Thursday, August 1, 2019


childrens needs February 2012 | | |Assignment 1: | |Explain what constitutes the physical and psychological needs of a three year old child. Explain how you would ensure that these physical and | |psychological needs can ideally be met in a setting/nursery which the 3 year old child attends from 8 am to 6 pm, 5 days a week. Reading for your assignment. Though we provide some recommended books and chapters, (see below) you need to read around the subject as much as possible and not limit yourself to just the recommended readings. Recommended reading from your prescribed text books:- Macleod-Brudenell, I,& Kay, J (2008, Second Ed) Advanced Early Years for Foundation Degrees & Level 4/5 Harlow: Heinemann Chapters 4, 5 and 9 Montessori Centre International (MCI) (undated a) Module 2 Child Development London: MCI Chapters 1 and 3 (pg 39 – 42) Montessori Centre International (MCI) (undated b) Module 4 Contemporary Issues London: MCIChapters 1, 3, 4 and 5 Montessori Centre Internat ional (MCI) (undated c) Module 5 Childcare and Health London: MCI Additional reading to consider for this assignment:- Montessori International (Issue 94, January – March) (Various articles in this issue of the magazine are relevant) Unicef (2008) Convention on the Rights of the Child, available from http://www. unicef. org/crc/ This assignment focuses on the importance of supporting the child’s well-being. Although, you will be given guidelines and additional reading material to assist you in the writing of this assignment, it is important for you to read as widely as you can.You will also need to consider the specific requirements within your own country. In these tutorial guidelines, the assignment question will be broken down into sections, giving you some pointers to consider when preparing your answer for submission. In order to enable you to focus on the different aspects of the questions, each has been given a weighting. These are the maximum marks that can be awarded for this part of the answer. The other 25% of the marks cover structure, expression and presentation (Take note of the marking table on the assessment sheet that you have received). WORKING ON THIS ASSIGNMENTBegin by:- †¢ Work through the recommended chapters listed above, making notes as you did for your Study Skills assignment. Please note that you are not limited to these chapters – You may also find it useful to do some independent research in your local library or on the internet. Be careful to limit your reading to academically sound sources – Wikipedia is not a safe site to use and should be avoided. (Remember to keep a record of the source document for later referencing and bibliography). †¢ Go through the extended guidelines below, and begin to gather information for your answer. Make note of any questions you have regarding this assignment and send them through to me. These questions and their answers will then form the second half of this f irst tutorial (the Q&A) which will be emailed to you so that you can take the information into consideration before finalising your essay for submission. Start to work on your answer:- 0 Study skills recap – †¢ Organise your information and thoughts into a logical, structured argument, addressing each of the important / main bullet points. Ensure that there is an overall flow to the information, and that each section links back to the question posed. Begin with an introduction that will state what you are going to cover in the main body of the essay. The introduction should be  ± 5-10% of the total length of the essay. Draw your argument to a conclusion at the end. †¢ Reference each time you paraphrase ideas you have read during your research for the essay, as well as the first time you include specific terminology in any one essay. In this essay you should ensure that you are quoting from academically sound sources. †¢ Find three or four relevant quotes that will support your argument.Use MCI protocol when referencing and quoting. CONTENT GUIDELINES FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT Identify and define the specific physical needs of a three year old child – including exercise and rest, diet, health and safety. (10) †¢ Briefly define what is meant by physical needs, including exercise and rest, diet, health and safety . †¢ Identify the specific physical needs of a three year old. Give a full explanation of how these physical needs should ideally be met by an early years setting/nursery which offers care from 8am to 6pm five days a week. (17. ) – Consider for example, how you could provide for gross and fine motor skills. Also think about safety issues (such as appropriate clothing for specific weather conditions), access to fresh air and ventilation in the classrooms, opportunities for rest, etc. – Give practical examples of what a setting would do to ensure the child’s well being as an essential pre-requisite to effective learning. Identify and define the psychological needs of a three year old child – focus on emotional and social needs. (10) †¢ Briefly define what is meant by psychological needs, focus on emotional and social needs.Your definition should briefly consider the needs for survival, participation and belonging. †¢ Identify the specific psychological needs of a three year old. Give a full explanation of how the psychological needs should ideally be met in an early years setting/nursery which offers care from 8am to 6pm five days a week. (17. 5) – Explain how the three year old’s emotional and social needs can be met. Here you should be looking at consistency, predictability and availability of care. – Explain how the children’s well-being and sense of belonging are promoted. Focus on settling in procedures and transitions, availability of a key person and liaison with parents. – Give practical examples of how you could make a three year old comfortable, settled, at ease and ready to actively participate in the daily life of the nursery. Having discussed the physical and psychological needs of a three year old relate these to relevant articles in the UNCRC (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) which inform the statutory requirements for best practice in early years settings/nurseries in your country (20) –Briefly explore the general underlying principles (especially that of survival, protection and participation) which underpin the relevant articles of the UNCRC. (supplied with this tutorial) – Link these principles to the child’s needs. 0 Study skills recap – †¢ Your conclusion should summarise what you have said, without adding or introducing anything new. †¢ The word count includes references and quotes, but excludes bibliography †¢ Remember to use double line spacing and to number the pages of your document Finalising your answer:- †¢ R ead through your essay, checking your spelling, grammar and referencing format. Make sure your argument has a logical flow, and that you have answered each aspect of the question fully, in your own words. †¢ Fill in the cover sheet, including all necessary details. Check that your word count is within the accepted limit. †¢ Compile or finalise your bibliography using the correct format. (Follow the MCI protocol as outlined in your Student Handbook. ) 0 Study skills recap – Your bibliography must include full entries for all sources that you have referred to in your essay, as well as other books, articles, websites etc that you have read or consulted in preparation for this assignment.Bibliography:- Macleod-Brudenell, I, & Kay, J (2008, Second Ed) Advanced Early Years for Foundation Degrees & Level 4/5 Harlow: Heinemann Montessori Centre International (MCI) (undated a) Module 2 Child Development London: MCI Montessori Centre International (MCI) (undated b) Module 4 C ontemporary Issues London: MCI Montessori Centre International (MCI) (undated c) Module 5 Childcare and Health London: MCI

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