Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Creative Problem Solving Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Creative Problem Solving - Coursework Example Peter indicates that he sees the practice as a strong and viable entity within the community. He acknowledges that there are some organizational issues, but he says he feels that much of that is just the nature of doing business. He does see that the business definitely needs to become more updated with accommodations, equipment, and resources. And, although he admits he’s not very technologically savvy, he knows the practice could use an upgrade in this area and doing so would greatly enhance the viability of the business, but with the practice’s current financial status he doesn’t see where the resources will come from to address any of those issues. When Dave interviews Joe and presents the same set of questions, Joe agrees with Peter that the practice could definitely use an atmospheric, equipment, and technological facelift, but unlike Peter, he feels that the company needs to just take whatever hits it incurs over the short run to make the necessary changes to improve the business for the future. When Ros is interviewed she expresses frustration at what she calls the disorganization of the practice and the lack of time and resources to address that issue. When Dave asks her to expound on what she sees as the primary source of the disorganization she says the lack of time she has to properly organize the office’s records and the lack of time available to organize better patient care. ... ewed she expresses frustration at feeling like she never knows what has taken place before she gets involved with an issue and consequently she feels that she and the practice often look unprofessional to clients. When Kath is interviewed she expresses the same frustration as Rukia as it relates to lack of information and training, but she also expresses a concern that the office’s disorganization will eventually result in a treatment and/or accounting mistake and subsequent legal vulnerability for the practice. When Anna is interviewed she expresses a concern about her inability to convince her husband to recognize a lot of the logic in Joe’s thought process for the business, but she also fears Joe’s vision isn’t completely pragmatic enough and if left to his own wishes, the business could be placed in a position of severe financial stress which could threaten to destroy all that she and her husband have worked for. She is very concerned about the family name being ruined if the business were to fail. Once Dave completes all of the interviews he takes time to compile the data into a summarization of his conversations with each staff member. Then he suggests to Peter that instead of giving feedback to just Peter and Joe, since the staff size is small and everyone has relative familiarity with one another, it will be much more productive to discuss the issues and solutions in an all staff meeting because this approach would make every member feel like they are a part of the process to resolve the problems which would make everyone a stakeholder. Peter agrees that this approach will create much more buy-in as opposed to just providing mandates to staff members. Peter arranges to close the office for a four period to have an offsite lunch meeting. Dave prepares a

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