system that is capable of handling many issues at once. For instant, in the automotive industry, the system should be able to produce more than one type of a product at singe time at the same time be in a position to control that other related operations. This is made possible through the use of a sophisticated information technology as well as the maximum use of advanced tools and equipment and skills. 3). Lean production refers to the process of   producing goods using less resources as compared to the traditional mass production. That is, there is less waste, less human effort, less manufacturing space, less investments in the tools to be used, fewer inventories and less time required to develop a new product. For many, lean is the entire set of tools that are important in that they assist in the identification as well as the steady elimination of wastes. These tools also improve the quality of the product that is to be produced at the same time ensures there is a significant production time and cost reduction. Lean Manufacturing has numerous tools that are important in solving the problem of waste elimination. This is made up of the continuous process improvement as well as mistake-proofing which are an indication that this it taking the same approach to the other improvement methodologies. The second approach to Lean Manufacturing focuses upon the improvement of the flow of work in the system. The techniques that have been chosen to improve the flow include the pull production and leveling production. This however, is different from the methodologies which greatly accounts for its unpopularity. The distinction between the two approaches is the prime approach that is used to achieve the set goals and regulations. Smooth flow implementation exposes the quality problems that existed before leading to reduction in waste in a natural manner.   Therefore, this approach is advantageous since it takes a system-wide perspective naturally. On the other hand, the waste focus has its main perspective which is sometimes assumed wrongly. Lean has competing principles that are closely connected whose main goals are to reduce the costs of production through the elimination of wastes. These principles include the pull process, waste minimization, perfect first-time quality, continuous improvement, the flexibility. It also includes the process of building and maintaining a long term relationship with its suppliers, load leveling process and the production flow as well as the visual control. The process of lean implementation is therefore focused on getting the correct things, at the correct time, to the right place, in the preferred quantity in order to achieve a perfect level of work flow while minimizing the waste as well as being flexible and easily  Ã‚   changed. The concepts of flexibility and ability to change are basically required to enhance production leveling. However, they have their analogues in other processes. They are not open ended hence not expensive capability requirements. They therefore have to be understood, appreciated and embraced by the employees involved in the product building process. The cultural and managerial features of Lean are more important than the actual tools or methodologies of the process of production itself. There are numerous examples of Lean tool implementation that do not have known benefit which are often blamed on the entire understanding of Lean in the organization which is weak. Lean’s main aim is to make the work simple enough to understand, to do and to manage in the shortest time possible. Most of the basic goals of lean manufacturing are common sense and that avoiding unnecessary costs is more profitable that increasing sales. In a manufacturing industry, if the recourses are kept constant and productions costs cut down, then the industry will definitely make very high profits. This will only be possible are the management and the workers involved do their duties satisfactorily and the management ensures that the entire processes are in time.    References. Jalan, K. S. Chaudhuri, (1999). An EOQ Model for Deteriorating Items in a Declining Market with SFI Policy, The Korean J. Comput. & Appl. Math No. 2. 437-450. C. Giri, K. S. Chaudhuri, Deterministic Models of Perishable Inventory with Stock Dependent Demand Rate and non-linear Holding Cost, European Journal of Operational Research 105 (1998), 467-474. Vahidian, H. R. Tareghian, (1999). Production Planning in Fuzzy Environment. The Korean J. Comput. & Appl. Math. No. 2, 315-330. M. Lee, J. S. Yao, Economic Production quantity for fuzzy demand quantity and fuzzy production quantity, European Journal of Operational Research 109 (1998), 203-211 De, A. Goswami, A replenishment policy for items with finite production rate and fuzzy deterioration rate, Opsearch 38 (2001), No. 4, 419-430.      

