Thursday, January 23, 2020

Josef Muller Brockmann and His Work Essay examples -- graphic design, t

Josef Muller Brockmann was born in Rapperswil, a city in Switzerland, on May 9th, 1914. After the completion of his secondary education in Rapperswil, he started working in Zurich as a designer in 1930. Being one of the leading pioneers, he was considered one of the most talented and very influential design artists. In 1936, Muller established his own design practice in Zurich where he specialized in design, graphics and photography. His first poster was designed in 1950. He succeeded Ernst Keller in 1957 as a teacher of graphics design at kunstgewerbeschule of Zurich. He later founded the Muller-Brockmann in 1967. He lectured the international design conference, the world design conference and the University of Osaka. Muller Brockmann is the author of the several other books like the graphic artist and his design problems, The History of Visual Communication, and The History of the Poster and Grid System in Graphic Design. Muller was influenced by several other designs and art like Constructivism and the Bauhaus. With his reputation and the known experience, Muller was regarded the best designer earned his reputation in Switzerland and other parts of the world. In his design explaining the friendly hand sign, Muller had the attraction of the accidents that were quit common. The design is very attractive in the sense that all the elements that can easily cause accidents are covered in it (Philip and Alston 2011). It gives a clear tableau of the typical accident cause scenario. Equally, the design creates an awareness of the proper road use since it shows the cyclists and the motors using the little space for a very dangerous operation. Accidents had since been considered the most death cause in the country. In his bid to control ... ...y find its solutions from the simple given design. It cuts across every problem. The indicated problem is of direct effect to the society and requires their attention. The explicit motive and attraction of the given design are well considered in the design itself (Carter et al.2012). Works Cited Ellen Lupton. Thinking with type: A Primer for Designers: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors and Students. New York: Association of American Publishers, 2004. Print. Ellen M. Thomson. The Origin of Graphic Design in America. New York: Yale University Press, 1997. Web. 20 December, 2007. Philip B. Meggs, and Alston W. Purvis. Meggs’ History of Graphic Design. New York: Association of American Publishers, 2011. Print. Rob Carter, Ben Day, and Philip B. Meggs. Topographic Design: Form and Communication. New York: Association of American Publishers, 2012. Print.

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