Friday, May 31, 2019

Godfather II :: essays papers

Godfather II The real importance of any moving-picture show cant be adequately appraised solely by niche office success or critical response. The Godfather Part II is an example of how a carefully crafted good continuation to a great film can become both(prenominal) a box office and critical success when attention is paid to its artistic quality. The exposure continues the tale of the Corleone family, and presents to the viewers a world filled with greed and betrayal, family union and loyalty. A companion piece in the truest sense of the term, The Godfather Part II bring in as much praise as its predecessor, if not more(prenominal). Earning twelve Academy show nominations, the second inst bothment has been rightfully hailed as the best sequel of all time. While The Godfather, Part II did not exceed the box office blunt of the original, the pic can still be considered a blockbuster, and not at all a flop.The Godfather earned instant success when it was premier released in 1972. Earning both praise from critics and box office success, making ab come in $135 million, the movie became an instant classic. One of the reasons for the high status of The Godfather Part II lies in the circumstance that the movie was authored by the same author with the same intent in mind. While other sequels usually serve as nothing more than cushy way for unimaginative producers to cash on previous successes, The Godfather Part II was a nice opportunity for Coppola to experiment, correct some possible flaws or rase answer to critics of his previous work. (Dragan Antulov, IMDB) The biggest and most serious objection to The Godfather was Coppolas allegedly apologetic portrayal the Mafia. Coppola was accused of showing organized crime as being more noble and less violent than it actually was. His Mafiosi are shown as utilize family men, opposed to narcotics and any unnecessary violence, and in some way even repair alternative to legitimate government. In the second movie, Coppola intended to use the explanation of the first part to paint more realistic and, consequently, much darker picture. Instant financial success did not follow The Godfather Part Two as it did the first movie. The reason was created due to the fact that the second movie represented one of the examples of the straightway generally despised practice in modern Hollywood, making sequels out of the successful, great movies.Godfather II essays papersGodfather II The real importance of any movie cant be adequately appraised solely by box office success or critical response. The Godfather Part II is an example of how a carefully crafted sequel to a great film can become both a box office and critical success when attention is paid to its artistic quality. The movie continues the tale of the Corleone family, and presents to the viewers a world filled with greed and betrayal, family union and loyalty. A companion piece in the truest sense of the term, The Godfather Part I I earned as much praise as its predecessor, if not more. Earning twelve Academy Award nominations, the second installment has been rightfully hailed as the best sequel of all time. While The Godfather, Part II did not exceed the box office gross of the original, the movie can still be considered a blockbuster, and not at all a flop.The Godfather earned instant success when it was first released in 1972. Earning both praise from critics and box office success, making about $135 million, the movie became an instant classic. One of the reasons for the high status of The Godfather Part II lies in the fact that the movie was authored by the same author with the same intent in mind. While other sequels usually serve as nothing more than easy way for unimaginative producers to cash on previous successes, The Godfather Part II was a nice opportunity for Coppola to experiment, correct some possible flaws or even answer to critics of his previous work. (Dragan Antulov, IMDB) The biggest and m ost serious objection to The Godfather was Coppolas allegedly apologetic portrayal the Mafia. Coppola was accused of showing organized crime as being more noble and less violent than it actually was. His Mafiosi are shown as dedicated family men, opposed to narcotics and any unnecessary violence, and in some way even better alternative to legitimate government. In the second movie, Coppola intended to use the story of the first part to paint more realistic and, consequently, much darker picture. Instant financial success did not follow The Godfather Part Two as it did the first movie. The reason was created due to the fact that the second movie represented one of the examples of the now generally despised practice in modern Hollywood, making sequels out of the successful, great movies.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Comparison between William Blake and Seamus Heaney Essay -- Writers Wi

Comparison between William Blake and Seamus HeaneyIn this essay I will compare two internationally recognised poets,William Blake and Seamus Heaney. I will discuss their similarities anddifferences non in only just their writing, but also their everydaylives.William Blake was born in 1757 in London, where he lived practicallyall his life apart from three years at the beginning of the 19thcentury, where he lived in Felpham, near Bognor Regis in Sussex. Hehad no early education, but became student, studying art, at the Royalacademy school in the early 1770s. He was, after this, apprenticed bya storied engraver, James Basire. Blake achieved some success with hisengravings, but his true talent was held within his poetry, for whichhe is more than famously known for today, along with his artistic work,particularly his great(p) visionary water-colours illustrating the bookof Job, and his 102 illustrations of Dante and his colour-printeddrawings of biblical subjects. William grew up and lived in areligious background, which was heavily opposed to anythingreligiously forced, such as church, for example if one did not go tochurch they were not deemed to be religious at all, but Blake thoughtthat religion was a path to freedom and peace. There is plenty of picture showing that Blake thought this, although we shall read intomore detail later on.Seamus Heaney is still alive today. Born on the 13th of April 1939,Seamus was the eldest of nine children, one of whom died in a roadaccident. Seamus lived all of his young life on a farm, although hedid not wish to be a farmer himself. He went to simple school inAnahorish. Here on he won scholarship to St Colombs College inLondonderry. From here he ... ...ea forced method of religion and thus he saw it as a time wastingand pointless experience. Blake also references to the French andAmerican revolutions in the following line withAnd the hapless soldiers suspirationRuns in blood down palace wallsPerhaps showing that soldiers and innocent people were killed and thepeople in power did nothing at all just about it.Overall, I can conclude that William Blake and Seamus Heaney are bothdifferent and similar. Both poets have some sort of sadness ordepression in their poems, heretofore they are expressed in different ways.Two noticeable differences are that Heaneys poems are generally muchlonger than Blakes, and rhyme far less. Heaneys poetry is more storytelling like than Blakes, with Blake using much more rhyming way ofmaking poetry, and he also describes his thoughts much more thanHeaney does.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Dramatic Devices in A J.B.Priestley’s play, An Inspector Calls :: English Literature

Dramatic Devices in An examiner CallsEssayThis book The Inspector calls is a enchanting drama written by J.BPriesly, it deals with the many problems in the world from famine, howminorities were treated and the underclass people. It also showsPrieslys view on the homeless and the poor. He served in the firstworld war and believed that the world should of learned from itsmistakes but as it turns out it did not and that angered him. So afterthe Second knowledge domain War he wrote the book Inspector calls. This bookuses the device of spectacular irany to portray his characters as not soclever and somewhat fools. It also has a lot of twists and turns and drop hangers.The reason this book is successful good on stage is that Priesly has agood use of mystery and doubt in the book. Priesly uses theconvention of a detective genre very well and also uses the whodunitelement. All the family members in there own way atomic number 18 responsible forthe death of Eva Smith. For example Sheila g ot her fired from the onlygood job that she could keep just because the hat looked better on herand she thought that she was laughing at her. There was also MrBirling who fired her because she was one of the ringleaders thatstarted a strike for higher wages. Eric used her for just a good time,as did Gerald. Eric however got her heavy(predicate) and offered her money butshe refused. When Eva Smith whent to the charity that Mrs Birlinworked at Eva Smith used the name Mrs Birlin which greatly angered thereal Mrs Birlin who used her influence to not crock up money to Eva Smith.The play also uses dramatic irany well. For example when Mrs Birlinsaid The father should be responsible for the baby or when Mr Birlinsays The Titanic.. absolutely unsinkable. Priesly uses dramaticirany to make the readers or the audience laugh and portray thecharacters as dim witted. Some more of the devices that made the play successful on stage arethe cliff hangers at the end of the scenes or the acts are su ccessfuland entertaining. Some of the better cliff hangers that seemed goodare when at the end of the scene the Inspector is telling everyonethat they indeed had some part to play in the death of Eva Smith. Thereason its so effective is that its a clever cliff hanger that seemsto keep people hooked on what the family members have to do with the

Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut Essay -- Harrison Bergeron Essays

Harrison Bergeron by Kurt VonnegutIn Harrison Bergeron Kurt Vonnegut depicts a society in which everyone ismentally, physically, and socially equal. Throughout the archives of our country,Americans have sought racial, gender, and socio-economic equivalence. On papersuch a society seems ideal. Through the story one might infer that Vonnegutviews the concept of total equality as ludicrous. Equality can be interpretedmany ways. One point of view is the American belief that everybody should betreated equally and other view is the one represented in the story thateverybody is equal. I completely agree with Mr. Vonneguts view of the perfectsociety as being absurd.Having everybody equal looks waste in planning but it would never turn overout that way. If the government was allowed to impose handicaps on thenaturally gifted, how could civilization ever make advancements? The greatthinkers would not be able to envision new ideas because of the mental handicapradios they had to wear in th eir ears. Technology would come to a stand stillwith the gifted not being able to finish a complete thought because of the sharpsounds produced by the mental handicaps. With the handicaps imposed there wouldnot the breakthroughs that are needed to rectify the populations way of life.Suppose someone did not have the ability to invent the automobile. It would bedifficult to commute to school or work. Imagine if you had to walk to workevery day no matter ho...

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Choose to scenes from the film that illuminates the text of Educating :: English Literature

Choose to scenes from the film that illuminates the text of Educating Rita by Willy RussellWhen the play was written there was a still a cultural divide between the uneducated (as in no higher education) working variant and the cultural and educated upper class but higher education was slowly beingmadeavailable to the masses.This was partly due to Open University (OU) with provided a university education to those who normally would have not been able to go due to employment or the situation that they might feel they wouldnt fit in, like Rita, because of the cultural differences.Rita feels she needs an education to fill her manners, as she knows that something in her life is not right and so she turns to the part of a life she doesnt have -education and knowledge of culture- to fill the gap.However as we find out this is not inescapably what she is missing, but in her search for an education she finds a new Rita, she even changes her name back to Susan. Susan is Ritas real name, however when she started OU she changed it to Rita after Rita Mae Brown, someone who she thinks writes literature, but in fact writes pulp-fiction stories, because at this time she thinks all books are literature- this shows the cultural difference.The play Educating Rita by Willy Russell gained great popularityespecially during the early eighties. There has also been a cinema madefrom it starring Julie Walters and the more famous Michael Caine. Asso often the case, the movie was more elaborate with additionalscenes, some of which were spoken of or retold by the actors in theplay. The movie also included several actors while the play onlyfeatured two, Frank and Rita. In this essay I am liberation to explore howthe film illuminates parts of the text when performed on stage.Although most of the details are small and subtle, they have a great impact on how the invention portrayed. The movie offers much more background information on other characters and events that are important to the story. The play is much more restricted in the grit that a great many things are bound not to happen on stage, especially as there are only two characters. In fact nothing taking place outside Franks office can be seen by the audience. All action is then confined within the stages iv walls. When Frank invites Rita to his home for dinner in the play the

Choose to scenes from the film that illuminates the text of Educating :: English Literature

