Monday, September 30, 2019

Importance of Recycling and Waste Into Use in Architecture

Importance of recycling and waste into usage in architecture Abstraction In the present twenty-four hours the most urgent environmental job is planetary heating and clime alteration. This job of planetary heating and clime alteration are majorly caused due to the carbon dioxide emanations, caused by the combustion of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. But it besides comes from deforestation. Today tonss of co2 emanations are taking topographic point due to the activities of adult male. One of them is the production of different stuffs and merchandises. These merchandises are made for specific intents, which satisfies the human demand. Once the merchandise is non purposeful any longer, they are considered as waste. Today these wastes have become a serious job. This paper describes how these merchandises have contributed to planetary heating throughout its life rhythm and eventually ends up as a waste. And how an designers can recycle those waste merchandises for design and building intents. As a secondary instance study the plants of designer Michael Rey nolds and Shigeru Ban has been analysed and discussed. The thought is to provide to the present twenty-four hours dining demand of believing cleverly for the jobs of environment as a whole. The paper concludes with an effort to follow the discussed technique into simple twenty-four hours today tool of little furniture. This experiment is an illustration of how easy can ne follow this construct into any graduated table of design and contribute towards nature. Keywords:Embodied energy, Global heating, Life rhythm of merchandises, Recycling, Sustainability. Introduction At present, the lifting demand of what we province as ‘resource’ has led us to believe about, are things around us simply a resource? The beautiful nature, is it merely for us to devour? Aren’t we every bit responsible to take attention of the same? We have now taken in our custodies the creative activity and devastation of anything and everything as per our demand and comfort. We create merchandises for our usage and so it’s the same ‘us’ who regard it a waste. It’s finally us, who are the Godheads of both the merchandise and the waste. Today, there are limitless semisynthetic byproducts, example-tires, bottles etc. which can be used as building stuffs. As a affair of fact all these merchandises are free of cost. These byproducts are considered as waste ( a state of affairs in which something valuable is non being used ) in common. Now it is clip to entree all the stuffs and give a proper topographic point possible in the edifice as an designer. The thought of the survey is to analyze what can be done to devour less energy. As energy is non something which is traveling to last forever, it’s our duty to believe about it before it becomes excessively late. And ingestion of excessively much of energy and resources are responsible for other jobs like pollution and eventually planetary heating. With the promotion of engineering, industries today are bring forthing merchandises and stuffs in copiousness, least bothered about environmental effects. The aim of the paper is to happen out an alternate method for the present life rhythm of stuff so that, we as an designer can hold our part towards the whole job that the universe is meeting today. The whole procedure should besides lend to the profession of an designer in order to make something more originative and sustainable together. The life rhythm of the stuffs In order to cognize the importance of recycling any produc and to measure the method of recycling, it is of import to cognize its life rhythm. Every merchandises has similar life rhythm, and throughout its full rhythm of life clip, the stuff consumes energy in different signifiers, from the initial phase of fabrication boulder clay the terminal of its usage. Which is shown in the figure 1.1. This amount of energy inputs to do a merchandise is itsembodied energy. Fig. 1.1. Energy ingestions and co2 emanations in different phases of production. Beginning: To bring forth all these points or stuffs, it needs to utilize the resources of our planet. First, the extraction of natural resources itself consumes big sum of energy and it besides causes environmental debasement and contributes to planetary heating. These natural resources are pure in signifier, which are so processed to do the stuffs. In this procedure of production the resources has to be converted to get the particular point which involves great trade of energy ingestion to change over those stuffs. After it is manufactured it goes for bringing, which requires transit seashore and energy. ( Curran, 2006 ) Smart and effectual methods of recycling Recycling can happen in several ways. A merchandise might be reused, which is what happens when a fictile cup is washed and reused alternatively of being thrown off. It could be sent to merchandise remanufacture, where the stuffs it contains are used to do another merchandise. Hence these two types of recycling eliminates all the other production phases. Therefore assisting in cut downing the negative impacts of resource depletion and carbon dioxide emanations. Which is shown in the figure 1.2 and figure 1.3. Fig. 1.2. Showing how material re-using of merchandise can salvage energy and waste by extinguishing material production and fabrication and bringing phase. Beginning: Fig. 1.3. Showing how material re-used to fabricate new merchandises save energy and waste by extinguishing material production phase. Beginning: Case surveies Two instance surveies are selected to put an illustration for both the above mentioned methods of recycling severally. Case I: Earthship 1.1Introduction: Earthship is an environmental friendly house made from recycled stuffs. By and large made of earth-filled tyres, glass bottle and aluminum sodium carbonate tins. The primary stuff utilized as a structural constituent of earthship is the car tyre which is filled with compacted Earth to organize a modular, thermic mass brick. The other common reclaimable points like glass bottles and aluminum tins are used as cosmetic wall constituents that creates an challenging artistic design statement. ( HODGE, 2007 ) 1.2 History: The construct of earthship was originated by Michael Reynolds a southern US designer, with the airy purpose for these places to be independent and everlasting while characteristically alining with the environment instead than deteriorating it. Reynolds had been experimenting on this edifice of all time since he graduated from architecture school in 1968. ( HODGE, 2007 ) Tsunami in the twelvemonth 2004. Microphone and his crew shows the subsisters how to utilize Surs, plastic bottles and bamboo to construct house. The undertaking succeeded and was granted immediate blessing by the Indian governments. ( HODGE, 2007 ) It was a great encouragement for Reynolds. Then he continues his following work at New Orleans which was attacked by hurricane Katrina on August 29, 2005. Followed by another hurricane pommeling northern Mexico and Texas. ( HODGE, 2007 ) 1.3 AimsTo cut down the overall negative effects that conventional lodging has on the planet. As it relates to the Earth ‘s ability to go on to back up life.To construct a self-sustainable house which will alter the life style of the people for dependence on dwindling supplies of H2O, gas and oil.1.4 Advantages Energy efficiency– the Earth packed tyre wall provide a big sum of thermic mass, which keeps the house cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Self-sustainability– the earthship is designed to take advantage of natural resources. It uses recycle stuffs, inactive solar energy, incorporate H2O reaping system and renewable solar and air current power. Build ability– it can be built without holding any specialised building accomplishments. Basic woodworking, plumbing and electric accomplishments are required. Easy handiness– since it uses recycled stuffs, like Surs, bottles etc. it’s easy to acquire those points. ( Michael Reynolds, 2014 ) 1.5 Nature of the stuffs To fulfill the design end and public presentation demands of an earthship biotecture, the nature of the stuff for an earthship must hold certain features established. Which should aline with the environment of the planet, instead than deteriorating it. Autochthonal– the stuff should be easy found all over the planet. So that it is easy accessible to the common people. Else transporting stuffs from long distance is non sustainable which uses inordinate sum of energy. But in malice of being autochthonal, if the stuff requires monolithic sum of energy to manner into a useable signifier, so it would non be sustainable. Therefore we must research stuffs and methods which are non dependent on manufactured energy so that it can lend to the wellbeing of the planet instead than work it. Thermal mass– the stuff which envelope the earthship should be heavy and monolithic in order to hive away the temperature required to supply a habitable environment. Lastingness– we should seek for the stuff that is lasting as an built-in quality instead than seeking to paint for lastingness. Resilient– temblor is an issue that has to be taken into consideration, which release horizontal motion or agitating to the construction, so we should take such stuff with resiliency. Brittle stuffs like concrete interruptions and cleft. So should prefer a structural stuff that is rubbery or resilient. Which would let flexibleness without failure. ( Michael Reynolds, 2014 ) Case II: Shigeru ban’s reclaimable paper composition board tubings Nipponese designer Shigeru Ban designs impermanent lodging made of paper tubings in catastrophes countries. In impermanent lodging, edifices are demolished in a twelvemonth or half, as a consequence tonss of industrial wastes are being produced. ( Ban, 2013 ) To do pre-construction of impermanent lodging better, Ban constructs his catastrophe alleviation shelters by using reclaimable unlifelike paper tubings for columns, walls and beams. Better in the sense that this reclaimable paper tubings are locally available, cheap, easy to transport, saddle horse and dismantle and most significantly they are reclaimable. Prohibitions human-centered work began with the response to the 1994 struggle in Rwanda, which threw tonss of people into tragic life conditions. Before his work, the refugees were provided shelter by building houses of aluminum poles and fictile sheets, which was non economical for this type of building. Ban proposed his thought of paper tubing shelters to the United Nations High Commission for refugees. And during 1995, earth temblor in Kobe, Japan, Ban developed the â€Å"paper log house† . For foundation beer crates filled with sand bags are used, while paper tubings are lined up vertically for walls and the roofs are covered with fictile sheets. ( AD Editorial Team, 2014 ) The units are easy to level and the stuffs are appropriate for recycling. ( Preston & A ; Bank, 2012 ) Discussion and suggestion Both the instance surveies can be taken as standard illustrations of how the thought of utilizing waste into architectural vocabulary can be carried out. These two instance surveies province method of reusing of a waste in an effectual manner which is much more advanced and effectual than the conventional method of recycling. The thought is to understand the overall procedure of planing with the aid of such stuffs and techniques. Michael Reynolds’ procedure of recycling and recycling the waste merchandises to utilize it as an alternate edifice stuff is cutting short the whole procedure of bring forthing building stuff and besides farther processing of the same. Similarly, on the other manus Shigeru Bans’ smart choice of reclaimable paper tubes prevents the girl usage of other possible and expensive building stuffs. Therefore the best option for cutting down the negative effects of the production of different stuffs and merchandises is ; 1. Use of recycling stuffs every bit much as possible ; 2. Use of locally available stuffs to cut down the usage of fuel and to forestall carbon dioxide gas emanation while transit of stuffs ; 3. Use common architecture. An effort: Furniture with paper composition board. Paper composition board is fundamentally made for packaging intents merely. Then they are being thrown off, as a consequence it ends up being waste and they hence organize a really big part of the domestic every bit good as commercial waste. Taking farther the construct discussed in the paper boulder clay now, we can do usage of this stuff in several ways. One of which can be to use them for doing furniture. Furniture are largely made from forests and metals. Making furniture ‘s out of paper composition board can be economical and environmental friendly. Furniture ‘s life rhythm are most likely to be maximal 5 to 7 old ages. The ground has assorted facets sing from strength, aesthetics, and human physiology. Therefore why non utilize paper composition boards to do furniture ‘s, which will function the exact intent. Most common furniture ‘s are table, chair and bed. Taking chair into consideration, the map of the chair is to back up the whole weight of a individual, which cardboard can non make entirely. Hence there is a demand for this basic stuff to be improvised before direct usage. Paper board has certain features belongingss which are derived surely from the manner it is manufactured. The basic fundamental law of paper composition board is outlined by three beds in which the top and bottom bed service as the base and the in-between bed is arranged in serpentine mode, sandwiches with two beds of paper board. In our instance the in-between bed is the cardinal factor in obtaining the board’s maximal strength, it is done in a mode that the in-between bed has to run along perpendicular to coerce applied. The strength can besides be obtained with different forms and articulations. In instance of form, cylindrical form provides maximal strength. But the cardinal factor mentioned above , that is the alliance of paper is compulsory. The advantage of doing furniture out of paper composition board is that the chair or designed furniture will be light weight, easy to manage, easy movable and of class environment friendly. It’s easy to do because it does n't necessitate profession specialization, usage of really basic tools and small difficult work will be more than plenty. Decision The gait of blind development and industrialization has today lead us to a point from where we can see the hereafter of our coming coevals drowned within the fume of the Satan industries, mines, refineries and many more. A universe which will be wholly isolated from what we know as our female parent nature as we won’t be left with any of it. This ne'er stoping greed of worlds is non taking the right manner. There is a demand to wake up and understand the roots of the job to do it halt or decelerate down. This paper talks about one some really little but basic job and some efforts which can assist us acquiring closer in obtaining a better universe. It touches upon the procedure of fabrication of any merchandise and the byproducts of the same. The paper negotiations about the assorted jobs caused because of the wastage of used merchandises. It highlights upon the alternate lifecycle of a merchandise which can assist in non merely conserving energy but besides in forestalling a batch of environmental impact. Bing an designer what function can be played in the whole procedure and how can we lend towards the same by following these used stuffs into our built signifiers without giving to any other facet of the edifice. The two discussed instances help us to acquire an overall position of the whole effort and how can such a methodological analysis be best adapted maintaining in head the aesthetic of the edifice integral. The stuffs used in both the instances are basic stuffs of waste which we all are familiar with. The first instance Michael Reynolds is a radical construct which has inspired a batch of designer all over the universe. The efficiency of the designer in accomplishing the desired is model. The doctrine of cutting short the procedure of recycle of stuff has been good achieved. The 2nd instance of Shigeru Bans is besides reflecting upon the creativeness and consciousness of the designer in accomplishing simple but alone design with the aid of basic stuffs which were considered waste for building. Towards the terminal the paper leads to an effort of planing a merchandise of architectural usage with the aid of similar â€Å"waste considered† stuffs. The design of the furniture is an illustration carried out to understand how the spectrum of this construct can change from large architectural elements to a little architectural constituent as furniture. The really basic design of a simple chair can be taken as theoretical account to believe about this whole thought in all graduated tables and besides different stuffs. The paper ends with a little note of suggestion about what are the assorted things that can be kept in head while choosing a stuff and how efficient can be the whole procedure economically excessively.MentionsAD Editorial Team. ( 2014, march 24 ) .The Human-centered Works of Shigeru Ban. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: //, S. ( 2013, may ) .Ted. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // language=enCurran, M. A. ( 2006 ) . LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT: Principle AND PRACTICE.Scientific Applications International Corporation.HODGE, O. ( Director ) . ( 2007 ) .GARBAGE WARRIOR[ Motion Picture ] .Michael Reynolds, K. J. ( 2014, october 4 ) . hypertext transfer protocol: // Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // .Preston, S. J. , & A ; Bank, L. C. ( 2012 ) . Portals to an Architecture: Design of a impermanent construction with paper tubing arches.Construction and Building Materials.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

