Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Battle Of Siege Of Yorktown - 1646 Words

September 5th, 1781, a French Naval Fleet inhabited the lower Chesapeake Bay, which was a major advantage to the continental army. The siege of Yorktown, was the last major battle against the British army under General Cornwallis, resulting in the inevitable surrender and American independence. There was a great deal of coordination prior to the actual engagement consequently leading to this outcome. The total number of soldiers consisted of 17,600 American and French soldiers, under the command of General George Washington, Marquis de Lafayette, Comte de Rochambeau, and Rear Admiral Francois Joseph Paul, the Comte de Grasse lead a French Naval Fleet. 8,300 British forces were commanded by General Charles Earl Cornwallis with 7,000 additional forces sent from General Sir Henry Clinton in New York. Unfortunately for the British, the reinforcements arrived too late. According to General Cornwallis, the British failed their mission as a result of lack of reinforcements from Clinton. Mid dleton stated (2013), â€Å"However, it is wrong to blame Clinton alone for Yorktown† (p.387). Various factors led to the defeat of both British Generals. The lack of communications and insubordination of authority caused their defeat. This was the truth for the battle of Yorktown. At the time of the American Revolution, both American rebels and the British practiced a variety of methods for keeping written communications secret. Both sides had a networks of spies who passed on information right underShow MoreRelatedAmerican Siege During the Battle of Yorktown819 Words   |  3 Pagesthe American siege that took place in Yorktown, Virginia, known as the Battle of Yorktown. The battle between the Franco-American forces and British Army began September 28, 1781 and lasted until the British surrender in October 19, 1781. In order to best do this, we must first get an understanding of the intended purpose of the battle, the Franco-American cooperation, events leading up to the battle, the battle itself, and the aftermath. Prior to the historic Battle of Yorktown, General WashingtonRead MoreThe American Revolutionary War : The Battle Of Yorktown Essay1192 Words   |  5 Pageswas between the years of 1775 and 1783. There were many major battles fought, but one major battle that ended the long war was the Battle of Yorktown. The Battle of Yorktown was â€Å"fought September 28 to October 19, 1781† (â€Å"American Revolution: Battle of Yorktown†). The battle was a successful victory for the Colonies from the beginning of the battle to the end. The days before the battle helped the Americans capture a victory at Yorktown. At first, the war was between the Colonies and the British;Read MoreBattle Of The American Revolution1451 Words   |  6 PagesThe Battle of Yorktown was one of the most significant battles of the American Revolution. Not only was it a major battle that helped end the war but also showed the power of the Continental Army’s field artillery. The battle was a major turning point in establishing the freedom of the United States of America and was the last major battle of the war. The Continental and French forces moved to Yorktown on 28 September 1781, however the first shot was not fired until 9 October of 1781. It was roughlyRead MoreThe Battle of Yorktown688 Words   |  3 PagesThe Battle of Yorktown or better known as the Siege of Yorktown was the final battle in the American Revolution. The battle took place in Yorktown, Virginia in 1781. The battle lasted from September 28th 1781 and Octobe r 19th 1781. The American and French forces were lead by George Washington, Comte de Rochambeau, and Comte de Grasse. The conflict was caused due to many events like the Boston Massacre and The Boston Tea Party but was reinforced by how the British were treating the people of AmericaRead MoreThe Battle Of Yorktown : A Great Indication1664 Words   |  7 Pagessuccessful during military mission battles. The Battle of Yorktown provides a great example of how working with other nations and being their allies can help us to overcome issues within our own units, batteries, and higher echelon. With further analysis of the Battle of Yorktown, it is also apparent that the strategic usage of artillery played a major role in its success and that its utilization was more than just about operating cannons and howitzers. The Battle of Yorktown possesses a lot of artilleryRead MoreBattle For The American Revolution957 Words   |  4 PagesThe Battle of Yorktown From October 09, 1781 to October 19, 1781, arguably the most important battle for the American Revolution took place in Yorktown, Virginia. During this 10 day battle, American forces decimated the British with strategic and relentless artillery fire virtually ending the Revolutionary War. This monumental battle was won from not only artillery fire, but also clever tactics. General George Washington and French commander Comte de Rochambeau out-smarted the British forces byRead MoreThe Battle Of Yorktown By Comte De Rochambeau1584 Words   |  7 Pagesindependence from Great Britain on 4 of July 1776, they actually gained their freedom only after the decisive war, the Battle of Yorktown (Introduction.) Yorktown was established in 1691 to regulate trade and collect taxes. Due to its location surrounded by the York River which led into the Chesapeake Bay, Yorktown would soon develop into a center of commerce. Not only Yorktown fit for building wharves, storehouses, and docks which use d to export and import goods from Great Britain, but it also suitRead MoreEssay on The Battle of Yorktown952 Words   |  4 PagesThe battle at Yorktown, Virginia in 1781 is most famously known as the â€Å" battle that ended the Revolutionary War.† While this is true, there is still much that can be learned from the principles applied, that still has relevance today. General George Washington, along with his allied French commanders, Lieutenant General Jean-Baptiste Ponton de Rochambeau and Rear Admiral Sir Thomas Graves, they exquisitely displayed how a execute siege operations. This battle also displayed a great example of howRead MoreThe Battle of Yorktown1284 Words   |  5 Pages The Battle of Yorktown was the decisive battle of the American Revolutionary War. The French and American forces laid siege upon the British forces at Yorktown, Virginia and eventually forced the surrender of nearly one-third of the total number of British troops in America. This battle showed that massive loss of life is not the only factor that will determine the victor, as there were a relatively low number of casualties taken by both sides. Instead, it was an aggregate of economic, socialRead MoreMission Command : The Unity Of Command Principle Favored Colonial Forces And Their Allies961 Words   |  4 Pagesfleeting opportunity at Yorktown. General Washington s adherence to mission command principles promoted the environment needed to win. Senior allied partners deferred decision making to Washington based on trust and collaborative input. Effective communications encouraged subordinate commanders to propose constructive alternatives aimed at streamlining action. The Siege of Yorktown embodied the approach effectiveness. Admiral Lafayette’s decision to avoid a major naval battle in Chesapeake Bay demonstrated

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