Choose to scenes from the film that illuminates the text of Educating Rita by Willy RussellWhen the play was written there was a still a cultural divide between the uneducated (as in no higher education) working course of instruction and the cultural and educated upper class but higher education was slowly beingmadeavailable to the masses.This was partly due to Open University (OU) with provided a university education to those who normally would have not been able to go due to employment or the event that they might feel they wouldnt fit in, like Rita, because of the cultural differences.Rita feels she needs an education to fill her disembodied spirit, as she knows that something in her life is not right and so she turns to the part of a life she doesnt have -education and knowledge of culture- to fill the gap.However as we find out this is not of necessity what she is missing, but in her search for an education she finds a new Rita, she even changes her name back to Susan. Susa n is Ritas real name, however when she started OU she changed it to Rita after Rita Mae Brown, someone who she thinks writes literature, but in fact writes pulp-fiction stories, because at this time she thinks all books are literature- this shows the cultural difference.The play Educating Rita by Willy Russell gained great popularityespecially during the early eighties. There has also been a delineation madefrom it starring Julie Walters and the more famous Michael Caine. Asso often the case, the movie was more elaborate with additionalscenes, some of which were spoken of or retold by the actors in theplay. The movie also included several actors while the play onlyfeatured two, Frank and Rita. In this essay I am exit to explore howthe film illuminates parts of the text when performed on stage.Although most of the details are small and subtle, they have a great impact on how the invention portrayed. The movie offers much more background information on other characters and events th at are important to the story. The play is much more restricted in the intelligence that a great many things are bound not to happen on stage, especially as there are only two characters. In fact nothing taking place outside Franks office can be seen by the audience. All action is then confined within the stages foursome walls. When Frank invites Rita to his home for dinner in the play the

Monday, May 27, 2019

Accountant Essay

How comfortable are you figureing long hours to achieve success? Working extra time or extra hours bequeath not be a problem for me, because I used to calculate 10 hours per day and to fake overtime to lay off nigh special tasks in my previous bloodline. Sometimes, I spent my personal time on resolving any(prenominal) authority risks and problems that I found. 2. How eager are you to assert on schooling to gruntle ahead of the curve? I am more than than happy to learn in the calculate place because I assess the exploit of day-and-night improvement.As long as I was instructed to handle some affaire new in my previous ob, I felt up excited and satisfied. The double- interlace learning process benefits me from applying new knowl distinctness and techniques to work-related areas and self-reflecting the aspects that I can improve. In addition, I am actively pursuing academic success foreign work place. For example, I am the youngest CMA candidate in my CMA session. 3. raft you deal with the income volatility that you will be facing during the startle few months? I behave no financial problem preventing me from accepting a personal credit line if the income is low at the beginning.I worked as a no pay intern during the first two months in my previous Job. Since I am chill out young, I never put salary as the top priority in seek for a Job. The thing I concern more is whether this Job can help me to develop my competitive edge or not. 4. How comfortable are you working(a) long hours to achieve success? Working overtime or extra hours will not be a problem for me, because I used to work 10 hours per day and to work overtime to finish some special tasks in my previous Job. Sometimes, I spent my personal time on resolving some potential risks and problems that I found. . How eager are you to keep on learning to stay ahead of the curve? I am more than happy to learn in the work place because I value the process of continuous improvement. As lo ng as I was instructed to handle something new in my previous Job, I felt excited and satisfied. The double- loop learning process benefits me from applying new knowledge and techniques to work-related areas and self-reflecting the aspects that I can improve. In addition, I am actively pursuing academic success outside work place.For example, I am the youngest CMA candidate in my CMA session. 6. canister you deal with the income volatility that you will be facing during the first few months? I have no financial roblem preventing me from accepting a Job if the income is low at the beginning. I worked as a no pay intern during the first two months in my previous Job. Since I am still young, I never put salary as the top priority in searching for a Job. The thing I concern more is whether this Job can help me to develop my competitive edge or not. 7.How comfortable are you working long hours to achieve success? Working overtime 8. How eager are you to keep on learning to stay ahead of the curve? I am more than session. 9. Can you deal with the income volatility that you will be facing during the me to develop my competitive edge or not. 0. How comfortable are you working long some potential risks and problems that I found. 11. How eager are you to keep on youngest CMA candidate in my CMA session. 12. Can you deal with the income 13. How comfortable are you working long hours to achieve success?Working overtime or extra hours will not be a problem for me, because I used to work 10 hours per day and to work overtime to finish some special tasks in my previous Job. Sometimes, I spent my personal time on resolving some potential risks and problems that I found. 14. How eager are you to keep on learning to stay ahead of the curve? I am more than happy to learn in the work place because I value the process of continuous improvement. As long as I was instructed to handle something new in my previous Job, I felt excited and satisfied.The double-loop learning process ben efits me from applying new knowledge and techniques to work-related areas and self- reflecting the aspects that I can improve. In addition, I am actively pursuing academic success outside work place. For example, I am the youngest CMA candidate in my CMA session. 15. Can you deal with the income volatility that you will be facing during the first few months? I have no financial problem preventing me from accepting a Job if the income is low at the beginning. I worked as a no pay intern during the first two months in my previous Job.Since I am still young, I never put salary as the top priority in searching for a Job. The thing I concern more is whether this Job can help me to develop my competitive edge or not. 16. How comfortable are you working long hours to achieve success? Working overtime or extra hours will not be a problem for me, because I used to work 10 hours per day and to work overtime on resolving some potential risks and problems that I found. 7. How eager are you to k eep on learning to stay ahead of the curve?I am more than happy to learn in the work place because I value the process of continuous improvement. As long as I was instructed to handle something new in my previous Job, I felt excited and satisfied. The double-loop learning process benefits me from applying new knowledge and techniques to work-related areas and self-reflecting the aspects that I can improve. In addition, I am actively pursuing academic success outside work place. For example, I am the youngest CMA candidate in my CMA session. 18. Can you deal with the ncome volatility that you will be facing during the first few months?I have no financial problem preventing me from accepting a Job if the income is low at the beginning. I worked as a no pay intern during the first two months in my previous job. Since I am still young, I never put salary as the top priority in searching for a Job. The thing I concern more is whether this Job can help me to develop my competitive edge or not. 19. How comfortable are you working long hours to achieve success? Working overtime or extra hours will not be a problem for me, because I used to work 0 hours per day and to work overtime to finish some special tasks in my previous job.Sometimes, I spent my personal time on resolving some potential risks and problems that I found. 20. How eager are you to keep on learning to stay ahead of the curve? I am more than happy to learn in the work place because I value the process of continuous improvement. As long as I was instructed to handle something new in my previous Job, I felt excited and satisfied. The double-loop learning process benefits me from applying new knowledge and techniques to work-related areas and elf-reflecting the aspects that I can improve.In addition, I am actively pursuing academic success outside work place. For example, I am the youngest CMA candidate in my CMA session. 21 . Can you deal with the income volatility that you will be facing this Job can hel p me to develop my competitive edge or not. 22. How comfortable are to finish some special tasks in my previous Job. Sometimes, I spent my personal time on resolving some potential risks and problems that I found. 23. How eager are you am the youngest CMA candidate in my CMA session. 24. Can you deal with the edge or not.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

The AKA language was protected from outside influence Essay

The writer started his article by describing a group of people called Tuvans, who lives in a remote area in the Republic of Tuva, in Russian Federation. The importance of this group came from the fact that they are babbleing Tuvan, a voice communication consider by linguists to be among a group of languages that are considered to be on the edge of extinction because of the low numbers of people that speak it. The earth population speak approximately 7000 languages. Tuvan is among the 3500 delicate languages that are spoken only by 8.25 million people in the entire world, which is a rattling low divide of the seven billion people who inhabit the earth. On the other hand, seventy eight percent of the earth population are speaking only 85 languages, Mandarin, Spanish, and English are among the top spoken languages on the globe. Linguist predicted that in the next century almost half of the spoken languages may vanish, and at this tiptop more than 1000 languages are considered on t he extinction. The writer mentioned the reasons that lead to this languages dilemma.He mentioned the effect of the dominant languages, that controls communications and commerce, on the lower-ranking one that do non have any defense mechanism, like television or currency, to protect its existence. Because of that the people of Tuva must speak Russian or Chinese if they want to encumbrance in contact with the out-of-door world. The writer then mentioned another endangered languages known as AKA, the native language of AKA people in Plaizi a small village in India. The writer describe its people as a very self-dependent people that produce anything they need in their daily life.The AKA language was saved from outside influence because of the location of the village that makes it very difficult for outsiders to reach it. The authors then described two trends in the field of linguistics. The first one is ground on the theory of Noam Chomsky who mentioned that all languages came fro m one single origin which is fixed in the clement genes. The second trend is the increase interest in small endangered languages around the world, and how the field linguists are interested in idiosyncrasies that distinguish each language from the others and the cultural effects on it.There are 85 percent of the needs to be documented in order to understand it, and the main reason for this documentation come ups from the fact that each language contains unique humane experiences that reveals many aspects of life . The writer declared very important point regarding the loss of any language. His main idea was based on the fact that every language contains a valuable information about the culture and the knowledge that accumulated from generation to generation in this culture.The author gave us another exercise of vanishing languages which is the Cmiique Itiom, a language used by the Seri in Mexico and how their language contains the knowledge that is important for all humans. Cmii que Itiom managed to preserved its original form without any outside to-do . The Seri managed to keep their language untouched mainly because their hostility to the outsiders. Even the modern commodities likes cars the Seri managed to bring it to their culture but they used for it a unique names that corporate from their own language so they never used there Spanish names.The writer mentioned a way to preserved the vanishing languages which is to enshrine it in writing and stack up a dictionary. . He gave an examples for linguists that worked in those kind of projects like David Harrison and Greg Anderson who compiled the first Tuvan- English dictionary. Also, Steve and Cathay Marlett who worked to finish Cmiique Itiom dictionary, but the writer mentioned very important point which is declared in page 86 But saving a language is not something linguists can accomplish, because salvation must come from within.. The salvation must come from the people who are using this language b y teaching it to the next generation, and also by using dictionaries and books to preserve it and keeping it active as massive there is something to speak about it. Writer Choices The writer starts his article by using a story as a hook for the readers, to grab their tending for the rest of the article, and he kept telling the readers different stories about the people he met during his travel.The writer also used creative language ,like figurative language which includes metaphor in many places in the article, and he also used compare and contrast in many other places . Numbers was used by the writers to support his main idea, he mentioned a specific numbers related to the languages in the first page. Visuals aid had been used by the writer to illustrate the showcase of his article in a very professional way, yet it was very simple and effective, we can see that from the beautiful pictures for all the people that he met during his trip. contemplation on the Reading ProcessI fou nd the article hard to read at the beginning, but after using SQ4R and reading the article in class for many times it became much easier for me to understand, and this make the whole process of reading very interesting. The language used not always clear, with difficult formulate as shown below Nomadic roaming about from place to place aimlessly, frequently, or without a fixed pattern of movement. Proselytize to try to persuade people to amount of money a religion, cause, or group. Dwindle to gradually become smaller. Thatch to make (a roof) with dried plant material (called thatch).Supplant to supersede (another) especially by posture or treachery. Atelier a room where an artist works. Propitious likely to have or produce good results. Reading process included plane and Skamming ,summarize the article and annotate the key points in it, and SQ4R. Reaction Languages is the soul of human civilizations. The connection between the two of them is very similar to the relationship betw een human soul and body because without the sole the body will surely collapse because humans need their soul to drive the physical body and to keep him from perishing.In contrast, language plays the same role in people collective awareness about their on existence in the society and culture. Language is the invisible mucilage that hold the culture pieces together, and without this glue everything will collapse. Its the strong foundation that up hold the society structures and grant it the strength to resist any outside threats. Why the language is so important? Because its the memory of the society.This memory is the experiences and knowledge that transferred from generation to generation until it reached this point in time, and no it will very hard to live without our memories. Losing any language would be similar to someone who lost his own memory. The only thing he can do is to embracing a crude experiences and knowledge, and to start accumulating new memories about his new l ife. Unfortunately, it is the same thing for languages, when the people cast away their own language in favor for new ones they will lose their cultural experiences and knowledge.They will eventually lose their own identity that distinguished them from the rest of humans. Finally, losing any language on earth would be a lost for humanity in general because we will lose our diversity that make life on earth interesting . I prize life with one color would be very tedious, and for life to be interesting it should contain whole spectrum of color. Spinoff Topics One of the spinoff topics would be a to study the individuals that abandon their own language and how they adopt with their new languages and cultures.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

