Thursday, June 6, 2019

Type and density of liquid Essay Example for Free

Type and density of liquid EssayThese are the variables that I could choose to reduce on. I deliver chosen to focus and adapt on the idea of insulation. Prediction I predict that the more insulation (layers) in that location is, the smaller the reduction in heat. I think this beca do when the distant air tries to touch the container to cool it, it leave behind be stopped by the insulation, so it will take longer to cool. similarly, when heat tries to escape from the container, it will go into the first layer of insulation, which will then absorb the heat. It would then still preclude the container warm, not letting as much heat out as fast.I also predict that if I have a lid it will take still longer to cool, because, as you can see in the picture below, evaporation will also take place. If I have a lid, the heat will then be stopped from escaping into the air through and through the top. As shown below- Equipment Timer- this is to time the amount of time the liquid is i n the container. This will return sure that the time will be the same for each experiment. info logger and Thermometer- this is to take the temperature of the urine. I will use two forms of identifying the temperature. This way I can compare the two results and see if there are any(prenominal) drastic differences.Also, a datalogger is accurate, but I will still use a thermometer to back up my results. Insulation Material- I am spill to use a foam type material as my insulation. Clamp- I will use a clamp to hold both the datalogger and thermometer above the container. Container- I am going to use a glass beaker to hold the liquid. I am using this instead of a polystyrene cup, because the cup would hold residue heat, which would affect our results. Also a polystyrene cup is already quite insulated. * Kettle- this is to heat the liquid before I put it in the container.I will clean out the kettle, to make sure there is no black, therefore the heat will be reflected back into the ke ttle, instead off being absorbed. This should help it to reach its highest temperature. I will make sure that there is 1litre of water in the kettle each time put it on to boil. Measuring Apparatus- I will put the water directly into the glass beaker, measuring it in there. Lid- To put over the glass beaker to try and prevent evaporation. Fair Testing and Other Factors that need to be controlled there are things that I will need to try and make sure are the same throughout my experiment.These are Amount of liquid- I will have to make sure that each time I refill the glass beaker I have the same amount of liquid. To do this I will vizor it in some measuring apparatus. Each time I will use the same type and size of measuring apparatus, for the same accuracy. To make this even fairer I will simply measure the amount of water in my glass beaker, so I know that it will always be the same. Temperature of surroundings- there is not much I can do to control this, but to make sure there i s no drastic change, I will anticipate away from radiators and places in direct sunlight.Shape, Colour, Size, Surface Area and Thickness of container- will have to be the same throughout my experiment to keep it fair and to belong reliable results. For instance, if I had a different colour container each time I did my experiment it would affect my results. This would be, because instead of reflecting the heat back in, if I had a black container it would absorb the heat. To make sure of this I will use the same container each time. Temperature of liquid to start- I will try to keep the virtually the same. If I cannot keep the temperature the same I will just measure the difference between the two (start and end).Type and Density of Liquid- I will keep using the same type of liquid throughout my experiment because some types may loose heat at a different rate than others. I will use water because it is easily available, and it is the same each time. Surface container is on- will ha ve to be the same. If for example I was to put it on a foam surface one day, and something different another day, it would affect how much heat is lost. This is due to the surface acting as insulation. Lid- I am going to use a lid each time. This should stop a lot of heat reduction through evaporation, which I have already explained in my prediction.

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