Monday, May 13, 2019

The Chinese Occupation during 2 decades Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Chinese Occupation during 2 decades - Essay ExampleHowever, the change was faced with great subway system from the colonial powers of the central peoples political relation. The central peoples government deployed police officers who arrested, anguish and detained many of the Tibetan people who were thought to be the precedent back the revolt. Moreover, the extremities of the Chinese oppression on the Tibetans heightened with the police opening live fire and killing scores of protesting Tibetans. This study therefore intends to carry out an analysis of the Chinese occupation amidst the Tibetans in India inwardly the two decades in mid 20th century. Great interest will focus on the mistreatment leveled against the Tibetans and which saw many arrested, detained and tortured mend many other(a)s were killed. Discussion Immediately after the independent republic of China got internal governance, it embarked on a hasty mission to claim backs other territories, which belonged to her among which Tibet was. Chinese Peoples liberation soldiers was then tasked with the task to propel the newly formed state in the missions to liberate other territories. However, the sovereignty of such a country as Tibet was not taken with the dignity it deserved and as such was one of the targets to be claimed by the Chinese army. Tibetan sovereignty had tumesce been understood due to the reason that the country had never been taken captive by any political administration of a exotic country1. However, with initial peaceful approaches by the Chinese government to take over Tibet, the motive later rancid out fatal with resistance from the Tibetan people who resisted the captivity. The reaction is what best describes the bloodshed and the mass deaths witnessed by the Tibetans. China was successful in taking over Tibet though they subjected the native Tibetans to untold sufferings and deprived them of the piece rights as prescribed within the international human rights p rovisions by the UN. The 1950 invasion of the Tibet by an estimated thirty thousand Chinese phalanx marked the start of a painful ordeal to the people of Tibet. Their government of Tibet was toppled over and the Chinese took over control under the leadership of Dalai Lama since when many other troops of Chinese origin were deployed into the region. The onset of 1951 saw the Tibetan and Beijing counterparts sign into treaties, which pointed to national regional self-direction. Among other fundamentals in the agreements were that the central authority would observe the sovereignty of the governance structures governing Tibet as well as the already established status quo. Freedom of religion as well as the autonomy of the education system of the native Tibetans was to be safeguarded and developed2. However, the Tibetan revolt set in 1954 as resistance towards the failure of the Chinese government to honor the written agreement persisted. The Chinese started imposing collectivism to t he Tibetans while at the same time destroying the Tibetan monasteries. As a result, the voluntary defense army of the Tibetan was born which facilitated and coordinated the rebellion against the central peoples government. 1959 and 1961 mark a milestone within the history of the Tibetans as it was the period in which the Chinese destroyed many the monasteries of the Tibetan people. Moreover, a awful famine swept across the Chinese territories killing thousands of the Chinese and many other Tibetans as well. later on a mass revolt erupted in Lhasa because of bleach to the 1951 agreement by the

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