Monday, December 30, 2019

Treaty of Versailles and its Impact on Nazi Ideology - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1120 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/08/16 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Treaty of Versailles Essay Did you like this example? World War One was the most gruesome war of its time until World War Two. It set the stage for what a modern war would be like in the early 1900s, not only this but, it also set the stage for how all future wars would be fought in the 20th century. Through this though, we learned how not to treat the losers of a war since some historians believe that ultimately the Treaty of Versailles caused the rise of Nazi ideology and Fascism in the 20th century. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Treaty of Versailles and its Impact on Nazi Ideology" essay for you Create order In this essay, I intend to explain to you how The Treaty of Versailles ultimately caused World War Two because of the clauses that limited the German economy and land space which allowed for the rise of the Nazi party. Now as for the Treatys immediate impact on the Germans the primary issue was border changes. Many people were displaced and became different countries citizens all the sudden because of these changes. One of the bigger border changes is that loss of Alsace-Lorraine which is a resource-rich land area near the German-France border. (77) This change is area angered the Germans as they felt that the had rightly earned the territory after the Franco-Prussian war and many German people had moved over to this new territory. Therefore this change displaced many German citizens and made them French Citizens overnight. This displacement upset the displaced people as the French government was not keen on letting those ex-germans full French citizenship. Not only did Germany lose Alsace-Lorraine but they also lost the Rhine lands to France. The Rhineland prevented France from being an immediate threat to Germany and vice-versa. This change in land borders caused a change in power that made it so that Germany wasnt a dominant power in central Europe anymore. In addition to these land losses the Germans also lost control of the Saar Bassin which France had wanted. France specifically getting this written in by adding As compensation for the destruction of the coal-mines in the north of France and as part payment towards the total reparation due from Germany for the damage resulting from the war(Treaty of Versailles 23). This allowed France to take a major economic power from Germany as well as this was one of the main coal mines used by the Germans. Additionally, another major impact on Germany due to the Treaty was the fact that they werent able to join the League of Nations. The League of Nations would have allowed the Germans more negotiating power after the treaty was signed and may have let them loosen other restrictions placed on them, however, because they were not let into the League of Nations they had no chance of being able to negotiate for fewer restrictions. As well as not being able to join the League of Nations Germany was also required to pay back a sum of around 33 Billion dollars in reparations (Williams 483). This sum of money ultimately was the crux of Germanys fate. As the document originally did not specify what the amount had to be. Rather the treaty only said that the Germans were required to pay back all damage done to the civilian population of the Allies and to their property by the aggression of Germany by land, by sea, and from the air(Treaty of Versailles 92). When this was handed down to Germany by the Allies, Germany was consigned to having an unreasonable amount of debt put onto their agenda that they would never have been able to pay back. It should also be noted that the reason the amount of debt was so high is that as Keynes would put it Few sentences in History have given so much work to the sophists and the lawyers (Keynes 115). The reason Keynes words this in the way he does is that the nature of Article 232 is that every country who has been impacted by the Germans got to determine what they were owed by the Germans instead of an impartial third party. Therefore those who wanted to see the Germans and Germany itself crushed underfoot for good were the ones determining who got to decide how much the felt they were owed. One such instance that is referenced Keynes book is that France wanted to include in their share of reparations compensation for anything stolen by the enemy governments(117). Now the issue arises of how much could really be solely set on Germany and not their allies. As Germany was not an independent army in the belligerence of the war it wouldnt be fair for them to Assume all the debt. Austria-Hungry, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire all had, at least in some small part, their fair share in the destruction of the Allies territory. Most would agree that Austria-Hungry and Bulgaria did not have much left nor did the Ottoman