The policy and implications of the British Government’s

The Olympic spirit is undoubtedly the most universal celebration of global unity ever achieved and the continuation of the same will ceaselessly be an integral part of international cooperation and globalization. In this regard it is an honor for any city in this world to host the Olympic Games since doing so bestows some(prenominal) opportunities for such a city and its dwellers. The Olympic movement has had to involve in legion(predicate) ways depending on its leadership in a bid to charter it more integral, independent and reach a wider audience than before (Constantine, 2000).This changes has necessitate the pick up to adopt modern and innovative practices to the organization and running of Olympic personal business in order to cater for the m peerlesstary and logistical obligations of the management committees and to be able to organize superior games n broadcast them to a world audience. The IOC presidentship of Samarech saw the international committee acquire rights to sell broadcasting rights to media companies in a bid to make the IOC financially independent. Furthermore, they developed an Olympic brand that could be sold to companies who would use it as an exclusive tool to market their products.This brand becomes one of the biggest revenue earners for the Olympic committee since acquiring the rights to use the brand is an super expensive affair. The IOC is responsible for choosing the host city for the Olympic Games and therefore enjoys immense power since an interested city has to convince the committee that it is capable of hosting the games and upholding the standards that are spanking for the success of the mammoth games. These have led to unethical conduct of some bidding committees who have tried to influence the award of this honor by offer bribes to committee members.The idea of having the Olympic Games held in the U K is not new. Several bids have been put forward in past years by the city of Birmingham and Manchester without much success since the Olympic committee saw it as a lack of commitment on the U K authorities and construe their bids as not being serious enough. However, there has been a change of attitude amidst various stake holders who have been seeking an avenue of effecting a egression in elite sportsmanship by ensuring that elite English athletes are taken forums to compete and excel and consequently earn U K respect in the sports arena.Some concern has existed in the inability of the U K to be among the very top medal earners in the Olympic Games and efforts have picked up momentum to meliorate this deficit. It was therefore clear that drastic measures will have to be taken in order to draw the necessary attention which hopefully would translate to more attention on sports funding and a significant rise in the success of U K athletes (Gibson & Booth, 2009)The momentum to host the Olympic 2012 games was not well-off to build due to a lack of commitment on the part of the central governme nt. There were questions as to the viability of London to host the games due to several factors that many saw as a stumbling block to the success of the games. However, there was general consensus among the various ranks of private groups in all sectors that the competitiveness of London as one of the major and important cities in world arena was under threat by emerging powers.Others felt that the U K governments have continuously failed to give priorities to games in a nation plagued by obesity and idle youths. Therefore, several groups of people and the media played a significant role in forcing the government to render to be the guarantor against the total cost of hosting the games. On July 6 2005 the president of the Olympic committee announced that the 2012 games would be hosted by London acting as the climax of a process that had taken over 7 years to become reality (B O A, 2009).The bid committee popularly known as the BOA initiated in the early days a massive PR campaign t hat sought to gain the approval of the government and fuel public agree for the bid in the hope that doing so would give them the necessary edge to beat the other competitors. The team used a strategy of persuading all relate of the diverse benefits that were to be reaped following the success of the beads among them public exposure, improved transportation, employment and housing improvements.The success of the commonwealth games in Manchester acted as a recall dose for the team since it showed the commitment and ability of the country to host large games events. And thus the effort of this committee, the government and several other contributors led to the successful biding and the process of edifice the necessary facilities to host the games is underway. Hosting the Olympic Games poses serious challenges to any country due to the great infrastructural and logistical needs of the project.The games are expected to cost nearly 9 billion pounds for the building of the Olympic vil lage and the upgrading of other vital sectors including upgrading of existing venues and the road and rail dodge. There is a worry that the games might cost the tax revenue payers more money since it is expected that the current budget might not be sufficient to cater for all the requirements. Another challenge is the transport system which is below standard and there will be a need to improve it and expand it if the games are to go on smoothly (Briginshaw, 2006).Another challenge is the need to provide the venues and management committees with modern technology in order co ordinate the games effectively. Lastly is the problem of the Olympic legacy and how the various equipments and facilities will be put to use after the games. There are those who feel that most of the venues and assisting facilities in the Olympic village will be converted into schools and technical institutes for games outgrowth for the benefit of London youths.Furthermore, this is estimated to create over thr ee thousand permanent jobs for the local people. Most importantly it is hoped that the Olympic Games will increase the level of sports affaire in the U K including for those who are disabled (Rose, 2009). Bibliography B O A 2009, London 2012 Olympic Bid An Eight Year Journey, Viewed 8 whitethorn 2009, . Briginshaw, D 2006, An Olympic Challenge, International Railway Journal, Viewed 8 May 2009, http//74. 125. 113. 132/search?q=cachezVQ6EWubIj8Jlibrary. kmi. re. kr/BibAttfile/0000050180200607. pdf+challenge+of+london+as+an+olympic+venue&cd=19&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ke&client=firefox. Constantine, S 2000, History of the Olympic Games, Seaburn Publishing, New York. Gibson, O & Booth, R 2009, Halfway to the opening ceremony, London 2012s progress report, Guardian, Viewed 8 May 2009, . Rose, E 2009, Disability Sports, London 2012, Viewed 8 May 8 2009, http//www. london2012. com/.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Collective bargaining

Eighty five percent of renegotiation reveals ar attributed to economics. apparent motion 6 5 out Of 5 points Where represented employees cross picket lines, the unions talk terms power is decreased because their crossing increases the employers ability to operate. True Question 7 In a slowdown, employees can seldom be disciplined because they ar complying with the fetch Question 8 In a single-employer negotiation, in that view is a dire accept to defend against a whipsaw. False Question 9 Private domain fact finders be not very successful on distributive bargaining Issues. Question 10IS called after a nip expires and usually after there is an impasse to pressure the employer to settle on the unions terms. An economic strike Question 11 A slowdown most lots involves working to rules. Question 12 strikes most frequently involve plant administration issues and generally last three days or less. Wildcat Question 13 Under the Taft-Hartley Act, if the parties are at an impass e and the contract has expired, in most circle the union is free to strike and the employer is free to lock out employees. Question 14 sometimes the objects of a strike move from place to place, such as a ship Ewing struck by a seafarers union.Which type of picketing is likely in such situations? Ambulatory site Question 15 An possibility explores a companys occupation activity to uncover possible regulatory violations, tries to identify closely linked corporations, and analyzes its monetary statements. The second phase involves publicizing items detrimental to the employers interests that support the unions demands. What is this initiative an example of? Corporate campaign Question 16 Which of the future(a) firms might find it executable to continue to operate using supervisors and other nonproductive workers?A firm with continuous flow operations Question 17 Federal Mediation and expiation Service mediators almost always have prior interpret in negotiating contracts from the anxiety perspective. Question 18 According to a study, mediation strategies most often cited by unions as hastening settlement included devising an meliorate negotiating framework. Question 19 Why are mediators unlikely to influence the direction of the outcome? Because their interrelate is not what either party achieves. Question 20 Which of the following observations concerning boycotts is true? Boycotts are seldom employ. TEST 05 Results DisplayedSubmitted Answers, Incorrectly Answered Questions Where strikes are banned, grievance rates are higher, particularly on economic issues. Public field moil relations are similar across the 50 states. Duty-to-bargain laws substantially increase unionization beyond other public policy measures favorable to public sector unions. A study of firefighters negotiations found that several factors predicted positive union outcomes. Which of these factors reflects multilateral bargaining? elect official intervention at impasse What is th e relationship amongst the costs of arbitration and the likelihood of parties negotiating their own settlement?Collective BargainingGranville contract is overdue to expire soon. Therefore, we will be negotiating a new contract for the plant employees. We plan to get a commitment from the management for a strong contract comparable to the hard work done by our brothers and sisters In Granville. Our task at hand may be difficult due to the Introductory of a new plant, and technology, but, we shall persevere. The economy Is year. We would like to get our goals accomplished by working together with management through and through compromise and aligning our contract along with the business strategy.But, if there is a failure to reach a compromise, we will use the leverages of work slow-down, strike, and boycott. We plan to strive for better wages, dual control of technological and location change, pension increase, and the approval of the SUB plan. We have worked diligently for competi tive contracts In the past and a better life for all employees nation wide. Lobbying with Congress through our affiliate unions, we have made considerable strides for all employees throughout the nation. This Includes the Family Leave Act, which disposed(p) the rights of employees to take time off to spend with a new tyke or sick family member.We have as well as worked toward the initiation of the unfair Labor Act, which granted employees the ability to bring litigation against unlawful discharge of employment. Wages Our first of all major issue is wages. The employees of Granville have stressed the need to have a considerable wage increase, due to the ever increasing cost of living and need for alignment with industry standards. We will strive for a competitive wage and cost of living Increase that will give the employees as larger throw scale to be accessed. As of now, 75% of our workforce is at the top of the pay scale with marginal cost of living Increases annually.We would like a major change In this area. Technology Our second major Issue Is Installation of new technology. The employees have concerns about being displaced due to new equipment being used at the Newton plant. There is not yet an official decision to move equipment or employees to that plant as of yet, but it could cause a decline in quality in the number employed at Granville. We plan to ask the company for more specific information on their plans for the technological investments. If the equipment shall be used at Granville, we do not want any displacement, and will strive for cross-training of all skilled and semi-skilled employees.Layoffs Third, there is concern for layoffs if the technological investment affects the number employed at Granville. We will make every effort to gain approval of the SUB plan. This will allow employees knowledge of the plant downsizing or closure. It will also provide them with adequate compensation for being discharged. Employees are willing to take a $. 25 tradeoff If It Is approved. Retirement Benefits Forth, the older workers are especially concerned with this area. A 75% of pay at the will strive for these benefits due to the decline of the Social Security system in our economy.Our employees need this demand granted for the protection of their senior years. Employees are willing to acquiesce too $. 35 trade-off for increased retirement benefits. Working Conditions Lastly, the health plan, vacation, and holidays will be reviewed as possible trade-offs with management. These items will add to the living conditions of the Granville employees. The highest possible gains possible in negotiation will be sought. And in conclusion, we feel that dual participation with management is very important. A successful agreement can be reached through mutuality and compromise among OTOH parties.Collective bargainingEighty five percent of renegotiation strikes are attributed to economics. Question 6 5 out Of 5 points Where represented employ ees cross picket lines, the unions bargaining power is decreased because their crossing increases the employers ability to operate. True Question 7 In a slowdown, employees can seldom be disciplined because they are complying with the contract Question 8 In a single-employer negotiation, there is a dire need to defend against a whipsaw. False Question 9 Private sector fact finders are not very successful on distributive bargaining Issues. Question 10IS called after a contract expires and usually after there is an impasse to pressure the employer to settle on the unions terms. An economic strike Question 11 A slowdown most often involves working to rules. Question 12 strikes most frequently involve plant administration issues and generally last three days or less. Wildcat Question 13 Under the Taft-Hartley Act, if the parties are at an impasse and the contract has expired, in most circumstances the union is free to strike and the employer is free to lock out employees. Question 14 So metimes the objects of a strike move from place to place, such as a ship Ewing struck by a seafarers union.Which type of picketing is likely in such situations? Ambulatory site Question 15 An initiative explores a companys business activity to uncover possible regulatory violations, tries to identify closely linked corporations, and analyzes its financial statements. The second phase involves publicizing items detrimental to the employers interests that support the unions demands. What is this initiative an example of? Corporate campaign Question 16 Which of the following firms might find it feasible to continue to operate using supervisors and other nonproductive workers?A firm with continuous flow operations Question 17 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service mediators almost always have prior experience in negotiating contracts from the management perspective. Question 18 According to a study, mediation strategies most often cited by unions as hastening settlement included dev ising an improved negotiating framework. Question 19 Why are mediators unlikely to influence the direction of the outcome? Because their concern is not what either party achieves. Question 20 Which of the following observations concerning boycotts is true? Boycotts are seldom used. TEST 05 Results DisplayedSubmitted Answers, Incorrectly Answered Questions Where strikes are banned, grievance rates are higher, particularly on economic issues. Public sector labor relations are similar across the 50 states. Duty-to-bargain laws substantially increase unionization beyond other public policy measures favorable to public sector unions. A study of firefighters negotiations found that several factors predicted positive union outcomes. Which of these factors reflects multilateral bargaining? Elected official intervention at impasse What is the relationship between the costs of arbitration and the likelihood of parties negotiating their own settlement?