How Does Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ Link to Different Poems?

In all the different texts that were studied, the themes of ‘Love & conflict’ are apparent. In Shakespeare’s Play ‘Romeo and Juliet’, we get the impression that perhaps the nurse has more affection for Juliet compared to her actual parents. It was the nurse that raised and breastfed her. Her parents seem to be quite remote and distanced and are more interested in controlling her. However, we see their genuine affection for her when they are grief-stricken after they discover Juliet’s death. In Catrin, like the Capulet’s, we can see the mother, Gillian Clarke attempting to control her daughter.But this is not a significant confrontation just a petty dispute in which the mother recognises that conflict will always be a part of mother/daughter relationships. This can be seen in What has Happened to Lulu, where the confrontation between mother and daughter has escalated to the point where the daughter felt she must leave. Similarly, in the p oem, A frosty Night, Alice is angry as her mother’s love is controlling and smothering. The texts suggest that relationships are not always healthy between parents and daughters.The structure of Romeo and Juliet takes the form of a traditional narrative with the developing problem of Juliet’s arranged marriage reaching a climax with her death then a resolution of the feuding families reconciling. In Catrin, the classical structure is abandoned: and replaced with a more complex narrative beginning with a flashback. It is the only at the end where we understand their conflict. In ‘A Frosty Night’ and ‘What has happened to Lulu? We see a more traditional structure with the story unfolding in a chronological way.However, what is interesting about the twentieth century texts is that none of them are resolved at the end unlike Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare’s play is quite alike ‘A Frosty Night’ as the conflict is revealed through dialog ue while in ‘Catrin’ and ‘What Has Happened to Lulu’ the narrative is conveyed through the first person. The social and historical contexts of the texts are marked differently. Romeo and Juliet was written in the late 16th century while the other poems were written in the modern day and, therefore, reflects the attitudes and values of their times.In Romeo and Juliet, unlike today, children weren’t expected to question the authority of their parents. Moreover, it was the tradition for parents to arrange their children’s marriage and sometimes leads to serious conflict. This is evident in Shakespeare’s play and ultimately leads to the death of both children. In all the poems, the conflict in a parent-child relationship isn’t as serious as in Romeo and Juliet. While Alice and Lulu felt restricted and constrained by their mothers they could at least have acted more assertive with their parents and even leave home as Lulu’s dis appearance was.In Catrin, the conflict is of a trivial nature which would make occurrence in most families. Despite their apparent differences, what is remarkable is that parent/child conflict has persisted through time and therefore it is possible to understand the confrontation between Juliet and her parent’s even though it was written over four hundred years ago. In all the texts, powerful emotive language is illustrated. In ‘Romeo and Juliet’, we see Old Capulet verbally attacks Juliet in an aggressive and threatening manner, â€Å"Hang thee, Young Baggage!Disobedient Wretch! † he screams. While in ‘Catrin’, Clarke uses the powerful metaphor â€Å"tight red rope of love which we both fought over†. In ‘A Frosty Night’, Robert Graves ends the poem and the mother/daughter conversation with Alice shouting, â€Å"Mother let me go†. Also, in ‘What Has Happened to Lulu† the younger sibling reveals â€Å"I h eard someone cry, in anger or in pain†. Perhaps it is not surprising that emotive language is employed after all the poems are borne out of love.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