Empire however it would be unfair to put all the blame on Germany. Never the less all the blame was put onto her and therefore she was forced to pay back all the preparations that were asked for on her own. This blame ultimately drove the German economy into the ground as the repayment plan was aggressively written. The Germans were initially expected to pay 20,000,000,000 Marks gold bearer bonds, payable not later than May 1, 1921(Treaty of Versailles 103). Twenty billion marks roughly convert to about five billion USD. The issue is that this was only 15% of what was asked of Germany and the rest was due with 5% interest on the bonds that were to be set out. This was handed to a country with a mediocre economy, to begin with and not only that but their military spending was cut down to 6 battleships of the Deutschland or Lothringen type, 6 light cruisers, 12 destroyers, and 12 torpedo boats(Treaty of Versailles 82). For those who studied how the United States came out of the Great Depression, you will understand that limiting military spending ultimately is what will, and did, cause the downfall of the German Economy. Due to them not being able to continue producing materials for the c ause of a war the German economy would come to a halt as the entire economy had been geared towards the war effort. Without the war industrial production fell and Germany also would not be able to export any war goods. Along with a drop in the number of vehicles that were allowed the number of troops that Germany was allowed to have at any given time was reduced. It was set to around 100,000 by the Treaty in Article 160. This, in theory, would allow the Germans to pay back their reparations(Mantoux 123). However due to the fact that money rotates through a system the depletion of the German army

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Analysis Of Toni Morrison s Song Of Solomon - 1271 Words

Emely Gonzalez Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison AP Literature - Period 3 Topic #3 Gonzalez- Page 1 3. Excluding Milkman, discuss the various attitudes on race from the perspectives of three other male characters in the novel. Americans have become accustomed to the repercussions of racism. It has diffused into areas that seemed unreachable; it has become institutionalized. Our predecessors lived the severity, and while we are residing in the realm of institutionalized racism, our grandchildren will also dwell within the waves of bigotry. The end of racism seems infeasible because we have existed in an America of hate for too long. Most people accept that they will encounter episodes of discrimination because of the color†¦show more content†¦In other words, seeing an African American become blinded by the sight of wealth is a disgrace. Was Macon doing this strictly for business or because of race? When it came to business affiliations, Macon was bound and determined. On the other hand, he belittled his own race, primarily towards those who were poor. His superiority was i ntended to separate him from the repercussions of racism. In a sense, Macon Dead admired the way people perceived him; it fueled his esteem. On Sundays, he would cruise his Packard down Not Doctor’s Street, a poor neighborhood, flashing his affluence in the face of poverty. He rarely engaged in diverting activities, in which a car permits possible. â€Å"The Packard had no real lived life at all. So, they called it Macon Dead’s Hearse† (Morrison 33). The dullness of the Packard corresponds to the dead spirit of Macon; it symbolizes his callous nature. Some people practice discriminate acts or think racist thoughts to prove a point. It may not be the moral approach, but the motive is clear. Guitar Bains, Milkman’s (the protagonist) best friend, possesses a deep resentment towards white people. This animosity developed from the prior actions of racist whites, depriving out of the age of slavery. Guitar aspires to link with The Seven Days, an African American assemblage aiming to kill white murderers who have taken the lives of other African Americans. â€Å"It’s necessary; it’sShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Song Of Solomon977 Words   |  4 PagesThe Asymmetrical Dead When Milkman, the central figure of Toni Morrison’s novel Song of Solomon, fantasizes about finding his fortune, he thinks only of spending money, gambling, and endless women to lie with and leave. Even with the prospects of freedom, power and fame, for what else can vast wealth truly purchase, he is unable to conceive of a future for himself. He imagines only an endlessly comfortable, banal present. It’s hard to fault him for this shortcoming. No one in Milkman’s world hasRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Song Of Solomon1374 Words   |  6 Pagesalso play a major role in a person’s character development. Influences also can affect temperament, personality, disposition, motivation, and initial perspectives and reactions. This sagaciousness was thoroughly expressed in the novel Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison. This