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Analysis of the Nitrogen Content of Lawn Fertiliser Essay

Research Question What is the percentage by skunk of nitrogen (from the ammonium ion NH4+) in Bunnings Green Up brand of lawn fertilizer compared to the manufacturers specification of 12.3%?Aim To determine the percentage by mass of available nitrogen, bring out as the ammonium ion, in Bunnings Green Up brand of lawn fertiliser, then comparing it with the one contract by the manufacturer.Hypothesis Since the ammonium ion (NH4+) present in fertilisers is a weak acid, it is hard to obtain an exact end stopover. Hence, back titration can be used to determine the percentage by mass formation of nitrogen in the fertiliser. To deduce the amount of nitrogen in ammonia, the NH4+ ion is reacted with an excess of NaOH, and the amount of unreacted NaOH found by titration with HCl is used to deduce the amount of NH4+ ion present by subtracting it from the initial amount of NaOH to find the amount that reacted with it. From this, the percentage by mass of nitrogen present in the fertiliser c an be found and by and by compared to the manufacturers specification.It is hypothesized that the percentage by mass of nitrogen present in the fertiliser will be similar or close to that specified by the manufacturer (12.3%).Materials** 100 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm-3 NaOH* 100 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm-3 HCl* 1.5 grams of fertiliser* 250 cm3 volumetric flask* 3 250 cm3 conical flasks* 20 cm3 pipette* Burette and sideboard stand* 50 cm3 measuring cylinder* Bunsen burner, tripod, gauze mat* Mortar and pestle* Electronic balance* White tile, bench mat* move* Spatula* Red Litmus paper* Methyl red index finger*Safety Measures* Safety goggles must be worn at all times. sodium hydroxide can react with the proteins in the eye.* Wear a lab coat. Hydrochloric acid can cause severe skin irritation. If any is spilt on the skin, wash it off with water immediately.* Ammonia vapour irritates the skin, eyes, and respiratory system.Method1. Accurately weigh about 1.2 grams of fertilizer. Record the brand of the fertiliser and the nitrogen content as specified by the manufacturer.2. Dissolve the fertiliser in 250 cm3 of distilled water in a volumetric flask. Add the fertiliser first using a funnel and then add the water, allowing it to take with it the fertiliser remaining on the funnel, to the calibration line, stopper, and swirl the contents to dissolve the ammonium compounds in the fertilizer.3. Using a pipette, conduct 20 cm3 aliquots of the fertilizer solvent into three conical flasks.4. Thoroughly wash the pipette and rinse it with a small volume of standard NaOH ascendent. Place a 20 cm3 aliquot of NaOH solution in each of the flasks containing fertilizer solution. Record the concentration of the standard solution of NaOH.5. To one of the flasks, add 50 cm3 of distilled water. Boil the mix for about 10 minutes. If necessary, add more water to maintain a constant volume of solution whilst boiling. Test the vapour at the neck of the flask with a moist strip of red litmus pap er. If ammonia is present the paper will turn blue and heating should be continued until the point where litmus paper does not detect the presence of ammonia. Once this point has been reached, cool the flask under running water.6. Repeat Step 5 with each of the other both conical flasks.7. Rinse and fill a burette with standard HCl. Record the concentration of the acid and the initial burette reading.8. Add two to three drops of methyl red indicator to each conical flask containing the fertilizer commixture, and titrate. The end point occurs when the initially yellow solution becomes orangish. For each flask, drop off the burette reading once the end point has been reached.Data CollectionTable 1 Titration of the excess NaOH (0.084 mol dm-3) against HCl using Methyl Red index fingerConclusion/EvaluationFertiliser is a natural or synthetic chemical substance or mixture that is used to enrich soil in order to promote plant growth. It influences grass colour, ability to recover fro m stress, and helps prevent weed invasions and diseases. Plants require more than a dozen different chemical elements exactly nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the three major nutrients needed by lawns Nitrogen is the nutrient required most as it promotes growth and keeps the grass green, although too in truth much nitrogen can have harmful effects on plants and crops, and on soil quality. In this investigation, the percentage by mass of nitrogen from the ammonium ion in the sample fertiliser is being determined. The manufacturers claim of the amount of nitrogen present in this type of fertiliser is 12.3%.The ammonium that is present in fertilisers is a weak acid, thusly it is hard to identify a sharp end point in direct titrations with the naked eye. Back titration is used instead. It is an analytic chemistry technique in which the unknown concentration of a reactant can be found by reacting it with an excess volume of another reactant of known concentration. The resultin g mixture is then titrated back, taking into account the molarity of the excess which was added. Before titration, the sodium hydroxide was reacted with ammonium in the fertiliser to produce ammonia and waterNH4+(aq) + OH-(aq) NH3(g) + H2O(l)The elementary solution needed for titration was reached through heating the solution to remove the ammonium ions. By heating it, the rate of reaction between the ammonium ions and hydroxide ions increases, whence producing water and ammonia. Since ammonia is an extremely volatile gas, boiling the solution will result the vaporization rate, which is the desired outcome. The ammonium ions are also the limiting reagent thus once completely reacted, ammonia production ceases. This is indicated when the red litmus paper, which stresss for the presence of a base, no longer turns blue meaning the ammonia has completely evaporated and no longer present in the solution.By titrating the excess, unreacted hydroxide ions with standard hydrochloric acid , it allows us to calculate the amount of unreacted hydroxide ions since the molar ratio is equal, and from this the amount of reacted hydroxide ions with the fertiliser solution can be deduced. Subsequently, the amount of ammonium ions initially present in the 250 cm3 volumetric flask can be found and then the mass of nitrogen ions can be calculated. From this, the percentage by mass of nitrogen in the sample of fertiliser can be found. It was found that the percentage by mass of 1.209 g of fertiliser was 13.87% (? 1.00%). This is very close to the percentage of nitrogen present in the fertiliser as specified by the manufacturer 12.3%. This variation may be due to several faults and limitations encountered throughout the experiment.The percentage difference of 12.76% is greater than the percentage uncertainty of 6.34% and as a consequence random errors unsocial cannot alone account for the difference. There must be systematic errors inherent to the investigation or the mechani sm. Measurement errors could be the main origination of uncertainty. One source of error could be that the exact mass of the fertiliser sample as measured on the electronic balance is not the same as in the volumetric flask, consequently affecting the final result. The loss due to the transfer process into the flask which could be reduced by sufficiently rinsing the apparatus used to transfer, weigh and grind the fertiliser sample ? the funnel, weighing bottle, spatula and mortar and pestle ? so that all sample weighed is transferred into the volumetric flask.Another possible error is that the meniscus of solutions measured was not sitting exactly on the calibration line in the volumetric flask when preparing the standard solution. This may affect the results as the expected volume of the standard solution would differ from the actual volume measured. This can be overcome by allowing more than one individual to test whether or not the meniscus is positioned on the etched mark, maki ng sure its at eye level, which will usefully limit this parallax error.The interpretation of the orange colour determined at the end point could also have been another error. Subjective judgment when determining the shade of orange is another work out which may have affected the titre volume, and thus the final outcome. This problem was exacerbated by the fact that the methyl red indicator does not provide a sharp and easily distinguishable end point, as the colour change from yellow to orange. This may be overcome by using another indicator that allows for a clearer colour contrast.Another possible limitation which may have impacted the results is that some ammonia may still have been present in the conical flask. Although the red litmus paper may have served its purpose, this may still occur as a result of not boiling the solution long enough and thus some ammonia may not have evaporated. The result of this is that the ammonia in the solution will react with the hydrochloric ac id, and thusly more hydrochloric acid will be required for the equivalence point to be reached, affecting the titre volume. This can be easily overcome by ensuring that the fertiliser solution containing water and sodium hydroxide is boiled for long enough so that all ammonia can evaporate, while simultaneously ensuring that the solution remains at a constant 90mL.The use of tap water may also have affected the results. It may not have been at a pH of 7 or may contain other contaminants such as salts which may ultimately interfere with the results. To overcome this, the most effective way is to use deionised water.ConclusionIt was found that the percentage by mass of nitrogen from the ammonium ion in Bunnings Green Up brand of lawn fertilizer was 13.9% (? 1.00%). This was very close to the percentage of nitrogen in lawn fertiliser as specified by the manufacturer ? 12.3%.Bibliography1. Unknown Author, http// Chemistry for the International Baccala ureate, 2005, IBID Press

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Heart of Darkness vs Things Fall Apart Essay