New Years

Gabriela J. Bachman Professor Lathrop Writing 1 19 October, 2009 New Years at Home As I described in essay one, New Years for my family is a very important event and we celebrate it with a number of activities based in superstition. According to Wikipedia (1) superstition is defined as â€Å"a credulous belief, not based on reason. The word is commonly applied to beliefs and practices surrounding luck, prophecy and spiritual beings, particularly the irrational belief that future events can be influenced†.Despite the fact that Catholicism is the main religion in my country, all Peruvians believe in superstition. New Years Eve is when people confirm these superstitions by performing a variety of strange rituals such as burning a â€Å"Muneco de Ano Nuevo†, wearing yellow wrist bands, eating grapes at midnight, and placing lentils in our pockets, all these in order to push some luck and prosperity into our life. In the following paragraphs I will be making a deeper analysi s on the meaning of these rituals and explaining why these rituals are still being carried by Peruvian families.One of the most famous rituals and the first I described in essay one is building and burning our first â€Å"Muneco de Ano Nuevo. † A â€Å"Muneco de Ano Nuevo† is an effigy of an important public person that had caused a big commotion during the year. Since in the past decades, politics has been a topic that has caused deception and discontent to Peruvians; this is the reason why effigies are mostly created to represent politicians as showed in this passage from essay one: â€Å"we made an effigy of Alberto Fujimori, who was the president at that time, and who didn’t have a good reputation. Since my family is very interested in politics, this ritual is a joy for them. The part of the ritual they enjoy the most is the burning of the effigy. This doesn’t mean we want to see the real person in flames, but we see it as type of anger therapy, as m eans of getting rid of all the frustrations we have accumulated towards the politician during the past year, hoping he will change and consequently, he will help to bring prosperity to our country. Besides releasing our anger, building and urning the â€Å"Muneco† is also intended to bring the family together into a last activity of the ending year, and first activity of the starting year, hoping family unity will be maintained throughout the entire year. Everyone has an important role in this activity. Although my siblings and I were in charge of building the â€Å"Muneco de Ano Nuevo,†, my whole family contributed in different aspects, as this sentence from essay one clearly illustrates it: â€Å"we used mom’s tan pantyhose to build the face, dad’s old blue jeans and black suit jacket to build the body, and my grandfather’s white tennis shoes to make the feet. A very important role in this ritual is the role of the males, which is to protect the ir children by doing the most dangerous activities involved in this ritual, as this passage from essay one shows â€Å"my dad and uncles closed the street, sat the â€Å"Muneco† in the middle of the street, bath it on gasoline, and lighted it on flames†. A superstition that is more focused with our history is wearing a yellow wristband in New Years Eve. As I said in essay one â€Å"my mom gave to each of us a yellow wrist band which we wore the entire night†. In Peru, yellow is the dominating color of New Year because is associated with hope, happiness, and optimism.Likewise, yellow is the color of the good things in life such as the sun and gold. But this superstition has a deeper meaning of just being the color that identifies a celebration; in fact it has a connection with the past. For our ancestors, the sun was our God, and the gold was the treasure used to venerate him, but when Spain colonized Peru, they stole our gold and forced natives to change their r eligion. This is the main reason why we celebrate New Year in Yellow, as a way to award homage to our roots and ancestors, hoping our country will never have to go through this pain again.Lastly, two family oriented superstitions that were also mentioned in essay one are eating grapes at midnight and placing lentils in our pockets. Eating grapes right when the clock strikes midnight is a common superstition practiced in Peru and Latin America in general. â€Å"†¦ Right after, my mom and aunts ran to the kitchen to get the grapes (†¦) they handed us a bowl with twelve grapes each, which we ate under the table†. This example, as strange as it seems, involve us getting under the table to eat twelve grapes in only twelve seconds.Per each grape that we eat, which represents a month of the year, we get to ask a wish. If all the grapes are sweet, it means it will be a good year; in contrast, if for example the fourth grape was sour or not as sweet as the other ones, it mea ns that April is not going to be a good month. As for the reason why we have to get under the table to eat the grapes, I think this just help us on concentrating when asking for the wishes and to avoid choking since all the grapes must be eaten very fast. Another family oriented superstition I mentioned is to carry lentils in our pockets during New Years Eve.In my country, people consider lentils as being a very nutritious food because it contains a big amount of proteins, minerals, and vitamins. As I mentioned in essay one â€Å"my mom handed us a handful of lentils that we put in our pockets for the entire night. † The illustration of the mother handing out lentils to her kids symbolizes the love and care the mother has towards their kids, providing nourishment and making sure they have the vitamins they need to grow strong. By practicing this superstition, we believe food will be available on our table throughout the whole year.Also, lentils resemble coins, thus we believe that carrying lentils in our pockets during New Years Eve will bring money to our home. (Transition) Although I have immigrated to a new country and culture, I will maintain these beliefs in my family, and I will pass it onto my children as my grandparents did to my parents, and my parents did to me. And whether or not all these superstitions are true, they have become part of the Peruvian history and folklore, making our New Year’s celebration unique. Work Cited (1) Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. â€Å"Superstition. † Web. 19 Oct. 2009. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Superstition

Friday, September 27, 2019

Current Event HR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Current Event HR - Essay Example According to the author, the term 'human resource' dates back to the beginning of the 20th century when people were literally considered capital assets. However, times have changed and so do a perception of employees. Nevertheless, the author claims that a change in perception appears to be a subject of dispute since the same term is used by a vast majority of companies till present. The most interesting aspect of the article for me is a question if a perception of employees actually changed over time or not? The author seems to be stuck in between being not able to say for sure if transformation of job titles is an outcome of changes of the perception, or a push promising those changes in the nearest future. It is not subject to debate that employers no longer see their employees as capital assets, but still we cannot be sure that our society has already reached a point where a people-centric approach is considered the only acceptable one. The author refers to examples involving suc h world recognized companies as Google, LinkdIn, Cisco, and Walmart in order to demonstrate an extent of transformation discussed in the article. Taking into account that the companies he names are believed to be so-called trend setters within a global business community, the author makes a logic conclusion that a lot of positive changes have already happen and even more of them are about to come. To my point of view, the subject discussed in the paper is of a greater importance than it may seem at first glance.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

MICROBIOLOGY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MICROBIOLOGY - Essay Example IgD: - IgD has a serum concentration of 30Â µg/ml and constitutes about 0.2% of total serum immunoglobulin. It is the major membrane bound immunoglobulin expressed by mature B – cells and is involved in the activation of B – cells by antigen. c. In immediate hypersensitivity antigen binds to IgE on mast cells and basophils. This cross linking leads to degranulation with the release of biologically active substances contained in the granules. 5. a. In the ouchterlony method both antigen and antibody diffuse radially from wells toward each other, thereby establishing a concentration gradient. As equivalence is reached, a visible line of precipitation forms. This simple technique is an effective qualitative tool for determining the relationship between antigens and the number of different Ag-Ab systems present. ELISA Test: - An enzyme conjugated to an antibody reacts with a colorless substrate to generate colored reaction product. Enzymes used include alkaline phosphates, horseradish peroxides. ELISA test is used to detect the presence of antibodies and antigen. RIA: - RIA is a competitive binding assay in which fixed amounts of antibody and radio labeled antigen react in presence of unlabelled antigen. The labeled and unlabelled antigens compete for limited binding sites on the antibody. After reaction, the antigen is separated into free and bound fractions and their radioactive counts measured. The concentration of the unlabelled (test) antigen can be calculated from the ratio of the bound and total antigen labels, using standard dose response curve. 6. It is difficult to develop a natural system of Bacterial Taxonomy using the traditional technique of Taxonomy because bacteria are generally very small and have simple shapes, and hence their classification by shape is not an easy task. The revolution in Genomics will affect Taxonomy because with the coming of

English Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

English Law - Essay Example At the risk of gross oversimplification, one can identify the following strategic positions: (A) Practitioners: In this position are all the people who provide services to individuals and institutions who must orient their behaviour toward the law, providing information about the likely outcome of relationships, deals and conflicts that are legally regulated. (B) Law Appliers: These are the positions officially consecrated for making authoritative interpretations of legal norms in concrete situations. It includes not only judges but also arbitrators and administrative officials, among others. (D) Educators: Someone has to socialize entrants, bind the field together and encode its structural constraints. While primary socialization is the responsibility of the schools in almost all legal fields, socialization is a continuing process and workplace influences are often as important as educational ones. (E) Moral Regulators: Legal professions all have systems that police behaviour and ensure conformity of actors: These include formal mechanisms like accrediting bodies, disciplinary boards, promulgators of legal ethics; as well as workplace influences, informal social networks and the like. (ii) Stakes. ... (iii) Capitals. The players in the legal field deploy various forms of capital. These include economic capital, cultural or informational capital (educational credentials, technical knowledge) and social capital (status acquired both outside and inside the field). The main role players in legal professions in England are barristers and solicitors. Academic requirements for qualifications as a barrister now include a degree - though not necessarily a law degree. Traditionally barristers went to the university but commonly studied some subject other than law. In recent decades however, and especially since the Second World War, a law degree has increasingly become the normal mode of entry to the bar. Over eighty percent of those who enter the bar now possess a law degree. Those who do not obtain a law degree must garner one of the limited number of places in one of the courses run by the universities that give instruction for the Common Professional Examination (CPE) - a one year basic law course after the degree course. Limits on student places for those courses are a restriction on entry not controlled by the profession. In 1975, the bar made a degree a prerequisite for entry, except for a special (and tiny) category of mature entrants. This w as the first effective entry barrier to the bar. Students must obtain a satisfactory pass in each core' subject as well as overall. The vocational course for the practicing bar is run exclusively by the Inns of Court School of Law in London. This course is a prerequisite for practice at the English Bar not only in England, but also as an English barrister in any Member State of the European Community. (Those who intend to qualify as barristers, but not practice, may select a different

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Rhetorical Analysis Paper - Essay Example He does not only speak to Blacks but he widens his audience to include everyone. He starts this speech with "five scores years ago" which is a direct reference to Abraham Lincolns most famous speech. This grabs the listener and makes them ready to hear the rest of what he will say. He states that although the Emancipation Proclamation was signed over 100 years ago to free the slaves, that Blacks are still not free. As a leader, he knows that he must captivate his audience in order to help them understand what needs to happen to allow everyone to have the basic rights that are guaranteed to everyone under the U.S. Constitution. King also used a variety of metaphors to help people form their own images to relate to the images he was portraying. As an example, he suggested that "the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity "(King, 1964). All people can relate to this image and they understand the concept of the founding fathers creating a "promissory note" that said that all men were created equal, but that "America has given the Negro people a bad check." These images create an understanding and a deep appeal to each individual listening to the speech. King was a very self-motivated, optimistic and persuasive person. He was able to persuade people to take action and he brought about change. These are important leadership traits. He was an attractive and effective leader form the beginning to his death. According to Patterson, Grenny, MacMillan and Al Switzler (2002) there are seven steps that can be adopted in critical conversations which are: start at heart, learn to look, make it safe, master my stories, state my path, explore others paths and move to action. Crucial conversations are those conversations that are highly risky, take emotions, and feelings into consideration, and in which, the communicators have varying