novel delved extensively into the coming of age of main character Macon â€Å"Milkman† Dead. The nickname milkman was derived from an uncomfortable and rather odd situation. As being breastfed by his mother Ruth, way past the age ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Song Of Solomon1412 Words   |  6 PagesIn Toni Morrison’s award-winning novel â€Å"Song of Solomon,† she fills the novel with deep symbolism. Macon Dead III, nicknamed â€Å"Milkman,† is a symbolic character throughout the novel. Not only is he as a character symbolic, but his name is as well. Milkman’s aunt, Pilate, has a significant and symbolic role in the novel. To her father, she represents the child who killed her own mother and took away his wife. In the Bible, PontiusRead MoreAnalysis Of Toni Morrison s Song Of Solomon 1213 Words   |  5 PagesVictoria Sirianni Ms. Thompson AP ELA 4 21 July 2015 Song of Solomon Producing the plot with a vivid image and motive allowed Toni Morrison to incorporate numerous literary works to enhance the allusions in the story. These specific allusions gave readers a more accurate understanding of certain aspects of the book. As well as this, readers are capable of searching beyond just the surface of what the words say. The common useRead MoreEssay on Themes in Song Of Solomon2113 Words   |  9 PagesToni Morrison is one of the most talented and successful African-American authors of our time. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

The New Negro by Alain Locke Free Essays

The essay The New Negro by Alain Locke’s defines what Locke believes to be the â€Å"Old Negro and the â€Å"New Negro. This paper will compare and contrasts Marcus Garvey The Future as I See it and Langston Hughes various poems on why Locke would have characterized them as either Old Negroes, New Negroes, or both. I believe Locke, Garvey , Hughes were determined to see Blacks succeed. We will write a custom essay sample on The New Negro by Alain Locke or any similar topic only for you Order Now Each writer expresses their idea in their own unique way, but they all wanted freedom, equality, and respect. For example, Locke would characterize Garvey as the Old and New Negro. For instance, Garvey writes that it’s time for each person to decide on how they will discover freedom. Garvey writes â€Å"The hour has now struck for the individual Negro as well as the entire race to decide the course that will be pursued in the interest of our own liberty†. (p. 1000) Garvey was writing his views on the future as he saw it. He wanted blacks to know now it’s your time to decide which path you want to take and you have the freedom to do so. Also, Locke writes â€Å"The Negro today is inevitably moving forward under the control largely of his own objectives†. (p. 89) Blacks are achieving their goals because ‘ is something they desired on their own. Also, Garvey informs the Negro that their will be people who will try to discourage you from reaching the freedom you so desperately want. Garvey writes, â€Å" Some trying to capitalize the new spirit that has come to the Negro to make profit out of it to their own selfish benefit; some are trying to set back the Negro from seeing the hope of own liberty†¦ â€Å"(p. 1001). In spite of, what the white men might think or feel on how far Negros will get in life, we must not listen and believe what they feel. Garvey writes â€Å"white men may laugh at the idea of Negroes talking about government; but let me tell you there is going to be a government†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p. 1002) Garvey writes to the New Negroes that we can’t let anyone plant a seed in our minds and our spirit that we can not achieve the same goals that the white man wants. This is a new day for us and we are going to embrace this new beginning and let no one stop us for achieving our goals. In addition, Garvey writes to the New Negroes about the vision he sees for them. He reminds them that God created them and because of this you are special and do not allow anyone to tell you differently. Garvey writes, â€Å"Remember that you are men, that God created you Lords of this creation. Nonetheless, Garvey’s vision for Negroes was that we can do anything that we set our minds to regardless of the circumstances that we could face. Garvey writes, â€Å" Let no man pull you down, let no man destroy your ambition, because man is but your companion, your equal; man is your brother; he is not your lord; he is not your sovereign master†. p. 1003) Garvey’s vision to the Negroes was that man is not the one you live for, God is the one who will be their with you to the end and he will never leave you. Also, Locke would characterize Hughes poems as New and Old Negroes. First, in Hughes’s poem Mother to Son; a mother is telling her son that her journey through life has not been easy, but she will not give up. Hughes writes â€Å" Life f or me ain’t been no crystal stair. † (p. 1292) This mother is telling her son her life has not been easy but she is still standing. The mother