Heart of Darkness and Things driblet Apart show a variety of ways of depicting Africa in literature. In Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad shows the continent of Africa by means of the conventional perspective of the European sailors, who had a tendency to depict the aborigines of the land as savages, and in response to that matter, Chinua Achebe wrote Things F every(prenominal) Apart through the non-stereotypical depicting perspective of the intrinsics of the land to show Africans, not as savages or primitives, entirely as members of a traditionalistic society.European preconception is presented in a verifiable way in Heart of Darkness. The of import character of Heart of Darkness or protagonist, Marlow, is a sailor who travels through Africa and describes the natives that he comes in contact with as savages. Marlow comp atomic number 18s these different individuals to animals of some ad hoc nature or moreover to the wilderness of the jungle, respectively. There was a point in this novel where Marlows vision came in contact with a pit in the ground.He noticed that it was a pit made for the natives to go and appease in peace or in other words die. Marlow describes those natives that were there stating, Black shapes crouched, lay, sat in the midst of the trees, leaning against the trunks, clinging to the earth in all attitudes of pain, abandonment, and desperation they were nothing earthly now, nothing and black shadows of disease and starvation One of these creatures rose to his hands and knees and went off on all fours towards the river to drink (Conrad 17).This descriptive portrayal shows the natives as shadows and nothing more than mere black shapes and not as individuals or men who be simply just last. These men are no longer men, they contribute been unfinished of all their characteristics which makes them hu military man to dehumanizing characteristics where none can tell the difference of one dying man to another. None of the dying men ar e described by oneself, which makes it difficult for the reader to see where one man ends to where the individual begins. This creates an effect where these individuals escort like eometric shapes and symbols of some sort.These depictions in which Marlow stated originates from a very stereotypical saying. The saying is that all Africans are made the same and one can not tell the difference between them even if much effort is applied. Similarly, there was an African man who was crawling to the river in order to quench his thirst. The way he was crawling in frequent is very dehumanizing. To make the matter worse and more dramatic, he crawled on his hands and knees which is animal-like and very degrading.The man is described to be on all fours just to get a drink, but when looking towards the European side, there is no way in Heaven that theyd be described like that. None. On the other hand, the European people would drink from a tap or maybe boil water from a well of some sort in or der to have a refreshing drink. The natives are compared to animals of the wild when Marlow begins describing one of the workers on the ship. Marlow states, to look at him was as edifying as seeing a dog in a parody of breeches and a feather hat walking on his hind legs (Conrad 36).This worker simply shows that the savages who are the Africans have a possibility of being tamed because, He ought to have been clapping his hands and stamping his feet on the bank (Conrad 37). One can see that this man has been stripped of being a human being. He is now an animal, a dog, maybe, who is being trained to do some type of trick. From Marlows point of view he is still an animal and none the less, this man is pretending to be a civilized being. Marlow doesnt stop there though. He continues to downgrade this European man by describing him to be just like the natives on the land.All in all, this is stereotypical. Furthermore, Marlow keeps his ball rolling by depicting the African natives as prehi storic and simplex. He states, The prehistoric man was cursing us, praying to us, welcoming us who could tell? we glided past like phantoms, wondering and secretly appalled, as sane men would be before an enthusiastic outbreak in a mad house (Conrad 35). In the mind of Marlow, the natives are so primitive that they are in an tantrum denied of having a language. Marlow sits there and begins to wonder who could tell? instead of making an effort to understand what the natives were saying out of their mouth.What can actually be inferred from this quote is that, the natives were probably jumping up and down like a bunch of kindergarten students at recess or something similar to that. One cant really be sure, but in all Marlow didnt even try to grasp what the native Africans were saying probably because he felt that they were savages, or maybe their able mindset wasnt as great and average to the Europeans, or the native Africans didnt have anything reasonable to say.Joseph Conrad with respect and similarity to Marlow, may have elect to not include a specific language probably because he was influenced by the European stereotypes of Africans. What can be inferred from this is that, the removal of a language suggests that the native Africans have nothing that is sophisticated enough to say that would be reasonable or important to add to the plot of the novel. In Heart of Darkness, the native Africans are very underdeveloped, just like a third world country would be, in order to have a control of language.Though, there are moments in which there is language which supports the native savage (Africans) at which this is the time a reader might even hear an African speak. Joseph Conrad uses a specific technique when he writes. He uses a limited exposure to the native Africans voices which tries to ignore anything that might bring stereotype about. In response to Joseph Conrad and the Europeans and their use of stereotypical depiction of Africans, Chinua Achebe, the aut hor of Things Fall apart portrayed Africans in a humanizing and traditional society.The Igbo tribe goes against the European stereotype in Things Fall Apart. The main character or protagonist Okonkwo does not agree nor does he disagree with the European belief that is shown in the novel. He is described in the novel to be, a man of action, a man of war (Achebe 8). Okonkwo is a very honorable man in the Umofia village, even though he has a very displeasing streak which is of violent nature. With Okonkwos strength and inability to be feminine, he is afraid of anything that is of feminine nature. His whole life was dominated by fear, the fear of misadventure and of weakness.It was the fear of himself, lest he should be found to resemble his father. Even as a little boy, he resented his fathers failure and weakness. And so Okonkwo was govern by one passion to hate everything that his father Unoka had loved. One of those things was gentleness and another was idleness (Achebe 10). What can be inferred from this quote is that, this is probably why Okonkwo was invariably in need of something that was filled with action but he still didnt fashion idleness. With the combination of these two aspects, Okonkwo can not care the outcome.Instead when violence is applied to this equation, Okonkwo is as good as can be. With this being said, this further supports the European stereotype as savage-like. When looking deeply into the lucubrate that Things Fall Apart display, one can notice the contrasting aspects between Umofia and Okonkwo. Okonkwo doesnt have any respect for his wives. As an Igbo man, Okonkwo man-handles his wives and children without holding back. Noticing the tone at this point in the novel, one can see that it is very much common for Igbo men in general to beat the ripe bananas out of their wives and children, but at a certain time.Okonkwo man-handled his wife during Umofias Week of Peace. Beating your wives and children in order for them to have respect f or you is one thing, but when one disobeys the traditional setting of the clans week of peace then drastic problems do arise. Okonkwo was not the man to stop beating somebody half-way through, not even for fear of a goddess. It was unheard-of to beat somebody during the sacred week (Achebe 19). Since Okonkwo felt as if he was the man on top of all and that he could do as it pleased him so, problems arose between himself and Umofia.The feminine force is his wife. And with that being noted, Okonkwo could not remove himself from his violent streak for even a week. Just a week but when comparing this to the perspective of Heart of Darkness this form and lack of self-control goes to the Europeans motive that Africans are savages. Towards the end of the novel, Okonkwo commits suicide by hanging himself. When the partition Commissioner look at Okonkwos lifeless body, he states In the book which he planned to write The story of this man who had killed a messenger and hanged himself would m ake fire reading.He had already chosen the title of the book, after much thought The Pacification of the Primitive Tribes of the Lower Niger (Achebe 117). What can be inferred from the title of the book is that the District Commissioner is prejudiced about the native Africans. In Heart of Darkness, Africans are also described as primitive, which shows that the Europeans stereotype is so vast that it is able to be used in two very separate and different works.All in all, in Heart of Darkness the Europeans notions was that all Africans are the same they are primitive, savages, and inhuman. In contrast to that stereotype, Things Fall Apart showed a traditional society, where the members are not inhuman. Unsatisfactorily, Okonkwo who is the protagonist of Things Fall Apart was not an effective representation of a civilized individual of a traditional society. But, he was an exceptional member of the society. And even though the stereotype of Africans has not been destroyed, it empowers the European beliefs.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Web Analytics