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Research paper - Essay Example ry Peters in the play along with other individuals were of the opinion that women identification was dependent on the male counterparts of the society. In this context, in accordance to the play Henderson refers Mrs. Peters to be a follower of law. The reason behind the statement is that Mrs. Peter is the wife of Henry Peters, who is the Sherriff and follows the law. According to Henderson, as Henry Peter is a reliable follower of the law of the state. Therefore, his wife would also be a reliable follower of law. However, in the reply Mrs. Peter said, â€Å"Not-just that way† Trifles (page 1-10). The reply of Mrs. Peter suggested that she does not want to be considered as the follower of law as she had been the wife of a Sheriff, but she wants to portray that being independent women she also is a follower of the same law. In the play, it was further concluded by Mrs. Hale saying, â€Å"All go through the same things-its all just a different kind of the same thing† Trifl es (page 1-10). This conclusion made by Mrs. Hale suggesting that such kind of mistake is made by almost every individual and the women should not be considered on the basis of a judgmental decision with regard to the profession of her husband Trifles (page 1-10). This concept of the female identity is to be determined by the relationship with the male member and is significantly relevant to the modern day. It has been observed in several parts of the world that the female members are recognized by the profession of the male members in the family. These male members may either be their husband or father. This is prominently observed in the case of the wives of the terrorist and the other criminals of the world. These women are also considered as terrorists or criminals by the society irrespective of their participation in any sort of offensive crimes. This is not only observed in case of the terrorist or criminals of the society, but also in case of the noble people. The wives and daughters of the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Income Distribution in the U.S Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Income Distribution in the U.S - Essay Example It looks at the income that the rich and the poor are getting. It also critically looks at the factors that can lead to income distribution inequalities like taxing, technology and globalization. It helps in explaining various theories like human capital and economic discrimination. For this purpose, it helps an economy to come up with ways to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor. It has been a global concern in fighting poverty. Even though poverty can not be fully eradicated it can be reduced. It is important to look at how factors of production are distributed within an economy. How easy it is for every individual to access these factors is another way to know how well the income is distributed within an economy (Richard, pp.345-450). It is important to look at the income distribution trends in America to find out how the gap between the rich and the poor can be reduced. Very many economists are interested in fighting the gap between the rich and the poor. The gross domestic product (GDP) has been refuted in telling if the citizens of a country are rich or poor. Many economists argue that a country can have a very high gross domestic product but it is only being produced by 10% of the citizens who are the elite and affluent people of the society. The Gini coefficient has been used by the American economists to tell if the country has equal distribution of income. It can simply be said that some professions are well paid but others earn very low wages (Richard, pp.345-450). It is notable that 1948 to 1968, the Gini coefficient reduced. When the Gini coefficient reduces then it means that the citizens’ income per citizen is increasing. Thus between those years the income inequality in America had reduced meaning that families were receiving more income than before. On the contrary, the Gini coefficient increased between 1968 and 1998, this meant that the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Kite Runner Theme Assessment Essay Example for Free

The Kite Runner Theme Assessment Essay Sex, it can be an act of love or even a way to demonstrate passion, but can it also be used as a way to show dominance? In the play â€Å"A Streetcar Named Desire† Sex represents power. Stanley rapes Blanche in order to demonstrate his superiority over her. Sex is not just a way to show affection to another person. Stanley uses sex as a tool to prove his might. He demonstrates to Blanche that he can have her whenever he wants her. Raping Blanche is one way Stanley proves he has control over Blanche and her sister. Even now in modern society sex is used as not only a way to show affection, but also as a way to display supremacy. In southern California we have thousands of sex offenders running rampant through the streets. In there minds its okay to dominate another person through sexual activities. Stanley, in the play, is described as a masculine person. He is physically strong and is often referred to as a beast. Animals, out in the wild, use sex to show dominance in their clan or group. For example the rest of the walruses looks up the walrus that has a mate. Stanley is in this way an animal. He allows his primal instincts to take over. Therefore he is the dominant male in the household and must have everything his way. Around this time males are still looked upon as the â€Å"providers† for their families, therefore they had a higher position. Even without Stanley raping Blanche he already had some type of influence over her and her sister. Blanche tries to make Stella leave Stanley. Stanley already does not like Blanche and when he notices her not falling in line with what he wants he begins to attack her. First by removing Mitch from her side then by removing Stella. Once he notices she is weak he decides to strike. Power is a desirable thing to come by. It comes to no surprise that Stanley took advantage of Blanche and raped her. Like in the animal kingdom if their dominance is being challenged they must answer the call or risk loosing everything. Stanley like having things the way they were and in the end he displayed his power and control over Stella and her sister.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Trends in Social Welfare and Crime Control

Trends in Social Welfare and Crime Control Georgiana Raluca Andrei Explain and illustrate the claim that contemporary trends in social welfare and crime control policy are indicative of a punitive turn. In contemporary Western societies the division between crime control and welfare is blurred, with the two coming together to produce a complex and sometimes ambiguous policy mix, within which crime control policy substitutes for welfare but may also incorporate welfarist notions of care and protection. The threat and fear of crime has impacted on public and policy attitudes towards welfare and crime control through a process of innovation in law and policy that blurs the boundaries between traditional crime control and welfare fields. Punitivity is a term which means that systems of punishment have become harsher and that though measures have a large degree of popular support (Cochrane and Talbot, 2008, p. 11). Allan Cochrane and Deborah Talbot (2008) suggest that the security/insecurity nexus illuminates a set of connections between the worlds of social welfare (broadly, the search for security) and crime control (broadly, responses to threats of insecurity). The policy worlds of social welfare and crime control need to be understood in relation to one another. In the contemporary world, demands for security and fears of insecurity are present and visible in personal lives, in political agendas and in policymaking domains. The search for security is likely to be unfinished as efforts to ensure security paradoxically heighten personal and societal senses of insecurity, in turn leading to further searches for more security. The emergence of security as a personal, governmental and policy concern is reflected in the work of social theorists and policy analysts, who have debated how the search for security may be understood as shaping social relations and social policy. There are competing app roaches to achieving security. Some emphasize the need to extend criminal justice and legal systems to address the behaviors of those that threaten ‘our’ security; others highlight the need to address broader social divisions, inequalities and problems that undermine the security of societies. Security is a concept with multiple dimensions at individual, group, national and global levels. It’s sometimes argued that the responsibility for achieving security rests with us as individuals rather than with governments. Collective responses to the search for social and economic security are visible in the work of institutions, such as trade unions, credit unions, charities, businesses and governments. These organisations and institutions work to ensure economic security through work, welfare benefits, or pensions, and health security through medical support and care in times of illness and infirmity. They also work to ensure the air we breathe is free from pollution, the water we drink is clean, and the food we eat is uncontaminated. The loss of any one of these will undermine the security of individuals and potentially of societies. Government seek to defend the nation from perceived threats, such as terrorism, political dissent and foreign aggression, and to secure the resources necessary to support their economies and population’s water, food and energy. They enter into international agreements with other governments to address threats of global crime. For example money laundering and trafficking of humans, environmental degradation such as problems of global warming, pollution and waning biodiversity; and also to cooperate with other countries on matters of policing and justice. Security has meanings at every level of human existence from the most private needs and relationships to the broadest currents of international relations and global problems. Focusing on different sources of insecurity leads to different ideas about how we can achieve security. Focusing on security may heighten the anxieties and feelings of insecurity whether now or about the future. They may lead us to try to achieve our own security and that of our families in ways that make others less secure. For example, securing the houses with cameras, alarms, and fences, a nd having police officers visible on the streets, may make us feel safer. But it may also make others more fearful of crime. Actions taken by governments in the name of protection from internal and external security threats sometimes come at the cost of personal freedoms and civil liberties of entire populations. Measures used in pursuit of security often fail to deliver it, and may often, paradoxically,increasea sense ofinsecurity. Security is increasingly being sought (by those who can afford it) through private solutions. Examples of such solutions include living in secure residential enclaves or driving sports utility vehicles (SUVs). This recourse to private solutions represents a form of risk management and social retreat. The media is one of the main drivers of insecurity. The news organisations create a false picture of the problem of crime, exaggerating certain categories of offending, such as random and violent attacks by strangers, and ignoring or underplaying other types, such as the crimes of governments and powerful organisations, or domestic crimes within the family. This can result in a distortion of public perceptions about crime, with greatest level of fear attached to crimes which are least likely to affect them. It has been noted that fear of crime often exceeds the actual risk of personal harm (Jewkes, 2008, p. 33). As individuals, people seek to manage risk by creating safe spaces in a variety of ways. At one extreme these strategies include narrowly delimited places of retreat for personal safety, which might incorporate a range of security devices including barred windows, spy glass, intercom systems. Families are a site of both individual and social security; that is, they are seen as being a key social formation that ensures personal security, as well as a ‘building block’ of society and social order. Families have tended to remain at the top of political and policy agendas, with strong families being equated with strong societies. However, families can also be understood as sites of insecurity – for individuals, who experience family life as harmful or neglectful, and for societies more broadly. While recent debate has centred on whether family change represents some kind of social decline or descent into social disorder, ‘family breakdown’, ‘problem families’ or ‘failing’ families are not new anxieties. For many decades, families who were thought to be ‘failing’ in some way have been a target of social welfare interventions and, increasingly, of crime prevention strategies. Families mirror the contradictio ns in relation to security – they offer a range of securities and act as sites of safety and social welfare, but they also present a range of insecurities, threats and dangers. This means that families are the focus of not only social welfare policy but also crime control policy. Some families are perceived as ‘better’ and more competent than others, and some families are perceived as problematic, disorderly and threatening, and therefore in need of different kinds of policy intervention, including crime control and social welfare policies. These perceptions can be normative and influenced by assumptions based on class, ethnicity and sexuality. Families are closely connected to child welfare issues. Contemporary anxieties about the nature of childhood, together with conflicting ideas about children – as vulnerable and in need of protection and care, and as threats to society and in need of control – are reflected in child and family policy intervent ions. These tensions and ambiguities about children inform social policies aimed at providing both welfare support and reducing crime. Antisocial behaviour and hate crime legislation can both be understood as sites in which the criminal justice system has been extended into new areas. In this way, there is an increasing shift to a more punitive approach within criminal justice systems, particularly in the UK and the USA. Anti-social Behaviour Orders (ASBOs), were part of an increasingly large and complex set of New Labour measures for managing and governing populations. Wacquant stated that â€Å"various neo-conservative think tanks in the USA were able to valorise the diminution of the social or welfare state† and that punitive measures were spreading from USA through Europe. According to the article, the USA/UK policy is being defined by â€Å"mass imprisonment, curfews, interventions based on risk assessment rather than need, zero tolerance, naming and shaming† , becoming more punitive and affecting everyday social relations. States all around the world seem to take a puntive turn to young offending. The depth of the punitive turn in USA in the 1990s is undeniable and Wacquant’s thesis is being supported by quantitative data that shows an increase of children detained in â€Å"juvenile secure estate† in UK and Wales. The American intolerance for those under 18 is getting more popular in the rest of the world. A punitive turn in juvenile justice in a number of countries in Western Europe has been more repressive but not necessarily more efective. It has achieved a political legitimacy to the detriment of traditional principles of juvenile protection and support. The article provides important data that shows the high number of immigrants and minority groups under arrest or in detention and the more punitive elements of juvenile justice. It is difficult to estimate the total amount of the juvenile secure population in various countries at various times due to differences in defining a child, a juvenile. Different countries have different ages of criminal responsability, there is also a difference in definition of offences which make it difficult to compare the countries. Security cannot be fully understood without reference toinsecurity, the idea of security implies the threat of insecurity, so that insecurity and security are intertwined. The ways in which welfare and crime control policies intersect and are entangled help to shape experiences of social inequality. Families can be sites of both security and insecurity. Identifying differences in experiences of security and insecurity is important for understanding, in turn, the different responses of policy and legislation to the (in)securities of family lives. In order to keep under control juvenile and adult crime rates, the system becomes punitive and adopts extreme solutions that will only lead to more drastic consequences. Words: 1652 words References Cochrane, A. and Talbot, D. (2008) ‘The search for security’, in Cochrane, A. and Talbot, D. (eds)Security: Welfare, Crime and Society, Open University; Jewkes, Y. (2008) Insecurity, fear and social retreat, in Cochrane, A. and Talbot, D. (eds)Security: Welfare, Crime and Society, Open University; Muncie, John (2008). The ‘punitive’ turn in juvenile justice: cultures of control and rights compliance in western Europe and the USA. Youth Justice, 8(2) pp. 107–121. Reflection I found it challenging to incorporate in my essay the details from the journal article due to the large amount of information provided. The journal article was written in a different way than the course materials from OU and it needed extra attention. The language used was complex and specialised and required further investigation. I developed the ability to integrate a journal article into my essay. I have used the skills that I have practiced before such as gathering ideas from different sources and create an essay, reading and interpreting different types of evidences such as journal articles or quantitative data. I have used my tutor’s previous feedback and tried to be more confident with using references.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Development of Language from Rituals