wanted her son to know no matter how hard times may become don’t you give up. Hughes writes â€Å"So boy, don’t you turn back. † Locke and Hughes both were sending the same message; they both were determined to see blacks succeed. Next, Hughes poem I Too relates to a young black man who believes that he is beautiful and one day everybody will notice this. â€Å"They send me to eat in the kitchen When company comes, But I laugh, And eat well, And grow strong. † (p. 295) The young man will go quietly and he will dream about the day when he will be able to sit at the table with everybody and they will notice he is a beautiful person. Hughes writes â€Å"Tomorrow, I’ll be at the table When company comes. Nobody†ll dare Say to me, â€Å"Eat in the kitchen,† Also, in the Theme for English B by Hughes I believe Locke would have characterized this to the New Negro. It was about a young color-man who was only colored student in his E nglish class. His instructor asked the class go home and write something that is true and it will let you know who you really are. The young color boy wanted his instructor to know that even though they both might not want to be part of each other world, they both could learn from each other. I believe Locke, Garvey, and Hughes all shared similar values and views about the New Negro and Old Negro. All of them told their stories in different ways, but they all told their in own unique way. Finally, all three authors wanted to express how they believed that we can reach our goals regardless of any obstacles that may stand in our way. Sharise Williams Literature-125 Professor Crowe. How to cite The New Negro by Alain Locke, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Coffee Vendor in the IT

Question: Consider the test scenarios for a coffee vending machine and identify the business and IT goals from this scenario and model the scenario into three stages using Visio. Answer: The IT and business goals in installing a coffee vendor in the IT office Coffee is the beverage which not only makes the people active but also freshens up their mood (Hung, 2012). Nowadays almost every organization has a coffee vending machine to keep their employees charged up for the work. Following reasons are enlisted as why an organization requires a coffee vending machine to. During the hectic schedule of an employee, working 8 hours a day might bring down his productivity level in 3 to 4 hours therefore he need some break to freshen up his mind (Kang et al, 2012), the best way is through the a cup of coffee which will not only freshen up his mind but also helps him to think on some new ideas. Taking a coffee break provide the opportunity to the employees to interact with each other (Jaramillo Amft, 2013). Therefore if there is employees interaction in the office it will spread a positive environment in the work place. There are various employees who feel sleepy and lazy during the afternoon time of the office a cup of coffee can reduce the sleep deprives stress and energizes them to do the work. Thus there are various benefits of having coffee machine in the company Model of the scenario Figure 1: The coffee vending machine created by the author Analysis of the model The designed model firstly has the coin entrance in which the coin which has the option of the 25/50 /100 cents or a dollar which is connected to the coin return, if the person want his money to be returned then the condition will be true and he will get back his money (Mesas Morales, 2014). The money return will further is connected to check whether note is counterfeit or not and the respective action will take if the person does not want his money to be returned and the money is also not a counterfeit then the option goes to his respective choice whether he like 25/50/100 cents coffee. If the amount entered is higher than the chosen option than the extra money will be returned back to the user through the coin return and the coffee will be served to the user. The machine will also calculate the amount collected in the machine and requested in the question it has Dispense button Coin return button, Dispenser, Coin return dispenser ,Coin slot ,Bill slot , Message display and the Cok e banner. References Hung, L. M. (2012). A study of consuming behaviors of budget coffee.Business and Management Research,1(1), 48. Jaramillo, P., Amft, O. (2013, March). Improving energy efficiency through activity-aware control of office appliances using proximity sensing-a real-life study. InPervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PERCOM Workshops), 2013 IEEE International Conference on(pp. 664-669). IEEE. Kang, J., Tang, L., Lee, J. Y., Bosselman, R. H. (2012). Understanding customer behavior in name-brand Korean coffee shops: The role of self-congruity and functional congruity.International Journal of Hospitality Management,31(3), 809-818. Mesas, M., Morales, F. J. (2014). Reliable estimation of dietary exposure to furan from coffee: An automatic vending machine as a case study.Food research international,61, 257-263.