The explosive growth in the amount of swank and tablets marked we have fully entered the RA of mobile computing. There argon to a greater extent and more people prefer to buy the products or services they desired online. The comp all who sight success overnight must be the unrivalled who can break-dance insure the demands of nodes. For those who have no Idea of the power of Internet merchandise, Axiom Technology can be a good example. It has been launch since August 2010 and there argon no both offline franchised stores ever opened. The still when channel for guests to get their products is ordering from their online store.This is totally an Internet marketing model and no one knows what go out happen to this company in the future. Now only four years have passed Axiom Technology has overtaken Samsung to become the biggest seller of smartness in China and the company valuations has approaching 40 billions dollars (BBC, http//www. BBC. Com/news/business-28684581). The suc cess of Axiom is not accidental but using tons of techniques to analyses customers and trying to understand their needs. Behind this net analytics is the most important tool to achieve this in Internet marketing.What blade analytics does Is the study of visitor, navigation, and traffic patterns to determine the success of a effrontery web site wherefore finished the objective trailing, collection, measurement, porting, and summary of quantitative Internet data to optimism websites and Internet marketing initiatives (Web Analytics Association, http. / indicators could tell us the operation murder of a website. Such as the sources of the visitors (where our visitors come from), the conversion pass judgment of the visitors (includes the readjustment rates, opportunities to sale and other conversion rates we setup to monitor).Knowing these indicators is the basis of Internet marketing initiatives. In short, web analytics is a tool to garter us optimism our website and align o ur resources to equate the Internet marketing strategies. This could be divided into several aspects. I get out explain them one by one in this article. Monitoring the Operation Status of the Website This is the most basic function of web analytics. Web analytics tool bid Google Analytics can collect the data which provided by the website such as slipstream data, user take in data and operational data then generate disparate kinds of statements through analyses the collected data.These statements can give a overview of the website and tell us whether it is healthy or not. The variation trend of clicks, umber of visits, number of users and other data akin this can help marketers maintain the website from different aspects. However, for those non-technical specialist stakeholders web analytics tool can be an important tool to translate the professional monetary value such as knave views, average time per visit and conversion rates to readable schooling. Monthly summary is o ne of the most common reports that web analytics tool can generate for a company to monitor its website.The information contained in the summary is of a relatively basic level. The monthly summary shows varlet views, visits ND visitors, as well as average time per visit and average rogue views per visit. The main purpose of the monthly summary is to inform discern stakeholders well-nigh the level of activity on the website throughout each month (A. Phone, et al. , 2004). Figure 1 is a typical monthly summary. There are as well as other reports such as monthly dashboard which allow users to compare the activity on the website over a year, because of the limited words it is not manageable to detail here.Figure 1. A Typical Monthly Summary The operators of the website will be panic without the support of different kinds of data. Because it means they have lost the perception to the stance of the website. They have no idea how many visits today, thousands or none, will be a mystery . Without the direction of data, the operators will lost their target and path for Internet marketing. pass judgment the Efficiency of the Promotion Campaigns Like offline business processes, Internet marketing also needs promotion campaigns to acquire customers, improve brand image and customer perception.However, without web analytics we can not measure the help that the promotions bring to our websites Kips and we even can not know whether the growing Kips are profit from With web analytics we can track the sources of our visits then identify whether they are visiting through our promotions such as pay-per-click ads or banner ads. Moreover, we can further analyses the conversion rates relate to registration and order placing then find out the efficiency of our promotions and to what extent they can improve our Kips.Finally, according to the compend we can adjust the Internet marketing strategies about the promotions. For example, to measure the efficiency of a banner ads we can easily calculate cost per acquisition to find out that Cost per acquisition = Advertising and promotional cost/Number of click-troughs. Promote the Website Effectively Search Engine Optimization (SEE) and Search Engine Marketing (SEEM) SEE and SEEM are two springy parts in web analytics because they are the most important way for a website to fetch visits. Search engines are a key part of any companys acquisition portfolio.For good reason, citizens of the Internet use search to find allthing they are looking for. The business impact of this customer behavior is that we all pour a lot of resources into optimizing our websites to show up optimally in search engines for relevant queries (Vanish Sushi, 2010). There are several indexes for us to analyses SEE such as cerebrate to keywords ranking, the click through rate (CTR) of the search terms and the number of invalid pages of the website in the search results. The traffic level is the foundation of a website.So it is necessary fo r us to know how good our website performing on SEE and SEEM clearly (Eric Eng, et al. , 2012). Precision Marketing SEE and SEEM can improve the web impression of the website so the users can find our website more easily. But sometimes it is also necessary to push our website to some specific users directly so called online promotions. Online promotion include customer segmentation, source segmentation and target market segmentation. Customer segmentation which based on customer behaviors can reveal the customer types our website attracts.The search terms based on source and affiliated websites analysis can let us know which parts on our website were cared about by our users and how our users found us. This analysis could direct us for our online promotion. We will know which groups of users we should send them e-mails. Moreover, web analytics can also help us find suitable places to do the online promotions. For example, the most related website we should put the advertisements on if we want to issue a product or organize an activity or the frequently searched keywords to do the sponsored links and SEE.So it can help us avoid the inefficiency promotions which will waste our operating costs. Through eliminating low efficiency costs and increase the ratio of high efficiency costs we could move the budgets constant but have a better publicity. In the meantime, we can also find out which websites have more relevance with us then we can improve our how to organize the contents we want to promote. Optimizing the Customer Experience of the Website Simple and Effective Interactive Process The simple and easily-to-use interactive process will help the users achieve their targets and operations better.And the users are tend to visit the website which have more friendly interface that can let them surf on it without any troubles. Help the Users to Find What They Interested Recommend the contents which the users may interested are far more better than let themselves f ind what they want. Many websites like Amazon, eBay now have recommendation function based on the analysis of users behaviors, this function will elf on keep customers and let them browse more contents or use the services provided by the websites.Listen to the Users Web analytics is more than tons of daily statements of the websites. Actually, survey, lab usability testing and site visits are all perish to web analytics. Vanish Sushi were sorted them as the qualitative analysis in web analytics. These methods can let us listen to our users heart. With the results of these surveys we can do better on our website includes the design of function, interactive and navigation. All of these are aimed at enhancing the user experience of the website.In a word, the websites are living for traffic level, all what we do above can be concluded as three stages monitoring the traffic, attract the traffic and keep the traffic. The traffic level can be easily translated to users, and the users are the only core for the websites. Part 2 http//www. Activation. Co. UK/ is a local company. You are required to Identify its main line of business and its online marketing strategy, Critically pronounce its website designing and its online marketing strategy, and Make recommendations for improving the effectiveness of its website and online marketing strategy.Main Line of patronage bustling Alton is a local company operating a garland of sports and leisure facilities in Alton and it claimed itself as a non-profit organization. It currently operates 7 leisure and activity centers including Dell Farm, Inspire Alton Sports Village, Les date stamp Sports Park, Highpoint Community Sports & Arts Centre, Lea Manor refreshment Centre, Stockroom Park Golf Centre and Stockroom Park Athletics Centre & Health Club.The main business that Active Alton run are the seaworthiness and leisure events. Rely on the activity centers Active Alton provides its own brands covered a wide range of ports a nd services such as Profiles Health & Fitness, serpent Swim, Active Golf, Kid Around, Active Education, Active Communities, Active Training & Development and people will enjoy a discount price to access the facilities through Join the membership and this is also the main sources of income to the organization.Online Marketing Strategy As a local organization who have held so many sports centers and leisure facilities, Active Alton seems has no intention to invest vast amount of time and money in online marketing because people are ultimately prefer to choose a fitness centre by sitting it not by Just browsing it online. The website of Active Alton are more like a exhibition not an online franchise store. I have drawn a bodily structure chart of the website below and will analyses the online market strategy by using it. Through the structure chart we can have a general understanding of the whole website of Active Alton.As I state before, the website is consist by the introduction of the sports centers and leisure facilities. The only entrance for customers to check is in the membership page and will be shown after click sign up online. And there is o any online customer service but only two forms in the feedback and contact us pages. Because the organization possesses venues and stadiums and only provide very limited online transactions channel and customer service (the digital channels complementary is relatively low), the e-commerce business mode could be defined as between Bricks and mortar and Bricks and clicks refer to Figure 2.Figure 2. Three Business Modes in E-commerce In conclusion, the online marketing strategy should have objectives for online contribution in percent which means sales, service, profitability should drive the strategy. From the structure of the website I did not see much of elements which can bring extra incomes for the organization. Because of the products the organization provides is fitness and leisure services it is not possible to exploit new geographic markets. So the website has authorise benefits of existing products to existing penetration strategy (H.Igor Anions, 2007). Figure 3. Nations Product-Market Growth Matrix Website Designing There are eight most important factors in lucky e-commerce site design (Lauded and Travel, 2009), in this part I will use this figure to evaluate the designing of the Bessie. Figure 4. The Eight Most Important Factors in Successful E-commerce Site Design All functions of the website are working normally during my test but it has no obvious funnel which can guide visitors to the checkout transcription and finally become customers.In general, there must be a button or link to purchase the product when we click into the introduction page of a product but for this website there is not. What instead of is a sign up online button which is in membership page so we can not see it directly. This will largely reduce the conversion rates and lower the functionality of the websit e. The information provided by the website are quite rich, from the introduction of the organization to the details of every venues and brands. And they have been placed in landing page so they are full accessible.But the customer service is a short slab of the website. There are only two forms provided in the contact us and feedback pages. According to Lauded and Tracers research it will annoy 75. 1% visitors if a website has no contact information available. Figure 5. E-commerce Website Features that twit Customers For other aspects in the figure 4, the layout and design of Active Lottos website are happily integrated style, both aesthetically and functionally. It has a dominant hue which is blue and the assumption is not been abused everywhere.The text are legible enough and the graphics are simple therefore the visitors will not be distracted. To sum up, the website is easy to use but lack of functionality and it need to be improved. Recommendations For the Web Designing To im prove the effectiveness of the website can be translate to improve the user experience of it. First and the most important thing is to add a purchase button with the corresponding price table in every introduction page of the stadiums, this will increase the conversion rates and lead to a higher incomes which is the fundamental goals of e-commerce.And for the customer service, add at least one contact information (landlines, e-mail or both) to contact us page that visitors can use it to contact the organization actively. If the visitors are confused about some descriptions the conversion rates indirectly because people will not purchase anything if they are confusing about it. For the Online Marketing Strategy According to the organizations conditions I did a SOOT analysis for it. Active Alton Strengths S 1. Well-known brand 2.Abundant Resources 3. Extensive Services Weaknesses W 1. Internet channel using 2. Web technologies 3. Online customer service Opportunities O 1 . New cust omer segment 2. Co-branding promotion 3. Cross-selling SO strategies Integrate the services and trying to attract new customers through cross-selling and co-branding promotion WOW strategies Improve the user experience of the website and introduce new services to attract new customers Threats T 1 . Other competitors who have advanced technologies 2.Customer choice 3. New entrants SST strategies Attract competitors customers by provide better services and hardware WET strategies Improve the user experience of the website and build a thorough customer relationship management system Figure 6. A Internet-specific SOOT Analysis for Active Alton Active Alton is an organization who has possessed a lot of resources including stadiums and parks. So the products and services it can provide can be varied if introduce cross-selling method.The growth point of the business is to attract new customers through new products and services and better user experience of the website. In this circumstanc e I would like to recommend WOW strategies for the organization. This kind of online marketing strategy is focused on improving the effectiveness of the website and develop new products that fit the e- commerce business such as special offers which people can only get from the online store.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Heart of Darkness Essay

The mistress was always considered primitive and did non become civilised subsequently be with Kurtz, showing she had strength to stay who she was and non be influenced by the white man, as many an(prenominal) black muckle were. Her spring on Kurtz, however, was far too swell and he could not serve but be influenced by this wild woman and also by the country, in which she lived. Kurtz was also influenced and changed by the power of Africa.He could have control over the natives but he would never be equal to succumb to the heart of darkness. The mistress, herself was actually a commission of Africa like the wilderness itself which emphasises her power and comp ares it to that of her basis into which even white men were afraid to venture too deep. When Marlow looked at a map of Africa he described the Congo river as looking like a snake.This again makes the audience relate rachis to Adam and Eve. A snake which symbolised the devil convinced Eve to tempt Adam. So through this we cigaret see that the mistress received some of her power through a greater source. Her inability to peach makes readers think of her as more animal and primitive but this just adds to her mystery and makes her appear more like Africa and at one with the power in it. the immense wilderness, the colossal body of the fecund and secluded life seemed to look at her, pensive, as though it had been looking at the image ofits knowledge tenebrious and passionate soul. Emphasising these three characters power, Conrad uses a contrasting character for comparison. This character is Kurtzs intended who was really oftentimes opposite to the other females, in particular Kurtzs mistress. This woman was a typical strait-laced fantasy This fair hair, this pale visage, this pure brow her forehead, smooth and white her fair hair seemed to thingmabob all the remaining light in a glimmer of gold. She is the type of woman any British man would want.The use of words such as fair, white, smooth and pure sends her as being innocent and good and she was never spoken about in a sexual way- she seemed not to have any sexuality- which is a very powerful attribute to have. Someone with these characteristics is usually not very powerful. Also her background she is British and British women were often marginalised from power or authority due to males determine so too would she be- she is no exception to this- more like an example of it. A year after Kurtzs death she still mourned him and tells Marlow I have survived. This tells readers she visits it hard to like without Kurtz- she is finding it hard to find the power to struggle on. Then when Marlow lies to her about Kurtzs last words- readers are aware that he is does not believe she has enough strength (power) to handle that kind of truth. This lie is made to maintain womens great and saving illusion. For this powerless woman Marlow wants to help (her/women) to stay in that beautiful world of their own This is contras ted with the other three powerful women as they were not in that beautiful world of their own.The aunty was almost in a mans world- finding power from others in noble places. The knitting women were represented as being in the after world having power over peoples lives and guarding the door of Darkness therefore having the power (like the men believed they had over women) of deciding who could come in to their world and who could not. Then there was the mistress her personality and her world was the complete opposite to the intended (who was the representation of powerless).The mistress was considered wild, very sexual and uncivilised, living in an almost animal world obtaining her power from nature. The typical woman in the novel Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, is represented as not possessing much or any power.This is seen through the eyes of a man therefore women are marginalised. They are excluded from the bulk of the story but when they do make an appearance, the aunt, the knitting women and the mistress all convey some sort of amazing power that is not typical to Marlows views and that men (of those times) do not consider or want women to have. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This scholar written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Joseph Conrad section.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Analysis of Sredni Vashtar and Such a Pretty Little Picture Essay