Development of Language from Rituals To what extent has language evolved from complex rituals? Is ritualistic behaviour a necessary step in the development of complex language? This essay will examine the possibility of a connection between rituals and ritualistic behaviour and the development of language, with some analysis of ritual behaviour in the animal world as well as briefly examining the extent to which human use of language today is itself ritualistic. The questions above are by no means simple to answer, nor indeed is any question relating to the origin of the spoken word. How exactly language itself came about is a question which countless historians, evolutionists, biologists and linguists have tried, over many years, to answer without conclusive success. J. G. Penner, in his book Evolution Challenged by Language and Speech, in the appropriately named chapter How did language and speech originate? A confession of ignorance demonstrates this most effectively by quoting no less than 35 eminent experts, renowned in their respective fields, all essentially saying the same thing; that an understanding of exactly how language evolved is beyond human comprehension. Any attempts to explain it, it would appear, can never be much more than speculation. The evidence (that there is no evidence) is certainly compelling. In light of this, it would seem appropriate and wise to proceed with an understanding that whilst we can attempt to answer these questions, the approach, will, by necessity, be purely theoretical in essence. That said, the lack of concrete scientific evidence should not be a reason to discredit all theories completely – this essay will attempt to explore some of the more persuasive theories in investigating the link between ritualistic behaviour and the development of language. In John Haiman’s essay Perspectives on Grammaticalization, he starts by positing the concept of a ritual’s evolution into signals using the example of a basic rite performed by insects – the mating ritual of the dancing fly. Originally the male dancing fly would present the female with a smaller dead insect wrapped in silk. The purpose was for the male to use the opportunity presented by the female’s preoccupation and engagement in unwrapping the bundle to mount her, achieving his instinctual aim of copulation and impregnation. Over many years, the dead insect itself became superfluous, and now, whilst the ritual itself remains the same, the silk parcel presented to the female is empty. This, Haiman explains, has transformed the nature of the ritual inasmuch as the presenting of the empty wrapping alone has evolved into a process which serves purely as a mating signal. The above example serves to demonstrate the evolutionary complexities and potential for development in ritualistic behaviour, however, in order to postulate the origins of the spoken word it would make more sense to consider our closest primate cousins. In The Talking Ape: How Language Evolved Robbins Burling poses the question: â€Å"How did we get from an ordinary primate that could not talk to the strange human primate that can’t shut up?† (p.4)[1] Chimpanzees and Bonobos are clearly also a great deal further along the evolutionary scale than the dancing fly, but Burling provides a very similar example of the development of signal, or ‘ritualisation’, in the evolution of lip-curling in primates. As he explains, the retraction of the lip as a precursor to biting would originally have been a simple movement in order to facilitate the action of biting itself and nothing more; were the lip not to be moved, the ape would bite it. Over millions of years, the curling of the lip would have been universally recognised as a precursor to aggressive behaviour; an imminent bite. Natural selection would favour a) those clever enough to recognise this warning sign of aggression and escape without harm, and b) those who were clever enough to curl their lips and repel aggressors without needing to fight; â€Å"The sign would have then evolved from a purely instrumental act into a stereotypic communicative signal. By evolving into a communicative symbol, the retracted lip became useful for both the aggressor and his potential victim†¦ after some thousands of generations, the behaviour became almost, or fully automatic.† (Burling pp.14-15)[2] Burling explains this process of ritualisation as a logical progression of what is widely considered to be an important concept in the development of language; comprehension. It is only when the significance of a given signal is understood that it becomes a sign of communication, and thus potentially an ancestor of spoken language: â€Å"The ritualization of the lip twitch turned an instrumental act into a communicative signal, but ritualization could not even begin until the twitch was understood. Other animal signals began much as did the retracted lip. Only after meaning is discovered in instrumental gestures or vocalizations can they be ritualized into stereotypic signals.† (p.15)[3] In what we mean by ritual, then, we may perhaps use John Haimans definition; A ritual is identified as one when it ceases to be a purely instrumental act and becomes a signthe ritualized activity is regularized so that its form is relatively independent of (emancipated from) its original stimulus. (p.5)[4] Using this approach then, the question arises, and it is one that has puzzled scholars from all disciplines for thousands of years: How did these signals evolve into spoken language? If we adhere to the logic of the argument presented by Burling, based upon comprehension and ritualisation, it can be put down to the process of evolution, namely natural selection. However, as Burling argues, there is a fundamental difference between the inheritance of basic animal signals, such as those described above, and the development of the spoken word. Natural selection may well have favoured those with the ability to comprehend visible or audible signs, but spoken language could never have been passed on genetically; it would have had to be learnt by the members of each successive generation. This is one of the most vital differences between us and our simian relatives. What distinguishes us from apes, more than anything else, is the ability to communicate via spoken language, as opposed to sig nals, or ‘visible language’ (p.122)[5]. Acknowledging all the while how difficult his task is, Burling attempts to answer the question of how audio signals developed from visual ones, going on to explore various theories including the beginnings of verbal communication as a development of vocal accompaniment to music, and â€Å"motherese†, the cooing vocalisation of mothers toward their children. Burling makes a significant distinction between human language and ‘human screams, sighs, sobs, and laughter’ (p.16)[6]. Our own ‘audible cries, howls, giggles and snorts, along with our visible scowls, smiles, and stares’, he argues, are directly descended from the ‘primate calls’ of the apes, and indeed bear far more relation to the latter than to spoken language. To Burling, our own ‘primate calls’ are, being solely based on instinct and governed directly and purely by emotion, inherent and genetically passed on from generation to generation (indeed, from our simian ancestors to us). Oral Language can only be learned anew. In Language in the Light of Evolution: Volume 1, The Origins of Meaning, James Hurford explores further the difference between learned and unlearned signals, but he takes a different tack to Burling when it comes to the significance of primate communication in the origin of spoken language. Whilst agreeing with the principle of the separateness of learned and inherent communication, Hurford does not draw quite such a radical division between primate calls and spoken language. He sees language as having evolved from a mixture of what is innate and what is learned: â€Å"†¦I see enough common ground between primate calls and human utterances not to give up the idea that the evolution of human language built upon the pre-existing use of arbitrary signals by animals to do things to each other† (p.119)[7] Indeed, Hurford sees the unlearned ‘primate calls’ themselves as a direct ancestor of spoken language. He uses the analogy of the modern wonders of nanotechnology having developed only as a result of the evolution of basic Stone Age tools. There would be no computers or spacecraft had it not been for those rudimentary early tools, however primitive they may have been. Hurford goes on to point out the role of emotion in governing the variance of spoken communication; â€Å"Human language is a unique naturally occurring case of learned and arbitrary symbolic communication, about objects and events in a shared external world. Alongside modern human language, and accompanying it in utterances, we find elements of the kind of non-referring communication that we have just surveyed in animals. Some aspects of speech, such as speed, loudness and pitch range, are iconically connected with the affective mood of the speaker, and these correlations are found across all languages with little variation. You can tell when a speaker is excited, even if you can’t understand a word he is saying. These aspects of human language behaviour are largely unlearned, and come instinctively. They have been called ‘paralanguage’, implying that they do not belong to a language system proper.† (p.120)[8] Hurford quite correctly draws attention to the fact that what he describes as ‘paralanguage’ can significantly alter the nature of the communication itself without changing a single word. A vast range of intonations can radically change spoken language, and these variances in pitch, expression and emphasis, which often serve to indicate an emotion on the speaker’s behalf, have, as Hurford says, been shown to be very similar in spoken dialects all over the world, which would appear to indicate that they are indeed inherent (i.e. non-learned). It is in increasing our use and knowledge of the ‘learned’ aspect of language that we have grown apart from our primate relations and their ritualised, instinctive, signal-based communication. Burling however, in his absolute insistence on the mutual exclusivity of learned ‘primate calls’ (human and simian) and spoken language, appears in effect to have shut himself off from being able to reach a decisive conclusion about how exactly language came to evolve from the early, ritual-based, genetically inherited form of communication into the complex dialects spoken by humans today. He does little to hide the obvious difficulty he finds in making the leap from the â€Å"ordinary primate that could not talk to the strange human primate that can’t shut up†. Hurford takes a more inclusive view, and whilst acknowledging that ‘language proper’ is undeniably distinct and separate from ‘paralanguage’, he declares that ‘uniquely complex human language could not have evolved without the social ritualized doing-things-to-each-other scaffolding found in many other social species, including our nearest relatives, the primates’ (p.120)[9]. Given the limits of this essay it is only possible to explore [to a certain depth] a limited range of theory on the ritualistic origins of language, but the conclusion Hurford reaches appears to be a rational [and intelligent] one. Burling may be himself unable to convincingly bridge the gap between pant-hoots and human verbal discourse, but like Haiman, he does at least acknowledge that the roots of human language lie in ritualised behaviour. Haiman casts an intriguing perspective on the extent of ritualisation in language today. Certainly we may take Hurfords paralanguage, the contextualisation of spoken utterances dependent on variables such as pitch, intonation and volume as an example of ritualisation occurring from instinctive signal transmission. Having demonstrated, with his example of the dancing flies, an example of ritualisation resulting from repetition, Haiman expands the concept and explores the phenomenon of ritualisation occurring from what he calls grammaticalization – the transformation of the significance of verbal markers. Quoting Brophy and Partridge, he provides an example of soliders so inured to the word fuck, that its effect is practically reversed: So common indeed was [the word fuck] in its adjectival form that after a short time the ear refused to acknowledge it and took in only the noun to which it was attachedIt became so common that an effective way for the soldier to express emotion was to omit this word. Thus, if a sergeant said Get your f***ing rifles! it was understood as a matter of routine. But if he said Get your rifles! there was an immediate implication of emergency and danger. (Brophy and Partridge 1931: 16f) (p.9)[10] This look at a handful of theories relating to one of the most widely considered topics of language does, for all the various differences within, seem to point towards the fact that ritualistic behaviour was indeed an important, if not necessary step in the development of complex language as we know it today. The terms ritual and ritualisation are widely open to interpretation, but a brief glimpse at some of Haimans theories and examples of the ritualisation of modern language goes at least some way towards demonstrating the presence and significance of ritual still present in our spoken language today. Bibliography Boysson-Bardies, B (1991) â€Å"How Language Comes to Children†: MIT Press, Cambridge Burling, R (2005) â€Å"The Talking Ape†: Oxford University Press, UK Ellis, A Beattie, G (2005) â€Å"The Psychology of Language and Communication†: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hove and London, UK Hurford, James R (2007) â€Å"Language in the Light of Evolution: Volume 1, The origins of Meaning†: Oxford University Press, UK Krebs, J.R Davies, N.B (Ed) (1984) â€Å"Behavioural Ecology: An Evolutionary Approach†: Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford McWhorter, J (2001) â€Å"The Power of Babe: A Natural History of Language†: William Heinemann, London Pagliuca, W (Ed) (1994) â€Å"Perspectives on Grammaticalization†: John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam Penner, J.G (2000) â€Å"Evolution challenged by language and speech†: Minerva Press, London 1 Footnotes [1] Burling, R (2005) â€Å"The Talking Ape† [2] ibid [3] Burling, R (2005) â€Å"The Talking Ape† [4] Pagliuca, W (Ed) (1994) â€Å"Perspectives on Grammaticalization† [5] Burling, R (2005) â€Å"The Talking Ape† [6] ibid [7] Hurford, James R (2007) â€Å"Language in the Light of Evolution [8] Hurford, James R (2007) â€Å"Language in the Light of Evolution [9] ibid [10] Pagliuca, W (Ed) (1994) â€Å"Perspectives on Grammaticalization†