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Legal Issues of Reefer Madness

LEGAL ISSUES OF REEFER MADNESS During prohibition in the 1920’s, new prisons and jails had to be built to house the criminals by converting the drinking into a crime against the state. Prohibition undermined respect for the law, corrupted the minions of the law, created a decadent moral climate - but did not stop the consumption of alcohol. I agree with this statement, made by Milton Friedman from the Newsweek in 1972. Consequently prohibition is an attempted cure that only makes matters worse, for both the addicted and the rest of us. That’s why, even if you observe the present policy toward drugs as fairly justified, considerations of realism make that policy most unwise. Legalizing drugs might increase the number of addicts, but prohibition is not going to stop it from happening, therefore I think they might as well quit wasting there time and money looking for drug criminals and traffickers and start spending it on other things such as health benefits and education, things like that. If drugs were legally available, any possible profit, or the motivation for profit and violence that goes with illegal trafficking would be eliminated. Today, drugs are incredibly expensive and highly uncertain in quality. Addicts are driven to associate with criminals to get the drugs, become criminals themselves to finance the habit, and risk constant danger of death and disease. Legalizing drugs would extremely reduce these risks. Although an argument might be advanced that, drug addiction itself becomes a medical problem, there can be no question that any person who leads themselves (not anyone else) into a dependency upon something that will destroy their body has not committed a criminal act. With the large sum of money saved from selling drugs could go towards promoting several different programs on the effects of addictive and mind-altering drugs. They could also utilize these funds by creating more hos... Free Essays on Legal Issues of Reefer Madness Free Essays on Legal Issues of Reefer Madness LEGAL ISSUES OF REEFER MADNESS During prohibition in the 1920’s, new prisons and jails had to be built to house the criminals by converting the drinking into a crime against the state. Prohibition undermined respect for the law, corrupted the minions of the law, created a decadent moral climate - but did not stop the consumption of alcohol. I agree with this statement, made by Milton Friedman from the Newsweek in 1972. Consequently prohibition is an attempted cure that only makes matters worse, for both the addicted and the rest of us. That’s why, even if you observe the present policy toward drugs as fairly justified, considerations of realism make that policy most unwise. Legalizing drugs might increase the number of addicts, but prohibition is not going to stop it from happening, therefore I think they might as well quit wasting there time and money looking for drug criminals and traffickers and start spending it on other things such as health benefits and education, things like that. If drugs were legally available, any possible profit, or the motivation for profit and violence that goes with illegal trafficking would be eliminated. Today, drugs are incredibly expensive and highly uncertain in quality. Addicts are driven to associate with criminals to get the drugs, become criminals themselves to finance the habit, and risk constant danger of death and disease. Legalizing drugs would extremely reduce these risks. Although an argument might be advanced that, drug addiction itself becomes a medical problem, there can be no question that any person who leads themselves (not anyone else) into a dependency upon something that will destroy their body has not committed a criminal act. With the large sum of money saved from selling drugs could go towards promoting several different programs on the effects of addictive and mind-altering drugs. They could also utilize these funds by creating more hos...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The History of Kraft Foods