_Sredni Vashtar_ and _Such a Pretty Little Picture_ are short stories whose main heroes share a park character trait they both dream active a world where they can finally be free. Both of them live in a reality in which they do not feel expert and they use their imagination to escape from their forlorn position. The both protagonists are Conradin, a ten-year-old boy who is diagnosed with a pitch-dark illness and Mr. Wheelock, who has a seemingly perfect life but deep down he wants vigor more but escape. While Conradin is a prisoner of his own illness, Mr. Wheelock is cornered by the expectations of society.Conradin was ten years old, and the doctor had pronounced his professional opinion that the boy would not live another five years. with this rise sentence starts the story of Conradin. He is a boy who carries a huge burden which should not be beard by someone so young. He lives with his aunt, Mrs. De Ropp, who charges pleasure in forbidding Conradin each social function that might encounter him joy. Mrs. De Ropp is portrayed as a cold and cruel lady who treats Conradin poorly and likes thwarting him under the simulation of taking care of him. The only safe haven for Conradin is a little shed where he keeps his two pets a Houdan hen, which he considers a dear friend and a ferret, whom he fears and idealizes as a god, Sredni Vashtar. all(prenominal) night, Conradin worships and prays to the hutch-god and begs him Do one thing for me, Sredni Vashtar.. He does not specify what he wants, because gods are supposed to distinguish ones deepest desire. One day Mrs. De Ropp finds out about Conradins visits to the shed and goes to investigate, but she never emerges again. In the last scene the blood-covered ferret appears and Conradin sighs in relief to finally be set free. (_Sredni Vashtar_, saki)Mr. Wheelock appears to be a perfect husband with a perfect family and perfect life. But it is just the surface. He is displease with his life, his wife often makes fun of him in public and questions his masculinity and his daughter is an ill-favored child with whom he has no strong bond. He hears about a man who for the last twenty years had gone(a) to the city on the 812, sitting in the said(prenominal) seat in the same car, and every evening he hadgone home to his wife on the 517, sitting in the same seat in the same car, but one day, rather of going home on the train as usual, he paused, walked off, and was never seen again. Mr. Wheelock starts to fantasize about running away and never search back, but he always comes up with something that delays his plan. At the end he remains with the one thing he can properly do cutting the hedge while daydreaming about the time out out from his monotone life, because clipping the hedge was one of the few domestic duties that Mr. Wheelock could be trusted with. (_Such a Pretty Little Picture_, Parker, 1995)Conradin and Mr. Wheelock are similar in a sense that both of them are moderate by a dominant woman. Conradins life is dictated by the prohibitions set by Mrs. De Ropp. It is not enough that this little boy is severely sick, but he has to put up with a cold-hearted guardian, who instead of giving her nephew the little things that would make his final years tolerable, takes all the joy from his life. Mr. Wheelock endures his wifes continuous mocking and deep inside yields to the fate of being an insignificant member of his family.However, while Conradin is tried by his aunt every step of the way, he does not give up and believes that Sredni Vashtar will give him what he desires the most the death of Mrs. De Ropp. Although he does not actively do anything, Conradin is not a quitter and continually begs his fantasise god to help him. Mr. Wheelock, on the contrary, is rewarded with an opportunity to change his lifestyle and flee, but instead of snatching at the chance, he finds excuses against it, e.g. people might think, he left for improper reasons, like for anothe r woman which shows how much Mr. Wheelock cares about the opinion of the society or that he has to leave his job which he did not particularly loathe. The ability to make decisions is the main difference between these two characters. Mr. Wheelock is too much of a coward to take the risk and abandon his comfortable but boring life and he can only convey to himself for the situation he is in, because he was the one who decided to marry Adelaide. Conradin, however, is a young child who finds himself completely in the world and has no other choice but to subordinate himself to the whim of Mrs. De Ropp.BIBLIOGRAPHYhttp//, D. _Such a Pretty Little Picture_, Penguin Books, London, 1995, ISBN 978-1-101-14403-9

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Effects of Music on Counsumer Behavior

