Sunday, October 20, 2019

HIV A Cure essays

AIDS/HIV A Cure essays I did a research paper on AIDS/HIV to find more information about the topic and how a family copes with a love one with the virus. In my paper I will address the AIDS virus and the cause and effect of the disease. Then I will discuss how it affects the world. In conclusion add that if this disease isnt prevented in the future what will happen to our society. AIDS is short term for: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is a very serious condition in which most of the bodys defenses are broken down and can cause serious illnesses. People with AIDS develop many different kinds of diseases, which the body would usually fight off quite easily. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), which the first stages of AIDS, can be passed on though the sexual fluids of sexual intercourse and blood of infected people. If infected blood or sexual fluid gets into the blood system, then you will become infected. If a man with HIV has vaginal intercourse without a condom, infected fluid could pass into the woman ¹s blood stream through a tiny cut or sore inside her body. If a couple has anal intercourse the risk of infection is far greater. HIV can also be passed on by the sharing of equipment used to inject drugs. Blood can remain on needles and syringes but if you share, a person infected with HIV needle, the virus can be injected directly into the blood system. AIDS is not just something that other people need to worry about like, gays, drug users, and people who get laid every night. These ideas are mistaken. All people need to take the threat of HIV seriously. The most effective way of fighting this deadly virus is to be cautions and educated about the disease and avoid activities that may put you at risk. During the past decade, more than 400,000 individuals in the United States have been diagnosed with AIDS. Since then United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that the n...

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