Thursday, September 19, 2019

tulips by slvia plath :: essays research papers

â€Å"Tulips†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The poem â€Å"Tulips† written by Sylvia Plath is a poem that uses extremely vivid language and detail. The poem is called â€Å"Tulips†, although tulips play a minor role in the poem. This poem is more about the observation of tulips then it is about actual tulips. At one point it almost feels as if she is jealous of the â€Å"Tulips†. She writes in the first person and has a very original structure. The poem is a easy read but intriguing at the same time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This poem is about a person whom might have been injured in a battle of some kind or a war. The setting is a hospital. Plath leaves many details to the imagination but the setting is concrete. This poem is written in the first person. I believe Plath might take on an alternate identity in order to write this poem. The speaker in this poem seems to be depressed. Depressed about her life, her family, and her situation in this hospital. Visible from â€Å" the green plastic–pillowed trolley† that she lays on are, red tulips.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Plath writes in seven line stanzas. She uses a unique rhyme scheme that changes from in each stanza. Occasionally she isolates one line in order to annunciate its meaning. She also uses enjambment to help stress the meaning of certain lines. Plath also like to use metaphor and simile in her poem. Lines nine and ten she uses simile when she writes, â€Å"Like an eye between two white lids that will not shut. Stupid pupil, it has to take everything in†. She is stationary in her bed and almost doesn’t want to see everything anymore but she cannot hide what is going on around her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Tulips in this poem play a unique role. It is as if she is jealous of the tulips. She makes the reader understand that the tulips are so red that they automatically draw attention. Earlier in the poem she speaks of how no one notices her. She compared herself to a â€Å"pebble† and speaks of how the nurses tend over her. Not that she is being neglected but that she is part of there routine. It is as if they have to tend to her not as if they want to. She is bothered that everyday no one notices her except for today when the tulips are present. tulips by slvia plath :: essays research papers â€Å"Tulips†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The poem â€Å"Tulips† written by Sylvia Plath is a poem that uses extremely vivid language and detail. The poem is called â€Å"Tulips†, although tulips play a minor role in the poem. This poem is more about the observation of tulips then it is about actual tulips. At one point it almost feels as if she is jealous of the â€Å"Tulips†. She writes in the first person and has a very original structure. The poem is a easy read but intriguing at the same time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This poem is about a person whom might have been injured in a battle of some kind or a war. The setting is a hospital. Plath leaves many details to the imagination but the setting is concrete. This poem is written in the first person. I believe Plath might take on an alternate identity in order to write this poem. The speaker in this poem seems to be depressed. Depressed about her life, her family, and her situation in this hospital. Visible from â€Å" the green plastic–pillowed trolley† that she lays on are, red tulips.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Plath writes in seven line stanzas. She uses a unique rhyme scheme that changes from in each stanza. Occasionally she isolates one line in order to annunciate its meaning. She also uses enjambment to help stress the meaning of certain lines. Plath also like to use metaphor and simile in her poem. Lines nine and ten she uses simile when she writes, â€Å"Like an eye between two white lids that will not shut. Stupid pupil, it has to take everything in†. She is stationary in her bed and almost doesn’t want to see everything anymore but she cannot hide what is going on around her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Tulips in this poem play a unique role. It is as if she is jealous of the tulips. She makes the reader understand that the tulips are so red that they automatically draw attention. Earlier in the poem she speaks of how no one notices her. She compared herself to a â€Å"pebble† and speaks of how the nurses tend over her. Not that she is being neglected but that she is part of there routine. It is as if they have to tend to her not as if they want to. She is bothered that everyday no one notices her except for today when the tulips are present.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Childless Couples on Television Essay -- Television Media TV Esays