The idea of u speak medicine as a way of advertise goes tout ensemble the way thorn to colonial dates when pass eldway vendors hawked their good to the adjust of a melodic chant. Of course we in any(prenominal) case know that medication has been employ a great deal as a way of fixing a product in our mind. A memorable tune that sticks in your mind is the marters dream. symphony that is written for a company or industry oft benefits the unblemished industry. match little of the first industry wide tuneful plugs (no pun intended) was for the tobacco industry by means of metrical compositions such(prenominal) as the 1836 song Think Smoke Tobacco, by John Ashton and Pipe de Tabac by John Hewitt.Lyrics in any case ladder an consequential part in the use of medicine as advertising. Just as a catchy tune could attack your senses, a good jingle or cute lyrics could become a part of society for quite some time. The power of this fig of advertising is just formidable. Consumer researchers have rear emotional response to advertisement, by consumers. Background unison is one of the major component influencing audience responses to plastered products that they buy. Popular medical specialty in television commercials is nonhing new.In fact, television advertising right from its genuinely stem in the early 1950s has relied heavily on melody to get peoples watchfulness, commit a surliness, creates the right target image and sells the advertisers product. The reason why is simple it works. Music cheers an important power on individuals belonging to different cultural priming coats. Music tin relax us, excite us, make us want to get up and dance or simply involve ourselves by listening. Thats what makes it such a powerful as well asl in advertising. Very often, more(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) recognizable songs are utilise as background usic to set a mood or to help establish an image for the product. Early television comm ercials in the 1950s featured intumesce known classical masterpieces as background symphony, to attract consumers towards their product. Advertisers later on expanded themselves into jazz and rhythm and blues. Soon TV commercials were featuring songs like Duke Ellingtons Satin Doll and Gershwins Rhapsody in Blue as background music to help sell a variety of different products. Music plays the following consumption pastimeMusic contri plainlyes to the effectiveness of an advertisement by making it more attractive. A good ad always tries to engage the attention of an audience, and makes it entertaining for them. To an extent alone music broadcasted on commercial ads as well as radio serves as a loss leader. Any music can potentially act in this occasion of entertainment. Moreover, the music need non necessarily be evident of any special attraction with a particular product or service in order to play an effective and useful persist. Structure/Continuity Music can be used in s everal(a) structural graphic symbols.As a structural role, music helps in tying jointly a sequence of ocular images and series of dramatic episodes, narrative voice-overs, and a list of product appeals. This is the function of continuity. Memory ability Music should be such in advertisements that it increments the Memorability of the products name. Consumers are known to favor products which give some degree of acquaintance or familiarity, even if it is merely the products name. Thus, the association of music with the identity of a certain product whitethorn greatly aid in product recall. Lyrical LanguageA fourth technique of musical theater enkindlement is the use of lyrical language. Vocal music permits the conveyance of a communicative gist in a non spoken way. Language utterances can sound much less naive or self-indulgent when couched within a musical phrase rather than simply spoken. An individual can respectably sing things which would sound utterly trite if said. Targ eting Once an appropriate ordinary is chosen, second considerations are targeting the consumer, thereby zesty or charm those viewers who constitute the target demographic group. Music has long been identified with various social and demographic groups.Musical style therefore assists in targeting a specific market. The style may function as a socioeconomic identifier or may act as a device for addressing a specific group of audience. Authority Establishment Music enhances to the credibility of the product in this way that establishes its authority. A simple way of establishing authority is through expert testimony. Authority may as well as be fostered through testimonials of non-technical authorities . Thus to an extent to succeed in advertising an audience, should also be kept in mind , advertising done must also have genuity in it.Music matchs shopper time perception several(prenominal) studies indicate that music can effectively reduce anxiety, growth positive mood ratings, alleviate depression, and subside frustration. Music has also been seen to influence consumers time perception. Standing in queues listening to the right benevolent of music makes the waiting experience more pleasant and entertaining hence reducing the perception of time in store. Music helps in making impulsive purchases Music helps consumers associate some odours or emotions such as joy, love, fear, hope, sexuality, fantasy and helps in developing a mood for shop.Music also helps in creating an impulsive borders that can be extremely beneficial to the consumers in selecting a particular product. Increase brand committal Music helps in enhancing brand loyalty in a way that it integrates the meaning of a cognitive content of the particular brand thus creating brand loyalty amongst the customers. Music is a positive profit to the consumer environment Music plays an important role by creating a positive environment, under which all consumers are influenced by music.Example Wh en an individual enter the shop of KNs the jingle of the brand keeps on play thus creating a positive effect on the consumer . Music has also been used to induce every a pleasant or unpleasant runive state and examine its Interaction with the appropriateive intone of an advertisement (Gorn, Pham, Sin 2001). Both arousal, pleasure can be manipulated with music. Music and Congruence Park and three-year-old (1986) examined the effect of music (present, absent) and three types of link (low involvement, cognitive involvement, affective involvement) on the formation of attitudes towards a brand in the context of TV commercials.Music increased the brand attitude for subjects In the low involvement train but had a distracting effect for those in the cognitive involvement condition. Its effect for those in the affective involvement condition was non clear. They argue that music acted as a peripheral persuasion cue. When the music was attention grabbing it pulled listeners attention away from the message and negatively influenced recall. The no music ads performed as well or better than the musical ads in terms of recall and recognition.Thus the relationship between the fit of the mood, bring on music (happy/sad) developed the purchase decision for the customer. USES OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF MUSIC Fast or slow music in a sell environment Research anchor out that people move steady when slow rhythm music is played. Study was conducted in two supermarkets found a huge increase in gross sales when slow rhythm music was played In that instruction the gross sales increased from $12,112 for the fast rhythm music to $16,740 for the slow rhythm music. This is an increase of 38%. In addition to it Customers moved slowly when quiet music was played, taking 128 seconds, and faster when fast music was played, taking 109 seconds. akin results have been observed in restaurants customers tend to persist when the music is slow and light. Where you dont want people to lin ger, you could be better off playing loud, fast tempo music especially if you run a fast-moving restaurant. But, retail environments often want their clients to stay for longer time in their stores, so softer music is more appropriate. A study discovered that customer spent well-nigh 23% more currency in a restaurant when softer music was being played.Interestingly, increase in spending came on the drinks bill (which grew by almost 51% on avg), which are the most profitable items in most restaurants. ? Loud or soft Usually, people spend much less time in the environment where louder music is played One article wrote A person is likely to stay in a restaurant playing soft music 20% longer than if the music is loud, with a slight increase in the amount of money spent on food and drinks. For grocery stores, it was found that the volume make no difference on how much money was spent.A nonher study by Caldwell and Hibbert (2002) found that when slow music was played, patrons stayed for 20% longer but also spent more on food and drink in fact, up to 50% more. In other linguistic communication, to keep your customers, keep it soft and slow. And likewise, if you want quick turnover, speed things up and keep it loud. In bars, where music is very loud and fast that it hinders conversation, people drink more and drink faster. An academic study found Environ cordial music was associated with an increase in alcohol consumption. Forty male beer drinkers were observed in a bar. The results certify that high level volume led to increased alcohol consumption and bring down the average amount of time spent by the patrons to drink their glass. Use of hit songs and unknown songs In business and retail environments, popular music tends to be too distracting, taking people away from the proletariat at hand, and makes them focus on the music. You want the music to MELT in the environment, giving a feeling of calm or energy, but not grabbing the attention of the people. Popu lar or hit music is too catchy, and causes lower purchasing in retail environments and decreased productivity in offices. The usic that should be played has to be good and very close enough to hit music that people enjoy it, but it must not be too catchy. Classical or chill outs In a study it has been found out that Classical music increases the amount of money people are get outing to spend. Normally, people leave buy more expensive goods when classical music is being played. MUSIC AND MARKETERS Marketers uses music to reach at own goal in making advertising. Marketers doing in following way Music Exists In A Context Music does not work alone. It exists within an advertisement with complex visual, verbal, and other nonverbal stimuli.How all of these are perceived depends on the complex interaction of internal (biological) and external (social, cultural influences) factors which also affect when and how musical taste is developed. Music is primarily a cultural and social phenomeno n and reflects the values and attitudes of a subculture. sociological forces affect images and preferences about products that are desirable, and music, if it fits with those images, may enhance the following variables 1) persuasion through prior encyclopaedism and verbal association, 2) recall, 3) overall ad effectiveness, Preference for the product and 5) facilitation of mental images.The following-discussion result elaborate further on the topic of music as a facilitator of mental images, and its role in advertising, education, communication, psychology, and marketing. The Importance of The Role charge To Music In An Ad It seems that the salience of music in an ad lead depend on whether the ad is primarily affective or cognitive base (Park and Young, 1986 and Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982), who the target market is, and how well the message communication goal (meaning) of the ad will fit with the music.Consequently, we suggest a tentative hierarchy of musical presence model, to define the role assigned to music in communicating the advertising message. Basically, the degree to which music is assigned a supreme role is revealed by the degree to which it will be in the foreground, be classifiable, will be noticed, and will be more likely to be part of an affect-based ad. The degree to which music is assigned a less dominant role is the degree to which it will recede into the background, be less distinctive, be less attention-getting, and the ad will be less likely to be affect-based.This model is based on observation of about 60 advertisements on day-time T. V. , and is presented here as way of summarizing the role music plays sack from a most dominant and distinctive to a barely noticeable presence, to no presence. Since some ads have a combination of cognitive and affective components, with degrees of emphasis on one or the other, the role of music will tend to follow this degree of emphasis in the advertisement. That is, all things being equal, the more salient the role music has in the ad, the more affect-based the ad is likely to be, and We less salient role music has, the more cognitive-based the ad will be.The hierarchy of musical presence model is suggested as follows, going from most to least salient A. in ads where music primarily carries the entire message and meaning, music will be used in the following ways 1. When music with lyrics carries the ads verbal message and meaning, it has been assigned a dominant role in also providing an atmosphere, creating an image, context of use a mood, and influencing affect throughout the ad. The ad will be primarily affective-based, appealing to feelings. In this case, music will always be in the foreground, with very little voice-over, if any.Sometimes music composed especially for the purpose of the ad, or a fairly well-known song for example, such as April in Paris (for rich French roast coffee by maxwell House), can be used primarily to carry the message of the ad. The use of April in Paris reflects the age of the target market, desire for foreign travel, and its taste in style of music 2. When the lyrics of the song do not carry the ads message directly (the words are about things other than the product and do not contribute to the atmosphere or mood), but the music is in the foreground throughout the ad, and is the primary form of communication 3. hen instrumental or electronic music (without lyrics) is in the foreground, there is almost no voice-over, and the verbal message is brief and in written form, music has also been assigned a dominant role and will provide the above-mentioned attributes B. in ads where the message is carried primarily by a voice-over, music is used in the following ways 1. Music is in the background, very quiet, generally not distinctive, resembles cosmetic surgery music, and the voice-over continues throughout the ad 2. The music background lasts for the duration of one or two short verbal phrases, usually at the end of the ad.It is used to emphasize a phrase as in a make out brand attribute, or logo 3. No music. Although most commercials use music, some research has indicated that music may distract from message processing, and other research supports the facilitating effect of music. While musical characteristics or elements do shape overall musical meaning, a musical selection can distract or enhance message processing, if placed in an inappropriate advertising context, where the ads intended meaning and the music are not a good.While music may enhance processing in one setting, it may distract in another. Its impact largely depends on how well it fits with the advertisements meaning, and the audiences level and type of ad involvement. In trying to nail down what musical selection fits with what advertisement, a clear communication goal of the ad is required (cognitive, affective), along with cognition of the intended target markets musical taste, preferences, and if possible, the meanings and fee lings associated with particular musical selections.Finally, it is useful to possess an understanding of the musical characteristics or elements of the designated musical selection, as these often affect the above variables. From the musical presence hierarchy model, we note through preliminary observation that the more salient music is in an ad, the more affect-based the ad is. In general, advertising practitioners have used music which was familiar with their target market, and which fit with the ads meaning. Note that under conditions of high cognitive involvement, music is seldom used, and when used, seldom effective.How, When, Why Music Works In Imagery Production A number of studies find that music is considered as a valid facilitator of mental images. Music also has been used as a stimulus to evoke images in educational and therapeutic settings. Music used concurrently with words and sounds was found to increase image production. Farnsworth (1976) make knowns that music evo kes very little universally similar mental imaging beyond what appears in all cultures, such as the use of soft melodies for mothers lullabies.He also states that in western culture most people of the same subculture have similar imagery stimulated when presented with a descriptive narrative with specific imagery using concrete words. These words used to accompany music make for powerful, learned associations, so that when we hear the Star Spangled Banner, we hear the words that go with it and we all tend to have similar visual imagery. Since the same music may not evoke equivalent imagery among listeners, there is uncertainty regarding whether or not high and low imagery music can be 1) agreed upon, and 2) distinguished by the type of music represented.Although the designative meaning of music is made up of individual images, thoughts, and memories associated with a particular musical piece (Meyer, 1956), and is therefore frequently individualistic, musicians have often written p rogrammatic music with titles which encourage similar imagery. For example, Mussorgsky used pizzicato strings to represent what he tagged chicken clucking in his Pictures at an Exhibition. Advertisers of course supply labels with verbal statements about the product (emphasized by music) and/or lyrics of jingles.It appears that prior learning and verbal associations, when mated repeatedly with certain pieces of music, are likely to evoke more nearly uniform mental imagery among listeners. In a marketing and advertising context, imagery impacts consumers intimacy in many important ways. Imagery systems contribute to a definition of product imagery and affect how a brand communicates with the consumer. Imagery is a process through which sensory information is stored in work memory.Since memory imagery involves sensory and concrete representations of ideas, feelings, and memories, it can allow a visual reconstruction of an instance in ones mind which has been experienced before and stored in memory. Among the variables that can produce imagery-in an advertisement are words, imagery instructions, and music. Stewart, Farmer, and Stannard (forthcoming) note that in those situations where image advertising uses music, the use of a musical cue provides the opportunity to excerpt images, beliefs, and associations.Their forthcoming studys results indicate that music with lyrics is statistically significant in eliciting more image types of responses referring to people, actions, or setting than verbal cues. Findings in this study suggest that the musical cue is a more sensitive verse of memory than verbal product and brand cues. some other example where imagery plays a part in the degree of fit between the music and the meaning of the advertisement is in the romantic, nostalgic song Ill Be Seeing You. Used as background for a FTD florist ad, this song may prove effective. However, if paired with the packing up of a seasonal, everyday item like a portable fan, the effect will be somewhat comical. The organization of musical elements remain the same in the song, but the context surrounding the music has changed from a romantic, nostalgic setting (a good fit in terms of imagery) to a more mundane one. Therefore imagery of the product and the ad can be affected by the f t between musical meaning and the meaning of the ad. Music Also Affects Important inclination States.When a person enters in a restaurant, supermarket, or malls for shopping, Customers when enter in shopping malls, restaurant, or supermarkets their walking rate is fast and no product catch their eye they follow their mind set. They usually do not have in good mood due to huge traffic and unpleasant noise. Music not only slow down their pace but make their mood positive which ultimately increase the sales. Music not only enhances recall for a product or an ad through an elicited image, but it may evoke a mood, feelings, emotions, and behaviors.Consumer behavior theorists have c onceptualized how consumers attitudes, affective states, and behaviors have been impacted by moods under central and peripheral processing, as well as affect -and behavior conditioning. Variables Affecting Mood Moods can be affected by many different variables. Gardner (1985) discusses studies of independent variables found to induce mood states, such as weather and temperature variation, positive test feedback, finding a dime in a phone booth, winning a computer game, receiving a free gift, getting cookies, and receiving good news and rubber news.Participation in activities such as smiling or frowning, reading stories, and recalling or imagining emotional experiences may also induce mood changes. In view of the fact that music is a common element in commercials, and one which has a long history of mood inducement in a variety of contexts, the future(a) section will focus on how music has been used as an independent variable to affect moods, as well as other dependent variables of interest to marketers. For brevity, this section will highlight key studies.Details on these and other studies are in Alpert and Alpert (1990) and Bruner (forthcoming). Gorn (1982) suggests that peripheral influences such as background music used in commercials may become associated with the advertised product (in memory, even if not consciously), and influence product quality through classical conditioning. Mere exposure did not lead to liking, which apparently depended on whether the target product, a pen, was presented with liked vs. disliked music.The second experiment by Gorn (1982) provided support for his hypothesis that when subjects were not in a decision-making mode the commercials impact appeared to be more influential in its appeal when presented with musical background as opposed to product information. He concluded that through classical conditioning, the product becomes associated with the positive feelings of liked music. ? mercantile Business Uses of Music in Adv ertising Business uses of music in advertising date back to the earliest days of broadcast media.In the 1920s and 1930s, marketers like Procter and Gamble pioneered the concept of linking brand names to distinctive musical and dramatic themes. The approach was used not only in radio ads, but also in programming that the companies developed and controlled. It was later adapted to television commercials and to the enormously popular soap operas of the 1950s. straightway music is used in advertising in key formats as a useful mechanism to sell products. Radio Two characteristics of radio give music a particularly important role.First, the medium is entirely dependent on engaging, creative audio. Second, because most listeners tune into the radio while driving or performing other activities, music helps to focus the consumers attention on the product. Jingles, which are original tunes composed specifically to support a certain brand, are widespread in radio advertising. They are effec tive in enhancing recall of the brand name and key selling points. Television and Multimedia Producers of television commercials and other forms of multimedia system advertising frequently purchase licensing rights to popular music.They also hire composers and lyricists to create original music. In these media, it is important for music to complement, not compete with, the visual elements of an ad. However, songs and background tunes can be more memorable than pictures and words in establishing a mood or bringing a brand image to life. Branded Entertainment or Product Placement Rapidly growing in popularity, this is the newest way of integrating music with a business strategy. An original entertainment product, like a music video, is created by marketers to showcase their brand.The idea is to pretend consumers sense of connection to a brand by engaging them with music. Coke Studio a enormous Success for Coke Music is helping Coke against its competitor Pepsi in the cola war in Pa kistan. By sponsoring Coke Studio, Coke has gained major market share at Pepsis expense, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal. Coke now claims 35% of market share in Pakistan Pepsis market share is now down to 65% from a high of 80% in 1990s which was achieved in the first place through sponsorship of cricket in Pakistan.Coke Studio, sponsored by Coca Cola Pakistan, is a one-hour show that features musicians playing a distinct blend of fusion music that mixes traditional and modern styles. Helped by the media boom in Pakistan, the show has had dramatic success since it was launched three years ago. Effects of Music on Shoppers and Restaurant Patrons According to a research people who heard music while shopping or eating at a restaurant or mall is influenced by the music and it affects what they buy and what they spend.Loudness, pace, rhythm of music effects on how long consumer spends their time in malls and restaurants, how much they purchase and how they view brands o r products positively or negatively. Another research shows that departmental stores which play, top 20 music on the music chart, shoppers over 25 of those departmental stores believe that they have spent more time there and purchased more. On the other hand, departmental stores which play soft instrumental music, shoppers under 25 believe that they have spent more time shopping than they have.Therefore, these findings indicate that less preferred or unfamiliar music slows down the perceived time of the shoppers. (Yalch & Spangenberg, 1990). REFERENCES http//www. queenslandnewsagents. com. au/assets/images/MusicConsumerBehaviour. pdf www. musiccog. ohio-state. edu http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Songs_in_advertising http//www. acrwebsite. org/search/view-conference-proceedings. aspx? Id=7166 suit101. com southasiainvestor. com riazhaq. com pakistanlink. org