Friday, September 13, 2019

Nontraditional and Traditional Litigation Paper Essay

Nontraditional and Traditional Litigation Paper - Essay Example It is not in their good will, especially if they lose the case. This can result in loss of customers, which is destructive for the business. It takes years to build reputation, but one dispute brought into the court and published in the newspaper, will prove to be fatal for the organization’s name. Also, the litigation process may, at times, take years to end. Such a long court process requires millions of dollars to be paid as legal fee. This weighs heavily on the organizations’ budgets. Alan Price and HRM Guide Network contributors (2011, para.1) discuss a report, Fight, Flight, or Fact It, which states that â€Å"the average British employee is spending more than two hours a week dealing with conflict. This adds up to the loss of more than 370 million working days a year, costing UK employers more than  £24 billion.† This shows that workplace conflict costs too much even when the cases are not brought into the court. We can imagine what it will cost when law suits are filed, and the dispute takes years to settle down. The regular business operations of the disputed parties also get disturbed. In contrast, Alternative dispute resolutions (ADR) prove to be a more appropriate measure of dispute resolution for business managers. In negotiation, parties try to reach an agreeable solution to resolve the dispute. In arbitration, a third party is chosen to listen to the disputed parties and solve the dispute. This third party, which is also called the arbitrator, belongs to the American Arbitration Association (AAA) or some other arbitration association. Mediation is another fruitful method in which a neutral third party intervention is sought for reconciliation between individuals or groups. Moore (1996, p.15) defines mediation as, â€Å"an intervention †¦ of an acceptable third party who has limited or no authoritative decision-making power but who assists

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