Childless Couples on Television Throughout the evolution of television, there have always been TV shows of childless television couples, such as The Honeymooners or King of Queens. As television has changed throughout the decades, so have television’s childless couples. In the beginning of television series with childless couples, the wife was the one that stayed at home, cleaned, cooked, and did the laundry. The husband was the one that made the money by going to work. Television series always portrayed women as the weaker characters. â€Å"Women in the early 1950s family were weak, secondary characters, and as such were usually dominated by their husbands and their own conceptions of marriage† (Hastings, 1974). Certain episodes of these shows always tried to prove that women should stay at home. When I Love Lucy came out with a woman as the main star, they still had her stay at home, cooking and cleaning, but still made her seem useless. â€Å"Women characters frequently were shown as less mature and less capable human-beings and their husbands often took a quasi-parental role by... Childless Couples on Television Essay -- Television Media TV Esays Childless Couples on Television Throughout the evolution of television, there have always been TV shows of childless television couples, such as The Honeymooners or King of Queens. As television has changed throughout the decades, so have television’s childless couples. In the beginning of television series with childless couples, the wife was the one that stayed at home, cleaned, cooked, and did the laundry. The husband was the one that made the money by going to work. Television series always portrayed women as the weaker characters. â€Å"Women in the early 1950s family were weak, secondary characters, and as such were usually dominated by their husbands and their own conceptions of marriage† (Hastings, 1974). Certain episodes of these shows always tried to prove that women should stay at home. When I Love Lucy came out with a woman as the main star, they still had her stay at home, cooking and cleaning, but still made her seem useless. â€Å"Women characters frequently were shown as less mature and less capable human-beings and their husbands often took a quasi-parental role by...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Importance of television in our life Essay