The History of Kraft Foods 1765: A Dorchester, Massachusetts, physician, Dr. James Baker, went into partnership with an Irish chocolate-maker, John Hannon and made Americas first chocolate mill.1780: The mill made the famous BAKERS chocolate.1880: The Empire Cheese Company of New York began producing PHILADELPHIA BRAND Cream Cheese for a New York distributor called Reynolds.1882: Isaac and Joseph Breakstone (Breakstone Bros) opened a small dairy store on New York Citys Lower East Side.1883: The now famous Oscar F. Mayer and his brothers Gottfried and Max started a meat market in Chicago.1889: Food salesman, William M. Wright, created a new baking powder called CALUMETÂ ® which he made at night and sold during the day.1892: Joel Cheek developed a coffee blend for the Maxwell House Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee, called MAXWELL HOUSE coffee.1946: MAXWELL HOUSE instant coffee was introduced to the American public after the armed forces used it in World War II.1895: In Battle Creek, Michigan, C.W. Post made the fi rst POSTUMÂ ®, a cereal beverage. Post created GRAPE-NUTSÂ ® cereal in 1897, and POST TOASTIESÂ ® corn flakes in 1908. 1897: Pearl Wait adapted an 1845 patent for a gelatin dessert. May Davis Wait named the new product JELL-O brand gelatin. In 1899, Orator Francis Woodward bought the trademark rights to JELL-OÂ ® for $450. Woodward launched the advertising campaign for Americas most favorite Dessert in 1902, thus ushering the era of psychological marketing.1903: J.L. Kraft started a wholesale cheese business in Chicago.1905: John Arbuckle created YUBAN coffee blend.1906: Oscar Mayer is one of the first meatpackers to obtain the Federal Meat Inspection stamp of approval.1907: Legend claims that when President Theodore Roosevelt was served a cup of MAXWELL HOUSE coffee and he proclaimed that it was GOOD TO THE LAST DROP.1914: J.L. Kraft Bros. Co. opened their first cheese factory in Stockton, Illinois, within a year they begin producing process cheese in tins. The U.S. government provided cheese in tins for the armed forces during World War I.1921: Louis Rich bought a truck and started his business i n Rock Island, Illinois. 1927: Edwin Perkins created a powdered fruit drink called KOOL-ADE, later called KOOL-AID. Perkins created KOOL-AID from his first product the popular soft drink syrup called Fruit Smack. The same year the Postum Company marketed SANKA decaffeinated coffee (first sold in the U.S. in 1923).1928: Kraft introduced VELVEETA process cheese.1933: Kraft introduced MIRACLE WHIP salad dressing at Chicagos Century of ProgressWorlds Fair.1936: Little Oscar and the WIENERMOBILE started the advertising campaign for Oscar Mayer Co.1937: KRAFT Macaroni and Cheese Dinner were introduced with the advertising slogan of Make a meal for 4 in 9 minutes.1949: MINUTE Rice was nationally distributed.1950: KRAFT Deluxe process cheese slices, the first commercially packaged sliced process cheese was introduced.1952: CHEEZ WHIZ pasteurized process cheese spread was introduced.1954: Kraft introduced CRACKER BARREL brand natural cheese.1957: The General Foods Corporation introduced TANG, breakfast beverage crys tals. 1963: The now famous wiener jingle first appeared in Oscar Mayer commercials.I965: The company introduced SHAKE N BAKE coating mix in two versions, chicken and fish.1966: COOL WHIP nondairy whipped topping was introduced.1972: STOVE TOP stuffing mix was introduced.1973: GENERAL FOODS INTERNATIONAL COFFEES flavored coffees were introduced.1981: General Foods Corp. bought Oscar Mayer Co.1983: Kraft introduced LIGHT N LIVELY low-fat yogurt, the first US yogurt in a six-pack.1985: Philip Morris Companies Inc. buys general Foods Corporation.1986: Kraft purchased Tombstone Pizza Corporation of Medford, Wisconsin (est.1962).1988: Philip Morris Companies Inc bought Kraft, Inc. Oscar Mayer introduced LUNCHABLES.1989: Philip Morris Companies combined Kraft, Inc. and General Foods Corporation to form Kraft General Foods, the largest food company in the U.S. DI GIORNO brand refrigerated pasta and sauces were introduced.1993: Kraft General Foods acquired NABISCO ready-to-eat cold cereals from RJ R Nabisco. 1995: Kraft General Foods was renamed Kraft Foods, Inc. DI GIORNO RISING CRUST pizza was introduced.1996: BREAKSTONES snack-size cottage cheese, the first four pack of 4-ounce cups.1997: POST-Cranberry Almond Crunch and POST Honey Nut Shredded Wheat cereal was introduced. Sparkling White Grape flavored JELL-O gelatin was introduced in celebration of the brands 100th anniversary.1998: STOVE TOP OVEN CLASSICS were introduced. The same year KRAFT introduced EASY MAC macaroni and cheese dinner, a microwavable, single-serve product.