Thursday, May 30, 2019

Comparison between William Blake and Seamus Heaney Essay -- Writers Wi

Comparison between William Blake and Seamus HeaneyIn this essay I will compare two internationally recognised poets,William Blake and Seamus Heaney. I will discuss their similarities anddifferences non in only just their writing, but also their everydaylives.William Blake was born in 1757 in London, where he lived practicallyall his life apart from three years at the beginning of the 19thcentury, where he lived in Felpham, near Bognor Regis in Sussex. Hehad no early education, but became student, studying art, at the Royalacademy school in the early 1770s. He was, after this, apprenticed bya storied engraver, James Basire. Blake achieved some success with hisengravings, but his true talent was held within his poetry, for whichhe is more than famously known for today, along with his artistic work,particularly his great(p) visionary water-colours illustrating the bookof Job, and his 102 illustrations of Dante and his colour-printeddrawings of biblical subjects. William grew up and lived in areligious background, which was heavily opposed to anythingreligiously forced, such as church, for example if one did not go tochurch they were not deemed to be religious at all, but Blake thoughtthat religion was a path to freedom and peace. There is plenty of picture showing that Blake thought this, although we shall read intomore detail later on.Seamus Heaney is still alive today. Born on the 13th of April 1939,Seamus was the eldest of nine children, one of whom died in a roadaccident. Seamus lived all of his young life on a farm, although hedid not wish to be a farmer himself. He went to simple school inAnahorish. Here on he won scholarship to St Colombs College inLondonderry. From here he ... ...ea forced method of religion and thus he saw it as a time wastingand pointless experience. Blake also references to the French andAmerican revolutions in the following line withAnd the hapless soldiers suspirationRuns in blood down palace wallsPerhaps showing that soldiers and innocent people were killed and thepeople in power did nothing at all just about it.Overall, I can conclude that William Blake and Seamus Heaney are bothdifferent and similar. Both poets have some sort of sadness ordepression in their poems, heretofore they are expressed in different ways.Two noticeable differences are that Heaneys poems are generally muchlonger than Blakes, and rhyme far less. Heaneys poetry is more storytelling like than Blakes, with Blake using much more rhyming way ofmaking poetry, and he also describes his thoughts much more thanHeaney does.

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