Natural rubber, also called India rubber or caoutchouc, as initially produced, consists of suitable polymers of the organic compound isoprene, with minor impurities of other organic compounds plus water. Forms of polyisoprene that are useful as natural rubbers are classified aselastomers. Currently, rubber is harvested mainly in the form of the latex from certain trees. The latex is a sticky, milky colloid drawn off by making incisions into the bark and collecting the fluid in vessels in a process called â€Å"tapping†. The latex then is refined into rubber ready for commercial processing. Natural rubber is used extensively in many applications and products, either alone or in combination with other materials. In most of its useful forms, it has a large stretch ratio, high resilience, and is extremely waterproof.[1] Varieties[edit] The major commercial source of natural rubber latex is the Parà ¡ rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis), a member of the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae. This species is widely used because it grows well under cultivation and a properly managed tree responds to wounding by producing more latex for several years. Many other plants produce forms of latex rich in isoprene polymers, though not all produce usable forms of polymer as easily as the Parà ¡ rubber tree does; some of them require more elaborate processing to produce anything like usable rubber, and most are more difficult to tap. Some produce other desirable materials, for example gutta-percha (Palaquium gutta)[2] and chicle from Manilkara species. Others that have been commercially exploited, or at least have shown promise as sources of rubber, include the rubber fig (Ficus elastica), Panama rubber tree (Castilla elastica), various spurges (Euphorbia spp.), lettuce (Lactuca species), the related Scorzonera tau-saghyz, various Taraxacum species, including common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) and Russian dandelion (Taraxacum kok-saghyz), and guayule (Parthenium argentatum). The term gum rubber is sometimes applied to the tree-obtained version of natural rubber in order to distinguish it from the synthetic version.[1] Discovery of commercial potential[edit] The Para rubber tree is indigenous to South America. Charles Marie de La Condamine is credited with introducing samples of rubber to the Acadà ©mie Royale des Sciences of France in 1736.[3] In 1751, he presented a paper by Franà §ois Fresneau to the Acadà ©mie (eventually published in 1755) which described many of the properties of rubber. This has been referred to as the first scientific paper on rubber.[3] In England, Joseph Priestley, in 1770, observed that a piece of the material was extremely good for rubbing off pencil marks on paper, hence the name â€Å"rubber†. Later, it slowly made its way around England. South America remained the main source of the limited amounts of latex rubber used during much of the 19th century. In 1876, Henry Wickham gathered thousands of Para rubber tree seeds from Brazil, and these were germinated in Kew Gardens, England. The seedlings were then sent to India, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Indonesia, Singapore, and British Malaya. Malaya (now Malaysia) was later to become the biggest producer of rubber. In the early 1900s, the Congo Free State in Africa was also a significant source of natural rubber latex, mostly gathered by forced labor. Liberia and Nigeria also started production of rubber. In India, commercial cultivation of natural rubber was introduced by the British planters, although the experimental efforts to grow rubber on a commercial scale in India were initiated as early as 1873 at the Botanical Gardens, Calcutta. The first commercial Hevea plantations in India were established at Thattekadu in Kerala in 1902. In Singapore and Malaya, commercial production of rubber was heavily promoted by Sir Henry Nicholas Ridley, who served as the first Scientific Director of the Singapore Botanic Gardens from 1888 to 1911. He distributed rubber seeds to many planters and developed the first technique for tapping trees for latex without causing serious harm to the tree.[4]Because of his very fervent promotion of this crop, he is popularly remembered by the nickname â€Å"Mad Ridley†.[5] Properties[edit] Rubber latex Rubber exhibits unique physical and chemical properties. Rubber’s stress-strain behavior exhibits the Mullins effect and the Payne effect, and is often modeled as hyperelastic. Rubber strain crystallizes. Owing to the presence of a double bond in each repeat unit, natural rubber is susceptible to vulcanisation and sensitive to ozone cracking. The two main solvents for rubber are turpentine and naphtha (petroleum). The former has been in use since 1764 when Franà §ois Fresnau made the discovery. Giovanni Fabbroni is credited with the discovery of naphtha as a rubber solvent in 1779. Because rubber does not dissolve easily, the material is finely divided by shredding prior to its immersion. An ammonia solution can be used to prevent the coagulation of raw latex while it is being transported from its collection site. Elasticity[edit] In most elastic materials, such as metals used in springs, the elastic behavior is caused by bond distortions. When force is applied, bond lengths deviate from the (minimum energy) equilibrium and strain energy is stored electrostatically. Rubber is often assumed to behave in the same way, but this is a poor description. Rubber is a curious material because, unlike in metals, strain energy is stored thermally. In its relaxed state, rubber consists of long, coiled-up chains. When rubber is stretched, the chains are taut. Their kinetic energy is released as heat. The entropy and temperature increases during elongation but decreases during relaxation. This change in entropy is related to the changes in degrees of freedom. Relaxation of a stretched rubber band is thus driven by a decrease in entropy and temperature, and the force experienced is a result of the cooling of the material being converted to potential energy. Rubber relaxation isendothermic, and for this reason the force exerted by a stretched piece of rubber increases with temperature. The material undergoes adiabatic cooling during contraction. This property of rubber can easily be verified by holding a stretched rubber band to one’s lips and relaxing it. Stretching of a rubber band is in some ways opposite to compression(although both undergo higher levels of thermal energy of an ideal gas), and relaxation is opposed to gas expansion (Note: rubber bands last longer in the cold). A compressed and heated gas also exhibits â€Å"elastic† properties, for instance inside an inflated car tire. The fact that stretching is equivalent to compression is counterintuitive, but it makes sense if rubber is viewed as a one-dimensional gas, plus it is attached to other molecules. Stretching and heat increase the â€Å"space† available to each section of chain, because the molecules are pulled apart. Vulcanization of rubber creates disulfide bonds between chains, so it limits the degrees of freedom. The result is that the chains tighten more quickly for a given strain, thereby increasing the elastic force constant and making rubber harder and less extensible. When cooled below the glass transition temperature, the quasifluid chain segments â€Å"freeze† into fixed geometries and the rubber abruptly loses its elastic properties, although the process is reversible. This property it shared by most elastomers. At very low temperatures, rubber is rather brittle. This critical temperature is the reason winter tires use a softer version of rubber than normal tires. The failing rubber o-ring seals that contributed to the cause of the Challenger disaster were thought to have cooled below their critical temperature; the disaster happened on an unusually cold day. The gas molecules in the rubber were too close to their bound solid molecules(a partial phase change that separated the rubber molecules may have occurred), allowing the rubber to take on a more solid shape(a partial phase change to a more liquid and molecularly separated form would not be good, either). Heated gas has a higher energy, and rubber must be kept at specific temperatures and probably should not be used on vehicles that undergo extreme temperature changes. Chemical makeup[edit] Latex is the polymer cis-1,4-polyisoprene – with a molecular weight of 100,000 to 1,000,000 daltons. Typically, a small percentage (up to 5% of dry mass) of other materials, such as proteins, fatty acids, resins, and inorganic materials (salts) are found in natural rubber. Polyisoprene can also be created synthetically, producing what is sometimes referred to as â€Å"synthetic natural rubber†, but the synthetic and natural routes are completely different.[1] Chemical structure of cis-polyisoprene, the main constituent of natural rubber: Synthetic cis-polyisoprene and natural cis-polyisoprene are derived from different precursors. Some natural rubber sources, such as gutta-percha, are composed of trans-1,4-polyisoprene, a structural isomer that has similar, but not identical, properties. Natural rubber is an elastomer and a thermoplastic. Once the rubber is vulcanized, it will turn into a thermoset. Most rubber in everyday use is vulcanized to a point where it shares properties of both; i.e., if it is heated and cooled, it is degraded but not destroyed. The final properties of a rubber item depend not just on the polymer, but also on modifiers and fillers, such as carbon black, factice, whiting, and a host of others. Biosynthesis[edit] Rubber particles are formed in the cytoplasm of specialized latex-producing cells called laticifers within rubber plants.[6] Rubber particles are surrounded by a single phospholipid membrane with hydrophobic tails pointed inward. The membrane allows biosynthetic proteins to be sequestered at the surface of the growing rubber particle, which allows new monomeric units to be added from outside the biomembrane, but within the lacticifer. The rubber particle is an enzymatically active entity that contains three layers of material, the rubber particle, a biomembrane, and free monomeric units. The biomembrane is held tightly to the rubber core due to the high negative charge along the double bonds of the rubber polymer backbone.[7] Free monomeric units and conjugated proteins make up the outer layer. The rubber precursor is isopentenyl pyrophosphate (an allylic compound), which elongates by Mg2+-dependent condensation by the action of rubber transferase. The monomer adds to the pyrophosphate end of the growing polymer.[8] The process displaces the terminal high-energy pyrophosphate. The reaction produces a cis polymer. The initiation step is catalyzed by prenyltransferase, which converts three monomers of isopentenyl pyrophosphate into farnesyl pyrophosphate.[9] The farnesyl pyrophosphate can bind to rubber transferase to elongate a new rubber polymer. The required isopentenyl pyrophosphate is obtained from the mevalonate pathway, which is derives from acetyl-CoA in the cytosol. In plants, isoprene pyrophosphate can also be obtained from 1-deox-D-xyulose-5-phosphate/2-C-methyl-D-erythritol-4-phosphate pathway within plasmids.[10] The relative ratio of the farnesyl pyrophosphate initiator unit and isoprenyl pyrophosphate elongation monomer determines the rate of new particle synthesis versus elongation of existing particles. Though rubber is known to be produced by only one enzyme, extracts of latex have shown numerous small molecular weight proteins with unknown function. The proteins possibly serve as cofactors, as the synthetic rate decreases with complete removal.[11] Current sources[edit] Close to 21 million tons of rubber were produced in 2005, of which approximately 42% was natural. Since the bulk of the rubber produced is of the synthetic variety, which is derived from petroleum, the price of natural rubber is determined, to a large extent, by the prevailing global price of crude oil.[12][13] Today, Asia is the main source of natural rubber, accounting for about 94% of output in 2005. The three largest producing countries, Thailand, Indonesia (2.4m tons)[14] and Malaysia, together account for around 72% of all natural rubber production. Natural rubber is not cultivated widely in its native continent of South America due to the existence of South American leaf blight, and other natural predators of the rubber tree. Cultivation[edit] Rubber is generally cultivated in large plantations. See the coconut shell used in collecting latex, in plantations in Kerala, India Rubber latex is extracted from rubber trees. The economic life period of rubber trees in plantations is around 32 years – up to 7 years of immature phase and about 25 years of productive phase. The soil requirement of the plant is generally well-drained, weathered soil consisting of laterite, lateritic types, sedimentary types, nonlateritic red, or alluvial soils. The climatic conditions for optimum growth of rubber trees are: Rainfall of around 250 cm evenly distributed without any marked dry season and with at least 100 rainy days per year Temperature range of about 20 to 34 °C, with a monthly mean of 25 to 28 °C High atmospheric humidity of around 80% Bright sunshine amounting to about 2000 hours per year at the rate of six hours per day throughout the year Absence of strong winds Many high-yielding clones have been developed for commercial planting. These clones yield more than 2,000 kg of dry rubber per hectare per year, when grown under ideal conditions. Field coagula[edit] Mixed field coagula Smallholder’s lump at a remilling factory There are four types of field coagula, â€Å"cuplump†, â€Å"treelace†, â€Å"smallholders’ lump† and â€Å"earth scrap†. Each has significantly different properties.[15] Cuplump is the coagulated material found in the collection cup when the tapper next visits the tree to tap it again. It arises from latex clinging to the walls of the cup after the latex was last poured into the bucket, and from late-dripping latex exuded before the latex-carrying vessels of the tree become blocked. It is of higher purity and of greater value than the other three types. Treelace is the coagulum strip that the tapper peels off the previous cut before making a new cut. It usually has higher copper and manganese contents than cuplump. Both copper and manganese are pro-oxidants and can lower the physical properties of the dry rubber. Smallholders’ lump is produced by smallholders who collect rubber from trees a long way away from the nearest factory. Many Indonesian smallholders, who grow paddy in remote areas, tap dispersed trees on their way to work in the paddy fields and collect the latex (or the coagulated latex) on their way home. As it is often impossible to preserve the latex sufficiently to get it to a factory that processes latex in time for it to be used to make high quality products, and as the latex would anyway have coagulated by the time it reached the factory, the smallholder will coagulate it by any means available, in any container available. Some smallholders use small containers, buckets etc., but often the latex is coagulated in holes in the ground, which are usually (but not always) lined with plastic. Acidic materials and fermented fruit juices are used to coagulate the latex – a form of assisted biological coagulation. Little care is taken to exclude twigs, leaves, and even bark from the lumps that are formed, which may also include treelace collected by the smallholder. Earth scrap is the material that gathers around the base of the tree. It arises from latex overflowing from the cut and running down the bark of the tree, from rain flooding a collection cup containing latex, and from spillage from tappers’ buckets during collection. It contains soil and other contaminants, and has variable rubber content depending on the amount of contaminants mixed with it. Earth scrap is collected by the field workers two or three times a year and may be cleaned in a scrap-washer to recover the rubber, or sold off to a contractor who will clean it and recover the rubber. It is of very low quality and under no circumstances should it be included in block rubber or brown crepe. Processing[edit] Removing coagulum from coagulating troughs The latex will coagulate in the cups if kept for long. The latex has to be collected before coagulation. The collected latex, â€Å"field latex†, is transferred into coagulation tanks for the preparation of dry rubber or transferred into air-tight containers with sieving for ammoniation. Ammoniation is necessary to preserve the latex in colloidal state for long. Latex is generally processed into either latex concentrate for manufacture of dipped goods or it can be coagulated under controlled, clean conditions using formic acid. The coagulated latex can then be processed into the higher-grade, technically specified block rubbers such as SVR 3L or SVR CV or used to produce Ribbed Smoke Sheet grades. Naturally coagulated rubber (cup lump) is used in the manufacture of TSR10 and TSR20 grade rubbers. The processing of the rubber for these grades is a size reduction and cleaning process to remove contamination and prepare the material for the final stage of drying.[16] The dried material is then baled and palletized for storage and shipment in various methods of transportation. Transportation[edit] Natural rubber latex is shipped from factories in south-west Asia, South America, and North Africa to destinations around the world. As the cost of natural rubber has risen significantly, the shipping methods which offer the lowest cost per unit of weight are preferred. Depending on the destination, warehouse availability, and transportation conditions, some methods are more suitable to certain buyers than others. In international trade, latex rubber is mostly shipped in 20-foot ocean containers. Inside the ocean container, various types of smaller containers are used by factories to store latex rubber.[17] Uses[edit] Compression molded (cured)rubber boots before the flashesare removed Contemporary manufacturing[edit] Around 25 million tonnes of rubber is produced each year, of which 42 percent is natural rubber. The remainder is synthetic rubber derived from petrochemical sources. Around 70 percent of the world’s natural rubber is used in tires. The top end of latex production results in latex products such as surgeons’ gloves, condoms, balloons and other relatively high-value products. The mid-range which comes from the technically-specified natural rubber materials ends up largely in tires but also in conveyor belts, marine products and miscellaneous rubber goods. Natural rubber offers good elasticity, while synthetic materials tend to offer better resistance to environmental factors such as oils, temperature, chemicals or ultraviolet light and suchlike. â€Å"Cured rubber† is rubber which has been compounded and subjected to the vulcanisation process which creates cross-links within the rubber matrix. Prehistoric uses[edit] The first use of rubber was by the Olmecs, who centuries later passed on the knowledge of natural latex from the Hevea tree in 1600 BC to the ancient Mayans. They boiled the harvested latex to make a ball for a Mesoamerican ballgame.[18] Pre-World War II manufacturing[edit] Other significant uses of rubber are door and window profiles, hoses, belts, gaskets, matting, flooring, and dampeners (antivibration mounts) for the automotive industry. Gloves (medical, household and industrial) and toy balloons are also large consumers of rubber, although the type of rubber used is concentrated latex. Significant tonnage of rubber is used as adhesives in many manufacturing industries and products, although the two most noticeable are thepaper and the carpet industries. Rubber is also commonly used to make rubber bands and pencil erasers. Pre-World War II textile applications[edit] Rubber produced as a fiber, sometimes called ‘elastic’, has significant value for use in the textile industry because of its excellent elongation and recovery properties. For these purposes, manufactured rubber fiber is made as either an extruded round fiber or rectangular fibers that are cut into strips from extruded film. Because of its low dye acceptance, feel and appearance, the rubber fiber is either covered by yarn of another fiber or directly woven with other yarns into the fabric. In the early 1900s, for example, rubber yarns were used in foundation garments. While rubber is still used in textile manufacturing, its low tenacity limits its use in lightweight garments because latex lacks resistance to oxidizing agents and is damaged by aging, sunlight, oil, and perspiration. Seeking a way to address these shortcomings, the textile industry has turned to neoprene (polymer of chloroprene), a type of synthetic rubber, as well as another more commonly used elastomer fiber, spandex (also known as elastane), because of their superiority to rubber in both strength and durability. Vulcanization[edit] Main article: Vulcanization Natural rubber is often vulcanized, a process by which the rubber is heated and sulfur, peroxide or bisphenol are added to improve resistance and elasticity, and to prevent it from perishing. The development of vulcanization is most closely associated with Charles Goodyear in 1839.[19] Before World War II era manufacturing, carbon black was often used as an additive to rubber to improve its strength, especially in vehicle tires. Today, all vehicle tires are made of synthetic rubbers. Allergic reactions[edit] Main article: Latex allergy Some people have a serious latex allergy, and exposure to natural latex rubber products such as latex gloves can cause anaphylactic shock. The antigenic proteins found in Hevealatex may be deliberately reduced (though not eliminated)[20] through processing. Latex from non-Hevea sources, such as Guayule, can be used without allergic reaction by persons with an allergy to Hevea latex.[21] Some allergic reactions are not to the latex itself, but from residues of chemicals used to accelerate the cross-linking process. Although this may be confused with an allergy to latex, it is distinct from it, typically taking the form of Type IV hypersensitivity in the presence of traces of specific processing chemicals.[20][22]